Sunday 27 December 2009

What will be, will be!

You question me,
So constantly, i do not know NOW!
Because i don't have the answers that you seek,

It drives you mad, how i can never plan ahead,
But i prefer the spur of the moment,
Impulse has always driven me,
You're need for confirmation, does not impress me in the least,

I will not change, just to suit your whiny needs,
I don't live life down on my knees,
Because i can be free,
So don't depend on me, because it does not change a thing?
Its still the exact same you're feeling,
Let it be now,

Abusive and cold, is that how you truly do see me?
Well then why do you still want this?

I know i can be a tad irrational, maybe i anger not so well,
But i have never hit below the belt,
I keep my insults to myself,
Oh how you're pushing me!

Don't try to tame me,
I am the original wild beast,
I'm not ashamed now,

You say to me:

"Where do you see this thing going?"
Questions like this keep me running for the hills,
Why can't you take life as it comes?
It could be love now,
If you'd just let it be,
See where this ride may lead!

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