Career wise today you need not be good at your job to get a promotion, mostly those who are rubbish at their job get promoted because people who are sluggish don't ask questions and follow orders more so than those that think for themselves.
Today in jobs people are limited in what they are allowed to do for instance even if the company rules are stupid you will have to obey them. Individuality is not tolerated. At the job centre the staff have loads of questions set up in a script to read out to the person calling, these questions all have to be asked despite the fact that often the question has already been answered in a previous question, if someone working in the job centre doesn't ask all the questions set out they get called in to the managers office and given a warning this discourages thought in the employees.
When you phone up places like the job centre and tax credits office there are different departments for every problem no one department can deal with more than one problem! Often you have to be put through to that particular department or are given a new number to phone up to get through to, the people working at these places are not allowed to think for themselves and are not allowed to help out with urgent problems that are not in their limited job description, even in that particular department they are limited to what they can do within their job description as they have to check with someone higher up to be approved before they can act thus discouraging against working on ones own initiative.
This is just another way to teach us not to use our brain and to work on command as the NWO dictates we are their slaves and will follow any orders given by the Zionist rulers of the world.
Many things train us to submit to instruction, jobs, school education, the law, religion, political correctness, medical professionals, media, brainwashed peers and lies told in order to scare all these set us in to following orders our jobs force us to do as we are told and never think for ourselves, schools train us to arrange our body clocks by the school bell and do as we are told asking permission for simple things, the law as silly as it may be at times we still have to follow it teaching us to stay in line laws like forced vaccinations unless you wish for your child to be taken by the social services which is soon to be in place, religion tells us what we can and cannot do under the guise of being gods word, political correctness reduces our language keeping us from using perfectly fine words that have been taken out of context, medical professionals always promote vaccines when they are dangerous but also prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to patients that have many side effects and do not help the problem at all they merely mask the symptoms, the media broadcasting propaganda daily remember 9/ 11 the WTC tower 7? the press was released to early and the reporter stated that the tower had collapsed when it stood in the background with no sign of collapsing this is an official media report for the BBC look it up if you wish to they released the information too soon proving that they had prior knowledge of 9/ 11, brainwashed peers criticize people who question things or don't believe the official story as it has so many holes in it our peers often tell us we are the brainwashed ones for researching the matter from many valuable sources that provide evidence of such claims, lies told to scare us as i mentioned before 9/ 11 was one official lie told and 7/ 7 of course all of the "flu epidemics" as well such as the latest "swine flu" it had killed no one at all and there were only a few hundred people diagnosed from the flu up until a list of mild symptoms the same symptoms from "ordinary flu" were given out to people along with a number to call for diagnoses this is cannot give a valid diagnoses and England being the very lazy but over worked country that it is many people call up just to get time off work so and as the diagnoses are given over the telephone people can easily fake it with no other way to be proved as actual "swine flu", "typical flu" or just plain skiving from work. This number was given out in order to raise the number of hypochondriacs with supposed swine flu and that it has, this allows room for mass vaccination with a readily made vaccine that seemed to come about at the same time as the illness itself strange that. I have a link with information on this vaccine that you may find interesting:
The above mentioned all brought us in to this new state of ignorance which leads to not thinking at all and in not thinking for ourselves we are easily influenced by the lies told believing them instantly without questioning or researching the matter, this makes the masses no problem to control, even when the lies told are ridiculous the masses still fall for what is told as they live under a misapprehension that the government would not sell us out to such disturbing fate of the Zionist NWO.
Now that we rely on someone else to do the task for us destroying self reliance, when we are unable to get this help from someone else we will be stuck, incapable of fixing the problem for ourselves leaving our fate at the mercy of the state.
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