Wednesday 29 July 2009

Films that dull the senses!

Horror films are very gory these days leaving nothing to the imagination, unlike past scary films that hinted at horror but let you think out the details for yourself, this special effects filled nonsense is actually seen as scary as our standards lower to that level.

These films also spell out everything at the end so that we don't have to do any thinking at all to work out what it means, this leaves us not needing to use any part of our brain as we sit mindlessly in front of the TV screen. The more you watch modern films the less you use your brain, the same goes for TV, whatever we see influences us on another level but we do not need to use thought in order to sit staring at a television.

In old films, there is always so much going on so often when you watch it again at a later date you see something that you didn't before but with modern films you see it once and that's it there's nothing new to it the next time you see it.

In the hammer house of horror films they leave so much to the imagination and are scary not just gory and creepy like modern horror films are.

So many things these days are designed to stop use of the brain, perhaps this is why so many people don't see what is happening and can't understand the truth because their brains are now to feeble to handle the kind of information that comes from conspiracy theories.

Today's scary movies also lower our tolerance for real horror making us more susceptible to fear in real life as well thus allowing the government to control us through fear using scare tactics such as terrorist bombings that were an inside government job. They lower our tolerance for fear but raise our tolerance for gore so that when we see something truly shocking we won't notice that it really is all that shocking.

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