Monday 20 July 2009

The vegetarian blog!

Hi everyone i have recently decided to try something new, a vegetarian lifestyle i mad this choice after a long discussion on the topic of food after hearing that meat "lowers" your bodies "vibrational levels" and that we were meant to eat vegetables not meat but were coaxed into eating meat for the fact that it "lowers" your awareness i thought i would further look into the matter as i found it to be an interesting theory!

If it is true it explains a lot really as many people cannot get in touch with their "spiritual side" and remain very closed to new possibilities and ideas and in wanting to keep an open mind i have turned vegetarian, i am unsure as of yet whether this will be a permanent thing as that depends on how well i cope as i was raised a meat eater.

The new diet am taking on allows me to get the vital "variety" of foods i was missing out on as a meat eater i found that i didn't play about with new types of food and was often stuck in a rut but this is the perfect way for me to get all the vitamins my body needs and have a healthy balanced diet, and in wanting to keep it interesting and making sure that i get plenty of protein i will be trying loads of foods that i never would have been willing to try before for the sake of comfortable routine!

I will write regularly about my experience keeping you up to date on how i feel and if i manage or if i fall off the wagon. I hope you enjoy this topic and that it inspires you to try new things as well.

If anyone wants any ideas on what foods to try leave a comment and i will post some of the things i am trying, also any suggestions from vegetarians are more than welcome.

Thank you!

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