Friday 24 July 2009

Time to relax.

At times couples have the very common problem of irritability due to stress from a busy lifestyle, when you first finish work after a particularly trying day you can be a tad grumpy and not want to speak much when you get home wanting instead to sit with a cuppa in silence, soak in the tub for a bit or in unwind in any way that suits you really

Sometimes this gives the impression that you don't want to be around your partner or that they have in some way offended you, which can cause even more tension.

Its the same sometimes for full time mums who have had a difficult day we just want a break from the stress so we can calm down and then enjoy the rest of the evening, this means swapping shifts for mummy's and daddy's but usually the children are so glad to see their daddy that they just want cuddles and games so they are less hassle by this time although to some men this can seem like too much work what you need to remember is that mummy has dealt with all the naughtiness during the day without a break and now you get to have fun and games with your children while mummy relaxes for a bit.

We all need time to "calm" ourselves down after a trying day so that we can cope so take it in turns to take a time out.

It isn't ignorance to not be able top speak at first in the evening especially if your job takes on the role of conversation greatly during the day which tires you using up pretty much all of your words for the day. You just need to recharge and make it known that you need that time to rest up.

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