Thursday 16 July 2009

Me on men.

We do all get confused in relationships from time to time as the opposite sex can often seem well a little odd, women talk about pretty much everything with there female friends its how we deal with things where as men tend to keep things to themselves which as we know is never healthy.

Most men are these days afraid of commitment and if a woman starts to get ''comfortable'' will run a mile. I once read an article on this saying it was the womans fault because she was too clingy or too available its always some lame excuse on the mans part which of course this article was written by man for men so it makes sense to blame shift but it is a mixture of things that stop a relationship from blooming.

One thing is a guy wants a woman to guess how it is meant to be for him- well what about telling us things that help us know you better it does make life alot easier and also why should it be all about the man it should be about what is good for both partners and expecting the other to guess your needs is never good.

At times men can be like closed books, to get them to open and let us a little is somewhat impossible, i would never expect to know everything as i myself like to keep my world as my own we all need something that is just ours but vital things like interests and what you like in a woman is information that tends to help start a beautiful love affair with a new partner.

I do in some ways agree women can be a tad on the clingy side but we are only like that at first because we feel an amazing connection and we want to feel this buzz once we get comfortable we like our space just as much as any guy but by this time the guy is not ok with us having so much space what is this all about?

Neither sex should be fitted into a catagory thats labelled as everyone is an individual and wants different things from life, love and sex but as a sex we will have some similarities in thought.

If you have anything at all to add to this like an experiance in a relationship that would be more than welcome as i can only write about my personel experiances in love. Whether you are male or female you are welcome to add you thoughts. Thank you!

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