Friday, 31 July 2009

Control, TV and the problems that follow.

Celebrities are paid to act, take their kit off and make it look like they are having sex in films today, what relevance to any story should sex have? Sex sells and producers know this, it is also a way to get normal people to think about sex more and more so that it becomes normal to be off having it anytime and with any number of partners, meaningless sex is the new fashion and everyone is off having it.

Women are taught to believe (through films, pop music etc) that men have always been promiscuous this is not true men used to behave like gentlemen "sex" was a dirty unmentioned word, men used to treat women like "ladies" and in those days women were ladies not like today where both women and men have no moral standards and think that having many sexual partners is a good thing.

Celebrities are just prostitutes with a fancier label as the term "prostitute" brings to mind dirty and selling their body, celebrities sell their body only for more money as they make nude pictures for men and women to ogle over and masturbate (encouraging masturbation over someone other than your partner) they act out sex scenes thus behaving like low rate "porn stars" which in a subtle way encourages men to think of porn leading to it being highly bought sick and degrading product.

Porn stars are just prostitutes that make more money, they sell their body for sex to entertain perverted men this was created to encourage sex with many partners as by watching it makes you want to have sex and it teaches people to have lots of sexual partners.

Sex in films is seen as OK and nudity but it is not they subtly brought it about in small steps so that people would adapt to it without even realising and it became a normal part of films so that they can "sell" better.

The human body is a beautiful thing that should be sacred unseen by anyone other than your partner, yet today we are taught to flaunt it to everyone we see this encourages men to be looking left, right and centre at other women because they are wearing next to nothing. This kind of behaviour degrades women and women are so easily influenced by fashion they follow it without even considering the fact that they have no self respect by wearing such clothes, men are easily influenced by sex so this is how the Zionist scum brought about the age of "sex" as they are all perverted and sex obsessed it is the Zionist way and they wanted to disrupt the good morals we once had and they did.

When you introduce something slowly you ease people in to the idea better this is the whole idea with "sex" they eased us in to it and now the generations are used to it, this has caused many problems though as more and more adults and young teenagers are addicted to and off having lots of sex with many partners.

This leads to cervical cancer, spreading of sexually transmitted diseases and slaggy behaviour being accept amongst both sexes, we are being trained to behave a certain way by celebrities who are payed to portray a certain image to the public this image affects on so many levels not only adults but children grow seeing this behaviour as normal and it evolves in to the norm for the next generation thus bringing about what we see before us in teenage pregnancies, mass STDs, broken families and both women and men being seen as stereo typical sex obsessed objects.

It is often passed off as life when an idea is introduced into a soap, yet what truly is occurring is that idea is being planted into the brains of unsuspecting viewers leading to it being accepted as truth soaps are not real life they are used to control the masses by leading your life through a time zone to fit in with whats on telly and programming you into a certain type of behaviour as telly holds a strong influence on its viewers.

This strong hold allows the Zionist puppet masters to implant whatever they wish you to believe in to your brain in a such a way that it makes you believe it automatically still under the misapprehension that it is your own "free thought" and that you are free to think and do as you wish with unlimited choices what is actually happening is that your choices are controlled you can choose which face is put in public to enforce such control but you cannot choose someone that is not chosen for a group you are to pick from, you can choose which poison to stick in your body but you cannot choose to not have that poison, you can choose which official media to believe but you cannot choose one that tells the truth (as no official media does being owned by the Zionists it is controlled and releases only pre approved propaganda.

In this day and age it often difficult to show people the true nature of such influences as they do not wish to see, ignorance is bliss and not thinking is a new way of life. Everyone has become lazy leaving someone else to do all the work growing the veg, providing the meat, preparing processed meals, paying for their way of life, thinking for them and fixing problems of any kind we are no longer self reliant leaving us depending on the state for support in most ways and when things go completely wrong mass starvation will occur and many will not be able to take care of themselves as they are not used to doing anything for themselves out of laziness.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Tell each other your fantasies!

There is nothing wrong with fantasizing about sex, in fact it can be fun to make that fantasy a reality with your partner included in it which I'm sure they will enjoy as well.

You could both agree to act out each others fantasies provided you are both comfortable doing so. Talk about what you like in bed, what you fantasize about including your partner in your fantasies makes them feel they play a part of your sexual thoughts which is always good and as it should be.

If it is a bit bondage you are in to you can find many great ways to bring this in to your sex life, if you both look up what items you both like then you will find something that fits both partners idea of a good time rather than giving in to something your comfortable with that will ruin the whole thing.

