Friday 17 July 2009

harmful chemicals and influances.

There are so many different types of chemicals that are damaging to our health all put in to our food, water, air and vaccinations but why is it OK that they poison us with such harmful substances?

Many people don't even know how harmful these substances are, some of these harmful chemicals in food are: Aspartame and sorbitol (artificial sweeteners) which causes brain damage and migraines and MSG (mono sodium glutamate) which causes excessive weight gain and is very damaging to your insides. They are also highly addictive.

In the water fluoride (also found in most toothpastes) it is said to be good for dental health but (the low grade they use) it causes prostate cancer, brain damage (again) and dental fluorosis (tooth mottling) it actually does more damage to teeth than it does good!

Next vaccines which are full of mercury (causes cancer) and toxic substances with nasty side effects and each full of cancer viruses hmm is that the reason cancer is now so common? Also causes brain damage and since the wide spread use of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) autism has become more common as well there are now more than half a million people suffering with autism in Britain and a wide ranging 2006 study discovered that 1 in 86 schoolchildren had autistic symptoms. This was more than 25 times the level determined in the mid 1990s. In 2007 a BBC survey found that 38% of ASBO kids were/ or had autistic and/or had brain disorders like ADHD.

So what caused this sudden wide spread of brain damage? Vaccinations are to blame since the introduction of vaccinations people have had attention disorders and speech impediments also not forgetting many other learning difficulties such as dyslexia.

The last type of poison i wish to mention would be chem trails, the sky is regularly spayed with chemicals leaving behind a trail that takes far longer to disperse than a contrail (condensation trail) which can from 3o seconds to 2 minutes to disperse whereas chem trails take hours after spreading out and filling the atmosphere to disperse, JP8 jet fuel is laced with Ethylene Di bromide (EDB), a chemical pesticide banned by the EPA as a definite carcinogen and chemical toxin. In addition, chem trails contain Aluminum (a metal associated with Alzheimer's Disease) and Barium (a radioactive substance).

I recently found an interesting article that showed me just how effective mind control through TV is it shows how they use a children's DVD called "over the hedge" to get people used to the idea of chem trails by showing them in the sky and whether or not you see it and it registers on a subconscious level it will register on some level in the brain perhaps the part that sorts through what messages to the brain we receive. It is very interesting as you will see it shows just how effective TV mind control can really be. TV is often used as a way to help us accept something as normal when it is not. The link is:

Another thing about messages to the brain is what we see in adverts you can have a simple thing that seems to have no meaning like "oxy on the spot" this has a very clear referral to sex on the box where the X is you can see an obvious woman's figure pushed up against a mans figure to make an X shape while it may seem unimportant that symbol sends messages to the brain that we receive on an unconscious level but it shapes the way we think and react. Many labels have references to thinks such as sex because the mind is easily influenced by symbols. This could perhaps be the reason that sex is everywhere it is seen as OK to sleep around and sex is sold or used to sell things which is degrading women but also men are turned into sex obsessed slaves of the economy.

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