Monday, 20 July 2009

The NWO is watching you!

The government use many tactics to ease us into new forms of control so that we consider them normal, TV is one of them using these ideas in films to make them appear normal, and also there's the slow build up to the main idea! For example micro chips starting off with pets to make us comfortable with the whole things then it came forward as an idea to keep children safe next everyone will be forced to have them so that the government knows where you are and your every move as if they don't already! The idea with children's dinner finger print instead of a dinner card allowing the state to get you used to the idea of them having everyone's finger prints on file why should they? if you have done nothing wrong?

Security checks, under the guise of looking for terrorists (shouldn't they be searching the political leaders then?) in airports and now theme parks it was an outright invasion of privacy searching through my bag (having spent the night at my mums i had some personal items in there you know "women's things")

This all builds up to us accepting it because we want to get into the theme park and we will believe we can do nothing from there we start to accept all the invasions of privacy until we no longer have any and are constantly under surveillance we are not all criminals so why should we be treated as such?

Obviously this is not the reason it is designed to keep us in line so that the NWO can truly take effect the surveillance is just the start, (not that we aren't already) but we soon "all" will be slaves of the system with no say and no freedom just there to serve our Zionist masters!

When we are all micro chipped we will have no hope to ever stop the NWO, but as everyone remains in a constant trance oblivious to what is happening there is already little hope but by putting the message out there i am trying to appeal to the mind controlled masses and help them see what is truly going on.

1 comment:

  1. A truly scary aspect of the entire Zionist drive to NWO is that not only is the surveillance they use becoming ever more sophisticated and intrusive, but more worryingly, through the Communitarian thought control system, known as Political Correctness, they are turning individuals against one another in the manner of a voluntary Thought Police.

    Another weapon is their ceaseless propaganda. Look at the material being produced by Hollywood (see which distorts the image of who 'they' are. Also look at the negative propaganda of the TV - miscegenation as natural (Eastenders/Coronation Street), the illusion that only the beautiful people matter (Pop Idol, X Factor), sport/wealth as God etc.

    Big Brother is watching you for sure. But more worrying is most people are also watching him!
