Sunday 26 July 2009

Ways for men to keep their woman happy!

When in a comfortable relationship us women can tend to as men would see it "nag" about little things (to men at least) so here are some things that men need to look at it in different light so as not to feel that they are being treated like children. Obviously i cannot speak for all women just most!

  • When we complain that you haven't changed your underwear in such a long time while you may have it inside out and think you have a few more days wear but frankly its disgusting and we have a wash load waiting to go on so it wouldn't hurt you to just put fresh ones on and the same goes for socks you rot your feet after wearing socks for two long and that doesn't do much for a woman's libido!

  • When you get in from work yes you are tired but we are as well whether we work or stay at home keeping the house nice and/or look after the child/children we are tired too we work just as hard as you so it wouldn't be too much of a chore for you to make a nice gesture once in a while and help out with the washing up or do little bits of cleaning here and there trust me this goes down very well with women and when we feel you have done something nice for us we will do something "very nice" for you!

  • Take us to a nice restaurant if you can't be bothered to wash up or take over cooking its a good way for us both to have the night off relaxing and we will still get a good meal instead of a nasty take away.

  • Women love to flirt so keep things interesting by placing your hand on her leg, sweeping her hair out of her face, stroking her skin, sit her on your lap. hold her hand, compliment "her" on how she looks this keeps a relationship alive.

  • Never let the fun die, play fight and tickle her, have a sexy wrestle just play like you did at the start of your relationship.

  • Tell her she's sexy this doesn't mean all the time but be attentive and let her know she is sexy whether you say it with words or with body language you can express it in a fun way. If a woman feels sexy she will show just how sexy she can be!

  • When a woman does something nice for you however little or big a gesture it is say thank you we really love hearing how much you appreciate what we have done for you it makes us feel needed and make a valid contribution to the household.

  • When we are doing the dishes, cuddle us from behind whisper sweet nothings in our ears breath on or kiss our necks this kind of attention can lead to abit of over the sink fun!

  • Give her what she wants in bed don't just focus on you because when a woman enjoys herself in bed i can guarantee you will as well we really enjoy having our pleasure put first when a man pleases us we go all the way to please him!

  • Listen to us, when we tell you how a certain thing is done (especially when its something we do as part of our weekly if not daily routine) we know what we are talking about and it wouldn't hurt you to do it our way my example of this is when a woman tells you to separate the washing and what groups to put them into "do it" as if you accidentally get it wrong and dye something of hers she will go spare! Men do seem to at times have issues with doing things "our" way but we usually know what we are talking about and you will save yourself a lot of hassle!

  • Surprise us with a nice gesture run a hot bath for us so we can unwind, cook a lovely meal and let us put our feet up once in a while or buy us something simple like our favourite meal or pudding maybe even rent a DVD we will enjoy just something simple as a treat we appreciate things like this it makes us feel that you really know what we like and are in tune with our needs and when we feel appreciated we make you appreciate us even more by doing something very nice for you!

I am not suggesting that you always bend over backwards, but it is nice to once in a while give her a little treat it keeps us happy.

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