Friday 17 July 2009

druggies, dealers and the law that protects them!

When the workers at a drugs service have to go into a home that a few heroin addicts were recently evicted from and clear it abit making it safe for the police you start to think well hang shouldn't that be the police mans job? They are supposed to protect us, the two men that were put forward to this task were neither qualified nor equipped to deal with such a situation so why were they made to do it? My thoughts on this would be that "we" don't matter and as people low down the chain we get all the dodgy jobs never will you see a chosen one or "Zionist" do such a task because the system is designed to screw over the people.

Heroin addicts in most cases turn to crime to pay for their habit which means mugging, stealing and in some cases injuring the public. In a few known cases these heroin addicts have simply gone too far and been run out of town they are then given emergency housing and moved in to areas with law abiding citizens putting ordinary people like you and me in great danger, but also bringing dealers into the area as well leaving many unsuspecting children to mislead or coaxed in to drug abuse as well and in some unlucky cases people are attacked and/ or have drugs forced on to them.

All this known to the police and government yet the argument stands that it is against the criminals "human rights" and the same goes for when rapists, murderers or paedophiles are moved in to good neighbourhoods why are their human rights recognised when ours are not? surely those who don't break the law or pose any threat to society should have a right to not be afraid of their neighbourhood or be in danger but this clearly isn't the case.

Many people struggle to find homes or pay bills, get benefits, afford food or other needed items such as clothes yet when a heroin addict wants something they automatically get it, such as food parcels, new clothes, bills paid for them, all the things you need in a home and a TV when these people tend to just sell what isn't even theirs in this house at the tax payers expense and trash the place eventually getting evicted. People who really need and deserve help don't get it but people who take take take always get put first.

A big worry about having drug addicts particularly heroin addicts in the area you live in is that they often tend to just dump their used needles in the street where people walk and children play, how many needles have seen just casually dumped in public places or near children's playgrounds?

Most prostitutes are in that position because they were talked in to taking heroin by the dealers and then had sex to pay for it this then leads to them being pimped by the dealers to pay for there addiction and most heroin dealers are pimps. Alot of the prostitutes start in their very early teens if not younger. Yet nothing is done about this, it is a fact that most heroin dealers are Asian so would it be considered racist to arrest an Asian for drug dealing or pimping young girls? Probably.
In my home town the location of the dealers is well known and the time when the drugs arrive is also known as they let off fireworks during the day when it is brought in still nothing is done when this is common knowledge to the police the reason for this is because the Asians outnumber us greatly and would riot but also because this crazy "racism" label has gone so far that we now can not point out if someone of a different race does something wrong as it is "racist" to say anything against them!`
Human rights protect those who break the law not those who need protection from criminals our needs always come last these days but what i have heard people say to this is "well what can you do?" well you can speak out and say this is wrong because sitting on your backside and letting this happen doesn't make a difference and then when things have got so bad that nothing can be done those who sat back and did nothing will be partly to blame!

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