Thursday 16 July 2009

On women

OK so i have covered a very brief view on men now time for a brief view on women before i jump right into relationships.

Women like to talk its what we do we very rarely keep anything to ourselves as we find it helps us to talk so men if you don't understand all the talking we do about private matters this is why we need to share things as it helps to get it off our chest whatever it is and yes sometimes it is irrelevant information.

We like to know that our man is there for us when we need him not just when he needs us much the reason some men get grilled for being away so often, we do like plenty of attention which can be a little much at times because it is often unknown to a man what kind of attention we want from then.

Women hate uncleanliness and yes we whinge about it and though we shouldn't complain or try to change you do you really think it is OK to blow your nose on your socks then wear them? or leave dirty laundry lying around? Women do try hard to keep the house clean so when something makes that job abit harder we hit the roof and go OTT with our rant about the matter its just a woman's thing to over react at times when we feel we have no say because we never get listened to.

The classic misunderstanding of both sexes, often comes from little or no communication which is something relationships often need to work towards as it is never easy to "talk" about things that matter. However it is worth it then misunderstandings will be less it will help get the things that really bother you out in the open rather bottled up and ready to explode at any moment and those explosions are never easy to cope with.

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