Thursday 16 July 2009

Needing independance!

I am unsure of whether anyone else enjoys depending on another person but i myself am more for my Independence if i ever were to depend on someone and they were no longer around i would be stuck my life shattered.

Being in dependant doesn't need to mean not being a part of a relationship it just means being able to cope with things by yourself, having your own thoughts on any given subject, having a world of your own or something that is just yours this is never a bad thing you cannot expect to have everything common with your lover.

Time for yourself is vital for then you may truly appreciate your lover when are spending time together if i didn't get my peace every now and then to be off in my own little world i would go insane. I believe men are the same they need peace and "me time" as well as we do even if only to sit and do nothing or do the things that the other hates it is important in a relationship to spend time apart so as to not be in each others hair all the time giving you that chance to do as you please without upsetting your partner.

I am not saying that we should be apart from our lover all the time but every ones need for space varies depending on their individual stress levels and lifestyle. I like abit of uninterrupted "me" time most evenings even if only for a bath or abit of time on the Internet it gives me a break from my daughter as well as lovely as she is being a terrible two year old she can be abit naughty at times so it gives me chance to charge my batteries again.

Don' take offense if your partner wants a little space as it is good for them and they will I'm sure appreciate you even more giving you some much needed attention. If however you do feel they spend abit too much time away from you all you need to do is calmly raise the subject stating that you feel a little left out and would like some of their time don't nag or start a fight as this pushes you further apart it never entices your lover to spend time with you if you give them grief it just makes the time apart seem like a far better option.

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