Friday, 31 July 2009
Control, TV and the problems that follow.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Tell each other your fantasies!
How men can give good oral sex to a woman.
Films that dull the senses!
Destruction of thought and self reliance!

The things that women notice!
Monday, 27 July 2009
Control, symbolism and the state.
The dry spell!

Sunday, 26 July 2009
Giving a woman pleasure!

I have put a lot of karma sutra position pictures on as these are positions that are pleasurable for women and it is always good to try new things who knows maybe you will enjoy them just as much as your woman does!
- A woman's clit is a well known spot of arousal, however if you are not gentle you hurt her it is a very sensitive area and needs only light touches to please.
- The neck is an obvious one lightly breathing on it will send tingles down her spine and kissing it again lightly.
- stroking motions on her body even if not touching her private areas it will arouse her as it is attentive and relaxing!
- taking time to turn a woman on is always more appreciated than just getting down to it, we don't always get aroused as quickly as men excitement is an amazing aphrodisiac like the thought of being caught but when it comes to indoor sex we may need a little more help getting aroused so take the time to do the above mentioned and maybe go down on her making her want you even more just pay attention to her sexual needs.
- if you speak to her in a different language women love this especially when making love there is nothing sexier than hearing a man speak a foreign language.
- candles and a bubble bath together if there is enough room if not just keep your hands busy while she is relaxing and you can enjoy seeing her wet naked body as well.
- glass of wine a DVD a duvet and dinner always a nice way to relax dim the lights and set the mood this will lead to a romantic evening cuddling and maybe more.
- get down to some kinky games strip poker or naked twister something along those lines will lead to fun!
- make it interesting tie her up (if she is OK with this) then you are in control and can tease her until she is begging for more.
- bring food in to the mix using squirty cream, strawberries, melted chocolate, any fruits are OK and just things you can lick off her body don't just lick it off her body though feed her as well.
- try out new positions that you both will enjoy!
- surprise her and make her feel wanted by just grabbing her where ever you are in the house and kissing her and pinning her up against the wall or bending her over the kitchen units or sofa maybe even sweeping everything off the table and lifting her on to it to have your way whatever you can think of to make it exciting.
- take it outside go for a walk in nature and find somewhere secluded to sit and talk and maybe more it is always exciting outdoors in nature.
- use toys on her to get her going and ensure her orgasm when you finally penetrate her yourself.
- dirty talk saying what you will do to it eachother then rip eachothers clothes off.
- text sex! during the day you can send dirty messages to eachother saying what you want to do by the time you see eachother you won't be able to control your urges and will enjoy a passionate evening.
These are all ideas to help you pleasure your woman.
The war against children being children!
Ways for men to keep their woman happy!
- When we complain that you haven't changed your underwear in such a long time while you may have it inside out and think you have a few more days wear but frankly its disgusting and we have a wash load waiting to go on so it wouldn't hurt you to just put fresh ones on and the same goes for socks you rot your feet after wearing socks for two long and that doesn't do much for a woman's libido!
- When you get in from work yes you are tired but we are as well whether we work or stay at home keeping the house nice and/or look after the child/children we are tired too we work just as hard as you so it wouldn't be too much of a chore for you to make a nice gesture once in a while and help out with the washing up or do little bits of cleaning here and there trust me this goes down very well with women and when we feel you have done something nice for us we will do something "very nice" for you!
- Take us to a nice restaurant if you can't be bothered to wash up or take over cooking its a good way for us both to have the night off relaxing and we will still get a good meal instead of a nasty take away.
- Women love to flirt so keep things interesting by placing your hand on her leg, sweeping her hair out of her face, stroking her skin, sit her on your lap. hold her hand, compliment "her" on how she looks this keeps a relationship alive.
- Never let the fun die, play fight and tickle her, have a sexy wrestle just play like you did at the start of your relationship.
- Tell her she's sexy this doesn't mean all the time but be attentive and let her know she is sexy whether you say it with words or with body language you can express it in a fun way. If a woman feels sexy she will show just how sexy she can be!
