Friday 17 July 2009


One of the worst emotions in the world is jealousy it causes so many problems yet it is one of the most common felt emotions, especially with magazines everywhere telling us we should look like this or dress like that it makes us feel inferior and then when you see others walking around looking nice you begin to feel insecure especially if your partner is noticing them which leaves you thinking that your partner is on the look out for something better this leads to jealousy in some cases or just low self esteem in others it is possible for this ugly emotion to lead to depression if you are feeling less than adequate.

One thing you should remember is that jealousy destroys relationships it leads to bad thoughts building up in your head and you can end up paranoid and hurt, but also you hurt the one you love by coming across like you don't trust them whether or not you actually do in most cases it is not about trust but about some issue you have within yourself which can be hard to address.

When you feel like your partner is looking at others too much bottling it up will never help (as it leads to explosions when you can no longer bottle it up) nor will arguing it makes them think what the hell am i doing with this nutter?

The best bet is to mention it in a calm manner and say you're feeling abit left out, if you let jealousy control your life you will end up miserable and lonely because you will be unable to trust any of your partners.

Always remember that compliments go long way and if your lover can make you feel good about you then you won't be as paranoid about little things.

Trying out new looks rather than being stuck in a rut can make you feel more confident and when you radiate confidence you get noticed more which means anyone will find you irresistible keeping your lovers attention more focused on you. Men love confident women they find confidence attractive so look for your best points and don't worry about your flaws everyone has flaws but people tend to remember the good things when you make a lasting impression.

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