Some great items are handcuffs, bondage door kits (you hang it from the door and shut it then cuff your lady to it) leg and arm ties (ties the legs and arms up close together so that the woman can't move or control anything you do to her making it very exciting for you both) chains always a popular option for the hard core types you can use these on your bedposts chaining her arms and legs or in a room other than the bedroom like the cellar or something like she is held captive chained up unable to escape all you will do to her you could chain her so that she is standing up or laid down maybe even bent over what ever suits you both really.

Kinky dressing up gear lots of couples love fetish gear as it compliments the figure greatly you could wear something that fits in to her fantasy like a policeman or fire mans uniform, and she could wear French lacy underwear, stockings, suspenders and heels for you or a sexy leather dress, maybe she could dress up as a nurse whatever it is that fits in to your fantasy really.

If your lady has a thing for vampires you could bite her gently on her neck while having sex this will help her fantasy come true.

You could make it more exciting by doing it somewhere you might get caught, or just by grabbing her and pushing against the wall kissing her passionately while you slip your hand in between her legs.

Masturbate in front of her this will make her "hot" seeing you touching and enjoying yourself this will inspire her to touch you or to touch herself, you could give each other a helping hand and watch the other enjoying it although as you get close to climaxing it can be difficult to keep pleasuring the other person.

How men can give good oral sex to a woman.

Most women struggle to have an orgasm from just sex, it takes women longer to climax than men anyway but we often we also need other types of pleasure to help us reach orgasm. When a woman doesn't seem to be enjoying herself as much as you'd like or she doesn't "come" it can be because you haven't worked her up before entering her, women need roughly about 15 minutes vaginal penetration (in any form) to get even close to being ready to climax.

The best bet is to go down on her or use your fingers for a bit (reach for a firm rounded bit inside her this is very sensitive to touch don't just move your fingers in and out wriggle them about in side her touching this spot it will really get her going), maybe even introduce some of her favourite sex toys in to it to really get her going this will help her come when she is having sex with you making the experience more pleasurable for both of you.

Most men don't realise that the clitoris is "very sensitive" and tend to handle it quite roughly we are not the same as you we are more sensitive to touch around our private parts than men, the clit is a great way to give her extra pleasure while going down on her, fingering or having sex with her but be gentle it only needs light touches if you are to rough you will hurt her and she will dry up completely making penetration impossible instead just lightly stroke it maybe even lick it.

You can ask your lady how she wants to be touched and where, or ask her to demonstrate by masturbating so you can watch how she touches herself and then take over for her plus from this you get the ever wonderful view of your lady masturbating over you what man wouldn't enjoy that?

When going down on her, listen to how she reacts to certain places being reached this will help you know what spot does it for her as we are all individual when it comes to sex so you have to work out what does it for each other.

When fingering her start off with just one or two build up slowly you don't want to jump straight in with three or more fingers this will make her sore and also make sure you don't have long nails not a good idea when touching a woman's private parts its too sensitive and if you catch us wrong that can ruin the whole thing, reach for different areas and don't be rough start slow and build up this helps heighten the pleasure as she gets more horny she may want you to get harder and faster with her.

Not all women respond to oral sex so you have to work out what will work for your woman.

And try out new positions as well that give a good angle for "her" during sex simple things like if she is on her back stick a pillow under her bum raising her up a bit this gives a great angle for women as it causes grinding of your penis in just the right spot and adds just the right amount of pressure to your penis for you to climax as well it feels great for both partners.

Another one would be to have her on her knees on the bed with you stood on the floor try and raise yourself up a bit though by standing on something or on your tiptoes this slight raise hits the right spot.

Women are generally "givers" in bed so it wouldn't hurt you to give her a little extra every now and then as well, like when you have finished having sex sometimes a woman wants to carry on for a bit longer so you could get the toys out or set your hands to work again, keeping her in total ecstasy while you rest and get ready for another round of amazing sex it will keep her happy while you're working yourself up for some more fun and then surprising her with some more sex will have her smiling for a while she will definitely have an orgasm or two this way.

When the sex is explosive women will keep coming back for more it helps to raise our sex drive if we "really" enjoy ourselves but if we have to fake it so that our man can still enjoy himself we tend to not be as interested in sex.

When you want to make a woman feel in a sexy mood you have to show her what you find attractive about her without saying a word just by stroking her breasts and kissing her neck , legs and back don't grope so much as touch groping is never nice we like to be handled gently in some ways when you touch our buttocks just hold your hand on them don't grip, when you are stroking our skin barely touch the surface so that we can feel just the warmth of your finger tips.

