Thursday 16 July 2009

Alcohol is one of the most addictive drugs and the most available it is well known as a depressant and is a great cause of fighting and addiction (most who become addicted never get off it) why then is it so readily available? because it stops any logical thought it helps keep the mind closed so it is no threat.

The number of alcohol related deaths is always rising according to the office of national statistics in 2005 the number of such deaths stood at 8,386. More than 30,000 deaths every year in Britain are alcohol related. 65% of suicide attempts in Britain are alcohol related. About 70% of all admissions to accident and emergency are alcohol related and about 50% of all vehicle accidents in Britain are alcohol related.With these stunning statistics one would think alcohol proven to be dangerous and the most addictive drug there is it would be banned but no it isn't because it helps to keep the mind closed and the people suppressed.

British women between 18 and 24 drink the equivalent of 270 bottles of wine every year. They are the heaviest female drinkers in Europe! My view on this is that our country is already beyond repair England is a mess it is dangerous over run with foreigners claiming benefits and not contributing to taxes and taking our homes soon there will be no countryside left in England as every bit of land is being built on!

There are more than 4,000 different chemicals in cigarette smoke, including cyanide. It is estimated that each year in the UK over 120,000 people die from tobacco- related diseases, particularly from cancer, respiratory diseases and heart disease. Cigarettes are also highly addictive and dangerous but readily available again why?Between 1993 and 2004, there were 3298 deaths involving the heroin substitute methadone (used to get heroin addicts off of heroin but methadone is even harder to come off).

In 1996, twice as many peopl died from methadone use as died from heroin use in England. As of June 2006, there were 340,000 known heroin and crack cocaine users in England alone. In the part of England i live they know who the dealers are, when it comes in (as they let off fireworks during the day) and where the dealers are but yet nothing gets done why? because the dealers are Asian to start with and they outnumber us greatly so riots would happen against the police but also the opium fields were taken over by the army and are owned by the government so how on earth is it so readily available?

Heroin stops thought as well so it makes people less of a threat they go around stealing and mugging harming innocent people for money to buy more drugs so they do not pose a threat to the government only to 'the people'.

In February 2007, the telegraph featured a study which said that watching too much TV increases the risk of an adult developing Alzheimer's disease.The study also suggested that TV- watching suppress the production of the hormone melatonin. this is linked to cancerous cell mutations and the efficiency of the immune system.

There are now more than half a million people suffering with autism in Britain. There were less than 10,000 known cases in 1950s Britain. in 2004, the BBC reported that levels of autism had increased by ten times in the previous decade.Who created these people? who filled the atmosphere, food and water full of harmful chemicals? They are at war with us people, they really are!

Almost half of those living in fluoridated areas have dental fluorosis (teeth mottling) - a disease caused by excess exposure to fluoride.In a study published in the British dental journal in 2000, researchers concluded that the prevalence of ''aesthetically important'' dental flourosis (tooth mottling) in fluoridated area was six times higher than found in the non fluoridated area. Thus for every 10,000 children born in fluoridated areas, 300 have developed ''aesthetically important'' dental fluorosis and, for every 10,000 children born in non fluoridated areas, 50 are similarly affected.Numerous studies published in prominent dental journals demonstrate that dental professionals have been aware for many years that unattractive teeth can adversely affect the psychological well-being of children and adults.

The Canterbury animal respect network for a green environment website reports thus:''If you contact your water company, they may tell you they are adding a product called silicofluorides to the water. It is a low grade product because it would be too expensive to use a good grade. Silicofluorides are known as hexafluorosilicic acid also contains other toxic substances such as arsenic, beryllium, mercury, lead and many more.. You may get prostate cancer, but your teeth will be perfect. (Apart from tooth mottling)The government plans to add chemical fluoride to more water supplies. Yet most of Europe has discontinued fluoridation because of its health risks. The medical research council found that hip fractures increase in artificially fluoridated areas.

Until recently, fluoride was widely used as a rat poison. The fluoride added in fluoridation schemes is toxic waste from phosphate fertiliser industry and is more poisonous than lead.18 organisations in the USA, such as American nurses association, have withdrawn their endorsement of water fluoridation in the last few years. Holland has banned fluoridation. Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Belgium and Austria have ended fluoridation. France, Italy and Norway rejected it.Fluoride affects the central nervous system and hinders the immune system.Other countries are less affected by the new world order but are slowly catching up with England and America which are the most affected.

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