Celebrities are paid to act, take their kit off and make it look like they are having sex in films today, what relevance to any story should sex have? Sex sells and producers know this, it is also a way to get normal people to think about sex more and more so that it becomes normal to be off having it anytime and with any number of partners, meaningless sex is the new fashion and everyone is off having it.
Women are taught to believe (through films, pop music etc) that men have always been promiscuous this is not true men used to behave like gentlemen "sex" was a dirty unmentioned word, men used to treat women like "ladies" and in those days women were ladies not like today where both women and men have no moral standards and think that having many sexual partners is a good thing.
Celebrities are just prostitutes with a fancier label as the term "prostitute" brings to mind dirty and selling their body, celebrities sell their body only for more money as they make nude pictures for men and women to ogle over and masturbate (encouraging masturbation over someone other than your partner) they act out sex scenes thus behaving like low rate "porn stars" which in a subtle way encourages men to think of porn leading to it being highly bought sick and degrading product.
Porn stars are just prostitutes that make more money, they sell their body for sex to entertain perverted men this was created to encourage sex with many partners as by watching it makes you want to have sex and it teaches people to have lots of sexual partners.
Sex in films is seen as OK and nudity but it is not they subtly brought it about in small steps so that people would adapt to it without even realising and it became a normal part of films so that they can "sell" better.
The human body is a beautiful thing that should be sacred unseen by anyone other than your partner, yet today we are taught to flaunt it to everyone we see this encourages men to be looking left, right and centre at other women because they are wearing next to nothing. This kind of behaviour degrades women and women are so easily influenced by fashion they follow it without even considering the fact that they have no self respect by wearing such clothes, men are easily influenced by sex so this is how the Zionist scum brought about the age of "sex" as they are all perverted and sex obsessed it is the Zionist way and they wanted to disrupt the good morals we once had and they did.
When you introduce something slowly you ease people in to the idea better this is the whole idea with "sex" they eased us in to it and now the generations are used to it, this has caused many problems though as more and more adults and young teenagers are addicted to and off having lots of sex with many partners.
This leads to cervical cancer, spreading of sexually transmitted diseases and slaggy behaviour being accept amongst both sexes, we are being trained to behave a certain way by celebrities who are payed to portray a certain image to the public this image affects on so many levels not only adults but children grow seeing this behaviour as normal and it evolves in to the norm for the next generation thus bringing about what we see before us in teenage pregnancies, mass STDs, broken families and both women and men being seen as stereo typical sex obsessed objects.
It is often passed off as life when an idea is introduced into a soap, yet what truly is occurring is that idea is being planted into the brains of unsuspecting viewers leading to it being accepted as truth soaps are not real life they are used to control the masses by leading your life through a time zone to fit in with whats on telly and programming you into a certain type of behaviour as telly holds a strong influence on its viewers.
This strong hold allows the Zionist puppet masters to implant whatever they wish you to believe in to your brain in a such a way that it makes you believe it automatically still under the misapprehension that it is your own "free thought" and that you are free to think and do as you wish with unlimited choices what is actually happening is that your choices are controlled you can choose which face is put in public to enforce such control but you cannot choose someone that is not chosen for a group you are to pick from, you can choose which poison to stick in your body but you cannot choose to not have that poison, you can choose which official media to believe but you cannot choose one that tells the truth (as no official media does being owned by the Zionists it is controlled and releases only pre approved propaganda.
In this day and age it often difficult to show people the true nature of such influences as they do not wish to see, ignorance is bliss and not thinking is a new way of life. Everyone has become lazy leaving someone else to do all the work growing the veg, providing the meat, preparing processed meals, paying for their way of life, thinking for them and fixing problems of any kind we are no longer self reliant leaving us depending on the state for support in most ways and when things go completely wrong mass starvation will occur and many will not be able to take care of themselves as they are not used to doing anything for themselves out of laziness.
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