Saturday 18 July 2009

keep the beginning fun

Love can be something that ruins the fun at the beginning of a spontaneous relationship, i am not in any way suggesting that love is something we should avoid but i do believe that some people are so desperate for love that they come off as clingy and desperate which makes a potential partner run the other way unfortunately!

What i am trying to say is that if you come across as needing to validate yourself by being loved by someone it chases away someone who could be the one no one wants to feel that they are under pressure!

The beginning of a relationship is meant to be fun and spontaneous. The most amazing thing in the world is the beginning of a relationship, there are all the tingly feelings you get from liking someone and getting to know each other, compliments that make you feel so great inside doing new things together, learning things from each other, finding out what the other thinks and what their hopes and aspirations are all these things wonderful and fun should be enjoyed without the demand for love i mean who knows where this could go? It could be love it could be friendship.

The start of something new is always unknown but that's what makes it wonderful you don't know what you will learn or where it is going all part of the fun if you ask me!

I do believe commitment is important if you both want something more then you should commit but don't rush into that unless this person makes you feel all those wonderful tingles and feelings that get when you really like someone, it is best to know someone well before getting in too deep.

Just enjoy the fun don't think too much this is not me saying sleep around as that is never good but i am saying good things don't come around often and neither does excitement once your "comfortable" the excitement dies down it is best to get that amazing start it shapes something wonderful whether friendship or love.

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