At times we all go through stages where we are "not getting any" in our relationships it be through tiredness or stress or just low libido.
A few things can really help with this although you can't expect to get any if the other person is wiped out from a hard day, but maybe they won't mind helping you along with your frustration by offering you a hand or something along those lines its less effort for us when we are tired to give you a bit of simple pleasure.
When its low libido you have to try and find out why, it could be down to depression or low self esteem there are other reasons but these are the main ones. When we feel low about ourselves a compliment can really help with this or just feeling wanted by our partner can make us feel sexy again and when a man or woman feels sexy they will be prepared to show you just how sexy they really are.
If it because things need spicing up you can always talk about what excites you both and bring in new ideas to play about with you can look up things together and find new ways to pleasure each other like maybe bring new toys in to it like cock rings and vibrators or handcuffs, you could even find sexy outfits to dress up in like uniforms from sex shops online is always cheaper if your strapped for cash, you could both dress up which would set the right mood and make you both feel sexy plus doing something new brings back the excitement making it far more pleasurable for both of you, we all know that routine can get a bit tiresome and we long to keep it new and fun.
When looking for something to entice your partner you can either surprise them by looking something up yourself or you can look together either way is fine because who doesn't love a surprise? and if looking together you will find things that interest you both.
Finding what the problem is though is always the best bet before you jump in and buy new toys because that may come across as selfish if you don't talk to your partner about the situation.
If tiredness is the problem then you need to look at your busy life and although this sounds unromantic and odd plan when you have free time together so that you can cuddle don't plan sex just plan time together so that you can make that connection again you never know what will come from it i mean after spending time cuddling who knows what will come up.
If it is stress then it needs talking about so that you can find the cause and try and solve the problem together.
In addition these tricks can help you get the mood set for love.
A bath together, bubbles and candles.
A sexy massage, i recommend you get some sensual smelling massage oil for this as it will not only relax but being touched gently will turn your partner on.
Dress up for them in something they will love.
Go out for a romantic evening, just the two of you a nice meal some wine and then have a little walk after this being outdoors can lead to naughty outdoor fun bringing excitement back.
Cook for them, get a nice DVD or put some music on and snuggle up this kind of attention is always nice.
Also you can get Bach flower remedies that can help with stress and tiredness that after a couple of weeks really help with whatever the problem is they these at boots stores and online.
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