Friday, 19 February 2010

How to get spot free skin:

After a few weeks, these steps will make your skin much clearer. Make sure you complete all the steps for the best results.

  • First of all wash your face with a really good but gentle face wash. Wash using warm water, be gentle with the skin, rinse with cold water to close the pores, pat dry with a towel.

  • Leave skin for 5 minutes, to ensure fully dry, 10 minutes if you have been showering or bathing.

  • Next take some "oxy on the spot" cream and squeeze enough to cover half of your first two fingers in a zig zag line. Gently smooth the cream over your face, making sure it is fully absorbed. Make sure that you only lightly glide the cream across the face (this takes longer, but it allows the cream to better penetrate the skin, it also stops any form of aggravation).

  • Leave your skin for 15 minutes.

  • Lastly moisturize the skin, make sure you get a really good moisturizer. Ones with aloe Vera or jojoba oil work well, and keep skin from drying out too much.

For the first two weeks follow the above routine completely. After two weeks use two finger fulls of cream in a zig zag line. The reason for this is the skin needs time to get used to the cream. If you use the full amount too soon it will dry your skin out, which will make the spots look and feel worse. With this routine the skin may get a little drier than usual, but it will settle down if you keep moisturising, use a smaller amount of moisturizer than the amount of cream you are using.

A great way to really hydrate the skin is boots plant extract moisturising face mask. This can be left on over night for the best effects. Please continue the regime even if you experience a little drying of the skin, if your skin gets too dry then use less cream and moisturize more often during the day. However if you experience any irritation, stop using the cream.

Let me know how this routine works for you, i will be happy to answer any questions. I will be posting more skin treatments and other health and beauty care. Any subject you wish me to write about, please feel free to leave a request and i will do my best to meet your requirements!

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