Friday 24 July 2009

Political correctness and shabby education!

These days we seem to be losing our original language and gaining a more political/ Americanised version not to mention the dumbed down version that is so commonly known and used.

In controlling how we speak they control how we think without us even realising it, it forces in to a certain frame of mind for example: If a white person objects to a certain kind of "wrong" behaviour towards them by an Asian or black the Asian or black screams racist and we are forced to retract our beliefs in order to not be seen as racist one such incidence occurred to me a while ago (i am mentioning this instead of a recent one as this is the worst one to have happened recently to me) I was walking home from meeting my husband after work and we were almost there, an Asian guy was walking towards us my husband was pushing the pram the Asian guy grabbed me on the bottom i pushed him off and swore at him (as he had just indecently assaulted me) and told him where to go he said i was racist despite the fact that i made no racist remark towards him and would have reacted the same whether it was a white, black, or Asian male or female person grabbing me without permission.

Another example is in a club i know of a white lass was dancing when an Asian guy grabbed her and started air humping her she told him to f*** off and he shouted racist but what he did was racist.

These kind of cases force us to not point out when a person from a different race does something out of order and because of this whites get so much stick for doing nothing wrong if a black of Asian rapes a white woman and she yells for them to get off and calls them by a racist slur she will be done for it not the actual criminal.

Political correctness has caused so many restrictions on our English language leaving us with little left. We now cannot use the term "gay" in its original sense or "queer" as it would be offensive to homosexuals gay just means happy and queer just means odd so why should we lose such perfectly fine words to suit those who have a problem when we have used these words for such a long time?

We have changed nursery rhymes or stopped the use of certain ones because they cause offense like "baa baa black sheep" there are black sheep so how is this offensive? In most cases it is politically correct whites that take these things too far, obviously you do get other races behaving in the same way as well though.

Now i want to point out the problem with Americanised English all this
"hey" as a greeting and words cut down both in the way they are said and the way they are written such as "wat" "hav" or "av" "r" "u" these lead to stupidity as well with people unable to spell because they get used to shortening things to fit into a text or for convenience when trying to be quick at writing or typing these days it is considered "cool" (another word that is used wrong) to be illiterate.

American English is so very different from English they say the words wrong and often miss out the letter "t" at the end of their words which makes it sound like they have either said "d" instead or just mispronounced the word. What is wrong with enunciating? In today's society most people miss out letters in their words, this is destroying our language turning the generations even more moronic than the last, look at children today we live in a world of "chavs" who are inane, destructive and dangerous.

The education system is laughable what exactly does it teach? when children leave school they still have no education and can't get a decent job, most leave solecistic, with no goals, futile and go in to the world bewildered ending up in either a dead end job (to try and pay there way either because they can't get a better job because of sluggishness or need to pay for college to get qualifications for a more promising career) or they end up on benefits getting everything for free making no contribution towards anything and popping out kids in to such an uncertain and clearly destructive, bad example of life also tending to be split families or illegitimate children.

We seem to be losing so many words not just through political correctness, but also because the generations are nonsensical and inarticulate more so as time goes by starting with children's TV silly programmes like "teletubies" and "in the night garden" that teach feeble mindedness and cause speech impediments (if you look at how much the statistics for speech problems in children have risen since such silly programmes you will understand the damage children's TV does) although children should have fun they should also learn but today's lifestyle dictates that learning is not fun and they have been separated so that learning can be labelled as "not fun" leading to children rebelling against education until much later in life occasionally when it is too late or often wishing they had bothered to learn but still do nothing.

It used to be seen as a bad thing to be ill educated but today it is seen as a bad thing to be intelligent.

Schools not only teach nothing but direct towards parents not doing there job by teaching their own children it is our job as parents to teach our children and interact with them it starts them off in life, a child that has received adequate communicative attention will be more responsive they take in everything around them and learn quickly by watching what we do and copying or testing things to find out how they work, they tend to be brighter with good interaction from birth, it is never too early to start newborns get used to the sound of our voice it soothes them.

Children are always taking things in its like a sponge ready to soak up everything which is why they should be taught by their parents from the start, parents have a better chance of passing on knowledge to their own children than strangers do.

Children should be taught the greatest lessons they will ever learn from their parents you can't learn common decency if you are surrounded by inconsiderate swines the values of life can only be taught by parents.

Big changes need to be made if we are to save our children from the fate of the states educations system allowing the government to get your children from a very young age and disrupt them, education should actually be worthwhile, upbringings should be decent and our language should be saved and taught properly!

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