Thursday 16 July 2009

pharmaceticul industry is an industry of death!

The world health organisation boasts of how the small pox was eradicated through mass vaccinations. This is a lie.
Small pox was eradicated by a combination of improvement in the general health and standard of living and a mutation in the virus making it less harmful to people. This justification for massed immunization can very easily be shown to be false yet the pharmaceutical industry pushes vaccines as a panacea. The only real benefits if vaccines is too boost the bank balance of the criminals who push their poisons onto a scared public using the lie that these toxins are in fact medicines.
It seems that every few years we now have some new catastrophe which will destroy humanity and can only be haltered through mass vaccinations in this decade alone we have had the false health threats of sars, bird flu and swine flu none of the pandemics warned of by the hysterical media materialised. Of the deaths which did occur there is no proof that vaccines would have prevented these fatalities.
The pharmaceutical industry has successfully sidelined natural remedies and homeopathy, making a fearful public reliant upon financially obsessed dealers in death.

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