So lost in confusion,
Nothing to gain, but far too much to lose,
Disorientation in my brain,
This is a game I cannot win,
Your words are like poison,
Running through my veins,
It's pain I cannot bear,
You always seem to have the answers,
I don't understand,
I always search for comfort,
Inside intoxicating dreams,
It's my abuse that pushes you,
You ripped right through my walls,
I can't rebuild from this,
You have broken through,
I worked my way inside your head,
Just to push you far away... with these mind games,
But still you seem to stay,
Maybe I cause you so much pain,
To try and make this end,
And you hate my drunken rages,
I hurt you with my words,
Still you push right back,
Right back in to me,
I hurt myself to punish you,
And I hurt you just the same,
My wounds will bleed but they will fade,
Your mental scars will never even heal,
You ask me why I chastise you for loving me,
There is no answer I can find,
Maybe I'm just scared...
Afraid of what you bring,
Loving me, was never easy anyway,
Loving you is all I fear.