Thursday 16 July 2009

keep it exciting

Don't be selfish in bed there is nothing worse than someone who can't "give" we all enjoy laying back and letting someone else do the hard work but sometimes you have to give a little to get a lot!

In bed you seem to have people who love to "give" (as watching someone else enjoy themselves is pleasurable for them) and people who just take and don't return the favour this makes it less interesting. Sex is a wonderful thing and should be kept interesting don't be afraid to experiment a little with new positions and toys, maybe some role play or dressing up. With so many ways to keep making love alive i never will understand how people can get "bored" or "stuck in a rut".

Never be embarrassed about your fantasy whether your into being tied up, rough and tumble or just dressing up it is something that can be enjoyed with the right partner as long as your are both OK with it then it is fine.

Sometimes simple things like romance can be enough to spruce up loving. But maybe you remember what the first time with your loved one was like you know the feelings of not being able to hold off, wanting them so badly and it being so amazing that's where role play comes in pretending its your very first date again and you don't know what it will be like.

Always remember though that if a relationship isn't alive then the sex probably won't be either, sex is often better with someone who keeps you guessing a little bit if they can't keep you alive mentally then you will easily get bored.

If you can keep the relationship exciting then you can keep the "loving" exciting it just takes time to find out what you both enjoy..... which is a big part of relationships you learn as you go on what makes each other tick and what makes the other happy it is all about getting to know each other the best ex comes from knowing each other and being comfortable with each other over time lovers find new ways to pleasure each other that's the beauty of relationships you gain so much from them.

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