Wednesday 29 July 2009

How men can give good oral sex to a woman.

Most women struggle to have an orgasm from just sex, it takes women longer to climax than men anyway but we often we also need other types of pleasure to help us reach orgasm. When a woman doesn't seem to be enjoying herself as much as you'd like or she doesn't "come" it can be because you haven't worked her up before entering her, women need roughly about 15 minutes vaginal penetration (in any form) to get even close to being ready to climax.

The best bet is to go down on her or use your fingers for a bit (reach for a firm rounded bit inside her this is very sensitive to touch don't just move your fingers in and out wriggle them about in side her touching this spot it will really get her going), maybe even introduce some of her favourite sex toys in to it to really get her going this will help her come when she is having sex with you making the experience more pleasurable for both of you.

Most men don't realise that the clitoris is "very sensitive" and tend to handle it quite roughly we are not the same as you we are more sensitive to touch around our private parts than men, the clit is a great way to give her extra pleasure while going down on her, fingering or having sex with her but be gentle it only needs light touches if you are to rough you will hurt her and she will dry up completely making penetration impossible instead just lightly stroke it maybe even lick it.

You can ask your lady how she wants to be touched and where, or ask her to demonstrate by masturbating so you can watch how she touches herself and then take over for her plus from this you get the ever wonderful view of your lady masturbating over you what man wouldn't enjoy that?

When going down on her, listen to how she reacts to certain places being reached this will help you know what spot does it for her as we are all individual when it comes to sex so you have to work out what does it for each other.

When fingering her start off with just one or two build up slowly you don't want to jump straight in with three or more fingers this will make her sore and also make sure you don't have long nails not a good idea when touching a woman's private parts its too sensitive and if you catch us wrong that can ruin the whole thing, reach for different areas and don't be rough start slow and build up this helps heighten the pleasure as she gets more horny she may want you to get harder and faster with her.

Not all women respond to oral sex so you have to work out what will work for your woman.

And try out new positions as well that give a good angle for "her" during sex simple things like if she is on her back stick a pillow under her bum raising her up a bit this gives a great angle for women as it causes grinding of your penis in just the right spot and adds just the right amount of pressure to your penis for you to climax as well it feels great for both partners.

Another one would be to have her on her knees on the bed with you stood on the floor try and raise yourself up a bit though by standing on something or on your tiptoes this slight raise hits the right spot.

Women are generally "givers" in bed so it wouldn't hurt you to give her a little extra every now and then as well, like when you have finished having sex sometimes a woman wants to carry on for a bit longer so you could get the toys out or set your hands to work again, keeping her in total ecstasy while you rest and get ready for another round of amazing sex it will keep her happy while you're working yourself up for some more fun and then surprising her with some more sex will have her smiling for a while she will definitely have an orgasm or two this way.

When the sex is explosive women will keep coming back for more it helps to raise our sex drive if we "really" enjoy ourselves but if we have to fake it so that our man can still enjoy himself we tend to not be as interested in sex.

When you want to make a woman feel in a sexy mood you have to show her what you find attractive about her without saying a word just by stroking her breasts and kissing her neck , legs and back don't grope so much as touch groping is never nice we like to be handled gently in some ways when you touch our buttocks just hold your hand on them don't grip, when you are stroking our skin barely touch the surface so that we can feel just the warmth of your finger tips.

If going down on your woman, don't stick to the same tongue movements play about a bit with the way you move it inside her and how deep you go, if you every now and then just gently lick the outside making her want so much more this will make her want to grab you to do more to her, vary what you do to her to keep her guessing a little bit if sex becomes routine it it is boring for both partners it is always better when you don't know what it is going to be like remember the first time when you wondered what it would feel like and what you would do how exciting that was? its the same thing you have to keep it exciting or you will end up hardly ever having sex because it won't seem like something fun more like some obligatory routine in your relationship.

When your woman is giving you pleasure or you are having sex don't be afraid to be a little noisy women like to hear that their man is enjoying what they are doing to them we find it just as sexy as you do when you hear us moan it turns us on even more and then we learn what you like by hearing the way you moan to certain movements or touches this allows us to give you even more pleasure as well.
The pictures at the top of the page are there to give you some ideas for sex toys that might help you please your lady (although the anthro dragoness is obviously for men but that set of pictures had some great toys for women so i put it up anyway.) The most popular sex toy for women seems to be the rabbit though which is the bottom picture. If you buy handcuffs ask before using them as some women may not be in to it.

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