Friday 17 July 2009

Natural is best.

In 2000, the Taliban banned the growing of opium poppies. In 2001, UN observers reported that the crop had been practically wiped out. However, since bush and Blair invaded Afghanistan and destroyed the rule of Taliban, opium production increased 20-fold. 90% of heroin consumed in Britain and Europe now comes from Afghanistan.

Given the fact that the opium fields are now owned by the government shouldn't it be at least near impossible if not completely impossible for heroin to be so obtainable? Yet it remains the most used drug. As of June 2006, there were 340,000 known heroin and crack cocaine users in England alone but the government have had control of the opium Fields since 2001 do they want people to be on heroin?

Maybe they do, as it puts you into a zombie like state where you pose no real threat to the government as you do not think for yourself and go around blissfully unaware of the state the world is in.

It does seem to be that drugs which are harmful and suppress you are easy to get hold of yet things that are beneficial are not so readily available. Pure opium holds many health benefits but when mixed with all sorts of nasty chemicals making heroin it is not at all good for you and highly addictive. Alcohol is suppressive and a depressant it keeps the mind closed stops independant thought is very addictive but it is legal despite the fact that it is not the most beneficial of drugs. Tobacco well more to the point cigarettes full of dangerous chemicals again and very dangerous to our health if it is pure it less harmful than cigarettes which are made up of cyanide amongst other poisonous chemicals. All these things are bad for us yet they remain legal and simple things that are natural and said to raise the awareness and allow openness to spiritual experience are illegal such as magic mushrooms which grow in nature.

I am not saying we should all go and eat mushrooms but what i am getting at is that if something is natural it is shunned yet if it is man made copying nature in a lab it is seen as wonderful when it comes with side effects and does not cure so much as suppress the symptoms of the illness at hand.

Nature holds so many wonders, medication seems to come from copying something natural why not just use the natural remedy? Big pharma have tried to say that it shows no real benefit, but people used natural remedies for a long time before big pharma came along and of course they wouldn't want you to realise there is a better option as they would lose control and money at the same time.

Many people who have tried natural remedies have reported that it helped with whatever their problem or illness.

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