Tuesday 21 July 2009

The NWO and hidden influences at work!

TV, one of the greatest forms of mind control and so widely used by the people! There are very few who don't watch or even own a TV, and these days it seems that all anyone talks about is "did you see that show" most topics these days include TV.
Sport keeps men addicted to watching a load of blokes running around kicking, hitting or chucking a ball about this addiction keeps men from thinking about anything that matters because to them sport matters so they do not think for themselves, fashion keeps women busy so that they are controlled much like men with sport and thinking about what is truly irrelevent but in their controlled mind an important part of life.
If people are addicted to sport and fashion they are harmless because they their lives in this shell of a reality created by zionists and as long as the masses remain in this false version of reality they keep missing all the signals that something is wrong with the official media's story even simple signs are missed by those under control.
By using mindless activities designed to keep us occupied, we miss what does matter and don't see the psychological chains that keep us in our place.
The TV has become a common part of society completely taking over peoples lives and leaving them (unaware) mindless zombies that are influanced by the hypnotising effects of telly, which tells them how to think making way for the NWO and all it brings with it.
It is also a common reaction that i have noticed when i tell them i don't watch TV "what do you do?" well anything really read, play board games, play on the Internet, watch DVDs (i own a TV but cannot receive a TV signal as we had the back taken out of our telly so that we cannot pick up a telly signal) go for walks, talk, listen to music, go on the Internet, bake things, play with my daughter and read to her or go and see my friends i do many things, yet it is seen as odd that i don't sit and stare mindlessly at a box in the corner of the room that tells the masses how to think.

TV made way for a lot of changes to our perception of life, it is now a common misunderstanding that it is normal for women and men to sleep around because in this new fashion there is nothing wrong with it? what about the spreading of diseases? illegitimate children, broken families, cervical cancer and the fact that we were meant to "love" one person and give ourselves to that person completely.

In today's version of what should be, people think that men have always been sex maniacs that used and abused women this is not true, men used to be faithful and decent, sex was something both men and women waited until marriage for and anyone who didn't was looked down on. The idea that men have always behaved this was created as an excuse for women to begin to behave that way sleeping around and having meaningless sex with many partners, either way that does not excuse women or men sleeping around how does it make it better if women behave the same way? All that comes of such stupidity is more meaningless sex, marriage becomes almost non existent and families consist of a mum and baby claiming benefits with the dad paying the CSA (money which the mum will see from a £100 maybe £30 if she is lucky) and rarely seeing there child.

Benefits keep the workers poor and the lazy layabouts rich, this NWO has kept people alive on benefits giving them everything for free the tax payers however pay for everything (which is what tax is paying for the use of facilities like council tax should cover council facilities bins, libraries etc) and yet workers have to pay more on top of what they pay in taxes to use these facilities. All the taxes paid towards cars should be more than enough to cover parking yet we have to pay parking meters on top of that. Our taxes cover the NHS and yet we have to pay for prescriptions and doley scroungers get them for free.

So many things are making a mess of this country, every bit of countryside being built on and farms ceasing to exist, wouldn't it be better to stop bringing foreigners in (most of which fiddle the system or give nothing but take every benefit going) and pulling down old dilapidated buildings rebuilding them instead of filling in any beautiful countryside we have left? If everyone had their own spot of land we could grow our own fruits and veg of course only what the given climate allows but still people wouldn't be lazy and mass starvation (which we are headed for very quickly) wouldn't be as much of a problem.

The worst effects of telly! It encourages people to idolize "celebrities" most of which have no real talent and are just put there because they have the right look, with all the technology today pop stars can be the worst singers but made to sound good. Actors and actresses receive loads of money for getting their kit off and behaving like porn stars in films that are not worth watching and only sell because of the sex scenes. People are "told" to believe these celebs are beautiful and talented so that is what they see we are told to behave and look like them so everyone goes around doing what they see the celebs doing and copying fashion and makeup.

This new fashion of worshipping talentless celebs makes normal beautiful people feel inferior because they are not stick thin or plastered in makeup and they have normal visible flaws which shouldn't be something to be ashamed of everyone even celebs have flaws they just have makeup artists or surgery to hide it.

We have become a sex obsessed nation, pornography is seen as normal porn stars are merely prostitutes that make more money but they still sell their body so do celebrities yet this kind of body selling is seen as something to be proud of it is not, sex should be a private thing between a man and wife. But today's sex industry makes it seem normal to sell ones body or for men to degrade or use women seeing them as mere sex objects there for pleasure only and women sleeping around to get their own back on men for a crime they apparently have been guilty of for centuries, fighting fire with fire is never a good idea it doesn't solve the problem it just makes it more wide spread and difficult to deal with.

Being "gay" has also become a new fashion it is seen as normal when in the bible it says "it is a sin" yet it has become something normal advertised everywhere in films and songs and passed off as experimenting (just another label for sleeping around in my view)

The song by Katy perry "i kissed a girl" is a fine example of mind control and advertising homosexual behaviour, the words from the chorus:

"I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong, it felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it"

Who apart from very young girls wear cherry chap stick?

Passing cheating off as OK!

Separating love from sex, but sex should be an act of love!

Not to mention promoting lesbianism and this song is aimed at little girls!

There are many attempts to sexualise little girls these days just listen to pop stars and watch what fashion dictates, it is designed to turn young girls in to slags and i must say it is working a treat, what is the age of the youngest girl to have a baby? I believe the youngest mother on record is a 5 year old Peruvian girl, in Britain it is an 11 year girl.

The link for the Peruvian girl story:

The link for the British girls story:

Children of this age shouldn't even know what sex is and certainly shouldn't be having it whether voluntary or otherwise! ( i do not consider it possible for a child to have voluntary sex under the age of 16) Children should be out playing games and enjoying their childhood not taking on responsibilities meant only for mature adults.

TV is also to blame for children off having sex and getting pregnant in some cases to many different partners over the course of their teen years, when you watch things like Eastenders and other soaps it shows teenage sex as something normal as well as teen pregnancies easing us slowly into the idea of acceptance of such things and using the guise that it is "already common" and they are "just teaching about it".

Adverts often contain hidden messages referring to sex as your brain processes this message on a subconscious level making sex more accepted when it comes to selling it but it also encourages the brain be sex obsessed on a conscious level we are unaware of this because the brain does not register the hidden message it is merely influenced by it.

In one of my postings i have shown the "oxy on the spot cream" box which has sexual references many labels do it is just a case of finding them some can be very subtle and some are more obvious.

If you happen to notice labels with such references or any references that are irrelevant to the product please do post it on my blog i am always happy to receive new information on my theories.


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