Thursday 16 July 2009

mind control and false freedom

Television is a form of mind control, how many people that you know talk of nothing but what is on telly? and how many people that you believe every word that is on telly never looking into the matter at hand one thing that springs to mind is the statistics of how many people died from bird flu or so far have died from swine flu.

The TV is designed to give people a choice that is irrelevant in order to give the impression that they are free such as the choice of what channel to watch, what sports team to support, what news reporter to listen to and so on. Many people's lives are conducted by what is on the telly and wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they didn't have one.... well erm how about live? There are so many things to do and see in this world so why stick to the routine of telly? Is television really so addictive? Many people believe that it is and have experienced withdrawal symptoms some of these symptoms are: migraines, headaches, stress and anxiety.

The effects of TV seem to be so hypnotising that people do not notice simple things that are in plain view such as 9/ 11: the mainstream media released the press message far too early the reporter read out that building 7 had collapsed when in the background (on live TV) it stood with no sign of collapsing. The link is here:

This link shows that the BBC had prior knowledge of 9/ 11 yet not very many people noticed the obvious mistake made by the BBC, now such things when pointed out are subjected to scrutiny through so called "debunking" of the truth, how can you "debunk" that on live television a reporter read out her line too soon and said that WTC building 7 had collapsed when it hadn't it is simply ludicrous to deny that the BBC obviously they had prior knowledge of the bombings. So many people watched this broadcast and yet so few noticed the mistake so why is this?

Television teaches children (through silly kids tv) to have speech problems with stupid things like et oh (teletubies) and the ninky nonk (in the night garden) how on earth are they meant to learn English from that? these days so many children are struggling with speech impediments and dyslexia or sometimes learning difficulties could this be because television teaches stupidity?

When one is staring at a TV screen they are easily influenced by it though it is greatly denied! If you see someone eating some fried chicken on telly often you will suddenly crave some fried chicken because the TV sends messages to the brain in a form of control. Or if football is on people are more likely to play football after watching it the same goes for anything you see whether it is soaps or sports news or adverts they all influence the brain into behaving in much the same way.

Is this the reason that if some obvious mistake is made it goes greatly unnoticed because the TV and the words said have a far greater influence on the brain than what is actually going on? I believe this to be so.

When you stop watching television you see things very differently, you start to notice things and question things more which leads to the realisation that nothing is as it seems. You evolve from living your own life not from being told how to live it by a TV screen that dumbs down each generation more and more, once TV is out of your system you will think for yourself something not many people are capable of these days from this you realise just how controlled you once were.

The other point i wish to make is about another form of pointless choice we have that makes us believe we are free so that we do not rebel, we have the choice of which set of puppets to pick for political power they all work for the same cause you select one and things go wrong they make bad decisions that we had no say in and then all of a sudden the elections become close and that particular party is acting like it doesn't know what it is doing so that makes way for the next chosen party to do exactly the same each time screwing the country up a little more but because we believe we have a choice of who to screw things up we blindly believe we are free.

Each politician is more stupid than the last and does more damage than the last, why does no one ever question why such morons are put forward? Stupid people are easier to control they can be bought and pulled like puppets in any direction by their Zionist puppet masters.

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