Monday 20 July 2009

Make time for "love"

Make time for one another, when you have a busy lifestyle it is so easy to neglect each other. It is important to try and spend time together, whether just talking and cuddling or doing something special you both need time to unwind together otherwise you can end up feeling left.

Children often make fun between lovers less possible as you can't really have a romantic time together when there is a terrible two year old running round and likewise for all ages of children because they take up so much time and wear you out, often you end up missing out on making love or just having "time together" for just the "two of you". It is important to try and make time when the child/children are not around for the two of you to be close.

If you don't get that time you often end up drifting apart or feeling lonely and drained by the fact that your child consumes so much of your time and energy.

Make plans to have a meal or go for a drink maybe even just a walk get someone to baby sit so that the two of you can talk and get to know each other again, and have that "time" for "love".

It doesn't really matter what you decide to do so long as you get to connect with your partner and keep the relationship "alive".

Occasionally you won't be able to get a baby sitter when you want but if you get out of the house for a bit and do something fun then you are still getting that time with each other to have fun and children are often easier to handle when they can run off there energy somewhere fun.

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