- When a woman does something nice for you however little or big a gesture it is say thank you we really love hearing how much you appreciate what we have done for you it makes us feel needed and make a valid contribution to the household.
- When we are doing the dishes, cuddle us from behind whisper sweet nothings in our ears breath on or kiss our necks this kind of attention can lead to abit of over the sink fun!
- Give her what she wants in bed don't just focus on you because when a woman enjoys herself in bed i can guarantee you will as well we really enjoy having our pleasure put first when a man pleases us we go all the way to please him!
- Listen to us, when we tell you how a certain thing is done (especially when its something we do as part of our weekly if not daily routine) we know what we are talking about and it wouldn't hurt you to do it our way my example of this is when a woman tells you to separate the washing and what groups to put them into "do it" as if you accidentally get it wrong and dye something of hers she will go spare! Men do seem to at times have issues with doing things "our" way but we usually know what we are talking about and you will save yourself a lot of hassle!
- Surprise us with a nice gesture run a hot bath for us so we can unwind, cook a lovely meal and let us put our feet up once in a while or buy us something simple like our favourite meal or pudding maybe even rent a DVD we will enjoy just something simple as a treat we appreciate things like this it makes us feel that you really know what we like and are in tune with our needs and when we feel appreciated we make you appreciate us even more by doing something very nice for you!
I am not suggesting that you always bend over backwards, but it is nice to once in a while give her a little treat it keeps us happy.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Time to relax.
Political correctness and shabby education!
"hey" as a greeting and words cut down both in the way they are said and the way they are written such as "wat" "hav" or "av" "r" "u" these lead to stupidity as well with people unable to spell because they get used to shortening things to fit into a text or for convenience when trying to be quick at writing or typing these days it is considered "cool" (another word that is used wrong) to be illiterate.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
vegetarian meal ideas
Ways to please your man!
- Blow his mind with this sneaky move: Stand behind him and stroke his penis. This positions your palm flat against his member's sensitive underside, the same way he grips it when he masturbates. Then do a few things he can't do himself, like whisper in his ear or kiss his back.
- There's a good chance that your guy has never feasted his eyes on your completely bare bod for more than a few seconds. Maybe it's because you undress quickly in a passion frenzy or your bodies are too close for him to really take you in. But letting him stare at you in the buff is a surefire libido trigger
- Initiate a primal move that fuels his frisky craving. Give him an animalistic challenge by having standing sex. Let him hold you up against the wall with your legs wrapped around his lower back. He'll be in the aggressor role since he's holding you up with his arms and lower bod, and he also gets the visual thrill of watching your breasts bounce during the act
- Once you have him going crazy not knowing where your next lick, kiss, or stroke will land, treat your blindfolded boy to a slew of new sensations. Three to try: the feel of your hair, silk panties, or a string of pearls rubbed gently against his member
- You on top This position can be very intimate since your faces are touching and you can slide your arms around each other so you're super close. It's also a great method for delaying his orgasm a little longer
- Steam up your bathroom mirror by standing this close together in the shower. Add the water pouring over you, and this is a perfect position for lots of wet, passionate kissing. You can also gaze into each other's eyes, further boosting the intimacy factor, if you have only got a bath have a bath together if there isn't enough room then he can scrub your back or you can scrub his.
- A guy's prostate — the walnut-size gland under his bladder — is the ultimate magic button to push if you want to blow his mind in bed. To tantalize it, partway through oral sex or intercourse, rest two fingers against the swath of skin between his testicles and anus
- No doubt, you're intimately acquainted with 69. Now may i introduce you to 77? The number refers to the way you and your partner's bodies look when they meld together in a side-entry position. The unique angling practically guides his, uh, missile to your G-spot. (the guy should be laid with his legs at an angle like the number seven and you should be laid in front in the same position.
