Wednesday 22 July 2009

Jehovah's witness a religion of ignorance?

If someone coming from a Jehovah's witness upbringing leaves it because they discover it is a silly religion or are forced to leave for breaking the very strict rules they are shunned by all of the remaining Jehovah's witnesses.
This religion contradicts itself so many times that only fools and those with disabled family members would believe such a fallacy.

This religion claims it preaches forgiveness yet when one of their own no longer believes or makes a mistake (as humans we do naturally make errors in judgement) they are not only greatly looked down upon but also are ignored as the rest of the Jehovah's witnesses are not allowed to converse with them anymore.

They are unable to "make merry" at holiday times including the following: Christmas, Easter, birthdays (even their own) and mothers/ fathers day any holidays like valentines day as well that promote pride, personally i don't celebrate Easter, valentines day or mothers/ fathers day as they were created to sell chocolate and cards but i see nothing wrong with Christmas provided it is a religious celebration and not an "endowment fest". Birthdays also are a great celebration because to me the day my daughter was born was the happiest of my life and i do wish to make that known by giving her cake and a party with her friends this to me is reasonable since it is something to signalize how lucky i am to have such a wonderful daughter.

JW don't celebrate birthdays because it states in their religion that john the Baptists head was requested as a birthday present on a platter by Herod's stepdaughter, Salome.

So just because someone is said to have asked for such an appalling present everyone is to suffer?

I agree with Jehovah's witnesses on one topic and that is blood transfusions which i am greatly against for the fact that putting two different blood types whether the same technical type (but always different to each person) can create a disease as the blood will fight against another type creating nothing but health problems for the patient, i do believe in a more long term logical approach to this botheration which would be an iron packed diet it offers more long term health benefits and does not create a disease in your system.

Jehovah's witnesses indiscriminately believe that their religion is "the truth" and refer to it as such with no evidence to back such preposterous claims up.

They make door to door calls in order to convert people to their religion which in my view waking people up on a Sunday, or disturbing them on weekdays just as they are getting in from work is plain intrusive.

They do not regard heaven as truthful in their religion it states that they will live forever in paradise amongst animals that once would have eaten them (all of a sudden they won't) the crippled will be healed, old will be young and those with mental disabilities that don't allow them to communicate will be like everybody else. Call me cynical but doesn't this religion having been around all of 100 years or so seem to be focusing on human weaknesses by portraying something that would be a wish of those with family members who have suffered from disease or affliction of any kind (i include in this autism and disabilities of any kind considering them to be a dreadful condition) in this i postulate this religion is shamelessly prying on the weak minded people who are unfortunately faithful of a truly nonsensical religion, sold to them by a truly disingenuous monstrosity.

This religion is a fabrication, one that takes our weaknesses and uses them to sell a product the product of religion.

Like in many forms of mass control JW's never question what is written down in their "watch tower" as it goes against the rules forgive me for bringing this religious view up but does it not also state in religion (there's as well) that god gave us free will? Which clearly defined means the will to do as we please and think for ourselves doesn't that cover questioning things as it always good to gain greater knowledge of any subject.

Religion is one of the oldest forms of control and has been one of the most effective using fear and promises to keep people in line (much like what the government are doing today).

Religion falls under the guise of preaching peace when mostly it teaches hate and unforgiving of mistakes we as humans make, this is not peaceful and religion is supposedly also about forgiveness no matter the crime because whether you are to ever get along with that person or not you are to forgive them and not preach hate towards them or judge them that is gods job well if so why do they contradict themselves so often then?

Have you noticed how it states in the Jehovah's bible that we are not to worship god in any temple? Well doesn't the kingdom hall fall under that category? The name is pretty pretentious as well.

Also JW's go knocking on doors or to their temple of worship wearing only smart clothes never casual why should god care how you are dressed? And what if you are poor and cannot afford fancy clothes will he and the congregation look down on you? (being as it is a very judgemental religion)

In writing this i am not stating that i have no faith, i do believe there is an intelligent design but i do not believe religion of any kind as they were created to control gullible people.


  1. Joseph Smith - founder of the Jolly W@nkers - was a child molester who made a living conning people with his bogus medical remedies. He discovered he could make even more money by conning the gullible and desperate with promises of a 'Paradise' after death - and thus was born his phoney religion.

    The clincher for his cult was the promise that those who entered Paradise' would be eternally youthful in mind and body. This appealed to the sick, ugly, retarded, cripled and their relatives. The religion promised also to cast all non-Joevoes into Hell where they would be damned forever to eternal torment! How Paradise could be worth going to when all your friends and relatives were suffering was not explained!

    The JWs are a sick mindless cult. Their leader is buried under an Illuminati pyramid, having become very rich conning the vulnerable and desperate. So much for it being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into Heaven!

    The JW cult is twisted and evil. Lets hope there is a hell. Joseph Smith is sure to be ther - and lets hope the tortures are even worse than the fantasies of the sick child molester. May he rot, and may his followers wake up and escape the brain washing sh!te!

  2. Thank you for your comment, while it was an interesting read joseph smith was the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, also known as Mormonism.

    Charles taze russell was the founder of the jehovah's witness religion. I have a link here with more information on him if you would like to research it further:

    Thanks again for the post.
