Many things can make us drift in and out of relationships whether emotional pain or mental pain, maybe it is just the dynamics of the relationship?
What is certain here is that in a relationship there will be ups and downs much like there are in all aspects of life.
When something happens that scars us whether it is emotional, physical or mental we can sometimes withdraw from our surroundings in to our protective world keeping those who care for us on the outside trying to get in and "be there" for us! This although a perfectly normal reaction is never a good option as it alienates you further from your partner and makes any attempts to help you through your turmoil impossible.
Only you can help yourself when it comes to problems of a personal nature by this i mean you make the choice "to get help" no one can make that choice for you, you will need support obviously but if you refuse the help offered then you make things worse for you as well as those trying to help who need to reassure you for yours and there peace of mind. Never be afraid to cry or let out you emotions in a productive manner for example hitting a pillow or screaming and shouting what ever it is that helps you release in some way a little bit of your trauma.
We all need someone to "to be there" for us when we have problems, not all of us have that as readily if this the case don't be afraid to ask for a little support a shoulder to cry on what ever it takes to help you get closer to recovering or sorting your head out.
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