- Steam things up at home by moving outside the bedroom and doing it on top of a sturdy table, kitchen counter, bathroom sink, or hood of a car that's parked in your garage
- Take oral sex to a whole new level by caressing his butt cheeks as you're going down on him. Double his pleasure with the synchronized motions that let you control the pacing
- Incorporating food into your passion play is a classic carnal activity. Take a few of your favorite erotically appealing flavor combinations, like peanut butter and honey or whipped cream and chocolate sauce, and mix up yummy treats all over his body
- Tell him what you want him to do without saying a word. Wrap your hand around one of his fingers or his penis, and when he does something you particularly like, give a squeeze
- Turn your attention downstairs for some self-stimulation and leave the invitation open for him to take over. Whether he joins in or not, guys love to watch, so it's a win-win situation
- Kiss and lick your way down his torso, stopping short of his penis, then give him a smile and work your way back up. Repeat several times until he begs for mercy
- by sliding onto his lap in reverse cowgirl position with your hands balanced on his thighs for support. Much like doggie-style, he'll be able to revel in watching your tush and touching your breasts — but without expending any lower-body energy
- A fabulous kiss is an intricate balancing act involving tongue technique, pressure control, and moistness monitoring. Invade his space with a tantalizing kiss.
- Tie him up so he can't use his hands and gently kiss and bite him all over only occasionally going near his private parts making him beg for more.
- Tease him only letting him see certain parts of your body flashing him every now and then and like the point above touching him in places that he will enjoy but that don't allow him to climax.
- Bring ice cubes into the play by running it across his body he actually gets hotter and then you can place it in your mouth and lick him the sensation of hot and cold will have him writhing around!
- Get him going, by using a sex toy on yourself allowing him to watch you enjoy yourself will turn him on and he will want to touch you but he can't not yet anyway tease him with it till he's begging to take over!
- The missionary position can be a bit boring so spice it up by raising your legs and allowing him to hold them to his chest this squeezes slightly on his penis giving him more pleasure and can really hit the spot for you too.
- Get rough, men love a bit of rough and tumble, wrestling in the bedroom is always fun and you can bite each other gently or pinch his nipples a little maybe even scratch your nails down his back showing him how much pleasure he is giving you men love this.
These are all great ways to pleasure you both but mostly you will get the satisfaction of knowing you have truly rocked his world!
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
There are no side effects only effects!
- Some of the "effects" of sleeping tablets can be:
- insomnia
- drowsiness the next day
- dizziness and forgetfulness
- clumsiness, feeling off balance
- constipation and urinary retention
- blurred vision
- dry mouth and throat
- Common problems with sleeping tablets:
- Drug tolerance. You may have to take more and more of the sleep aid for it to work, which can lead to more side effects.
- Drug dependence. You may come to rely on the medication to sleep, and will be unable to sleep or have even worse sleep without it.
- Withdrawal symptoms. If you stop the medication abruptly, you may have withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating and shaking
- Side effects. There are several side effects to sleep medications, such as drowsiness the next day, confusion, forgetfulness and dry mouth.
- These side effects can be severe.
- Drug interactions. If you are taking other medications, sleeping medications can interact with them. This can worsen side effects and be dangerous with medications like prescription painkillers and other sedatives.
- Rebound insomnia. If you need to stop the medication, sometimes the insomnia can become even worse than before.
- Masking an underlying problem. There may be an underlying medical or mental disorder, or even a sleep disorder, that if treated would provide more relief from insomnia.
Also while on sleeping tablets it is possible to end up zombie like and unresponsive coming accross as if you are not all there!
Bad "effects" of anti depressants:
- Dry mouth
- Urinary retention
- Blurred vision
- Constipation
- Sedation (can interfere with driving or operating machinery)
- Sleep disruption
- Weight gain
- Headache
- Nausea
- Gastrointestinal disturbance/diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Inability to achieve an erection
- Inability to achieve an orgasm (men and women)
- Loss of libido
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- depression
- stress
- and suicidal thoughts
They also are very addictive and difficult to come off and have to slowly be cut down over a course of a few weeks or even months.
Given that these side effects are often so severe as to make the patient even more ill why are they handed out so readily? Many people benefit from herbal remedies to cope with a wide range of illnesses. With depression or sleep disorders it is common for one illness to lead to the other.
Pharmaceutical drugs "never" cure the illness they merely mask the symptons leaving the patient walking around in a zombie like state, SO is it worth risking all these side effects to get no results and only hide the symptons from the world?