If going down on your woman, don't stick to the same tongue movements play about a bit with the way you move it inside her and how deep you go, if you every now and then just gently lick the outside making her want so much more this will make her want to grab you to do more to her, vary what you do to her to keep her guessing a little bit if sex becomes routine it it is boring for both partners it is always better when you don't know what it is going to be like remember the first time when you wondered what it would feel like and what you would do how exciting that was? its the same thing you have to keep it exciting or you will end up hardly ever having sex because it won't seem like something fun more like some obligatory routine in your relationship.

When your woman is giving you pleasure or you are having sex don't be afraid to be a little noisy women like to hear that their man is enjoying what they are doing to them we find it just as sexy as you do when you hear us moan it turns us on even more and then we learn what you like by hearing the way you moan to certain movements or touches this allows us to give you even more pleasure as well.
The pictures at the top of the page are there to give you some ideas for sex toys that might help you please your lady (although the anthro dragoness is obviously for men but that set of pictures had some great toys for women so i put it up anyway.) The most popular sex toy for women seems to be the rabbit though which is the bottom picture. If you buy handcuffs ask before using them as some women may not be in to it.

Films that dull the senses!

Horror films are very gory these days leaving nothing to the imagination, unlike past scary films that hinted at horror but let you think out the details for yourself, this special effects filled nonsense is actually seen as scary as our standards lower to that level.

These films also spell out everything at the end so that we don't have to do any thinking at all to work out what it means, this leaves us not needing to use any part of our brain as we sit mindlessly in front of the TV screen. The more you watch modern films the less you use your brain, the same goes for TV, whatever we see influences us on another level but we do not need to use thought in order to sit staring at a television.

In old films, there is always so much going on so often when you watch it again at a later date you see something that you didn't before but with modern films you see it once and that's it there's nothing new to it the next time you see it.

In the hammer house of horror films they leave so much to the imagination and are scary not just gory and creepy like modern horror films are.

So many things these days are designed to stop use of the brain, perhaps this is why so many people don't see what is happening and can't understand the truth because their brains are now to feeble to handle the kind of information that comes from conspiracy theories.

Today's scary movies also lower our tolerance for real horror making us more susceptible to fear in real life as well thus allowing the government to control us through fear using scare tactics such as terrorist bombings that were an inside government job. They lower our tolerance for fear but raise our tolerance for gore so that when we see something truly shocking we won't notice that it really is all that shocking.

How to give amazing head!

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Destruction of thought and self reliance!

Career wise today you need not be good at your job to get a promotion, mostly those who are rubbish at their job get promoted because people who are sluggish don't ask questions and follow orders more so than those that think for themselves.

Today in jobs people are limited in what they are allowed to do for instance even if the company rules are stupid you will have to obey them. Individuality is not tolerated. At the job centre the staff have loads of questions set up in a script to read out to the person calling, these questions all have to be asked despite the fact that often the question has already been answered in a previous question, if someone working in the job centre doesn't ask all the questions set out they get called in to the managers office and given a warning this discourages thought in the employees.

When you phone up places like the job centre and tax credits office there are different departments for every problem no one department can deal with more than one problem! Often you have to be put through to that particular department or are given a new number to phone up to get through to, the people working at these places are not allowed to think for themselves and are not allowed to help out with urgent problems that are not in their limited job description, even in that particular department they are limited to what they can do within their job description as they have to check with someone higher up to be approved before they can act thus discouraging against working on ones own initiative.

This is just another way to teach us not to use our brain and to work on command as the NWO dictates we are their slaves and will follow any orders given by the Zionist rulers of the world.

Many things train us to submit to instruction, jobs, school education, the law, religion, political correctness, medical professionals, media, brainwashed peers and lies told in order to scare all these set us in to following orders our jobs force us to do as we are told and never think for ourselves, schools train us to arrange our body clocks by the school bell and do as we are told asking permission for simple things, the law as silly as it may be at times we still have to follow it teaching us to stay in line laws like forced vaccinations unless you wish for your child to be taken by the social services which is soon to be in place, religion tells us what we can and cannot do under the guise of being gods word, political correctness reduces our language keeping us from using perfectly fine words that have been taken out of context, medical professionals always promote vaccines when they are dangerous but also prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to patients that have many side effects and do not help the problem at all they merely mask the symptoms, the media broadcasting propaganda daily remember 9/ 11 the WTC tower 7? the press was released to early and the reporter stated that the tower had collapsed when it stood in the background with no sign of collapsing this is an official media report for the BBC look it up if you wish to they released the information too soon proving that they had prior knowledge of 9/ 11, brainwashed peers criticize people who question things or don't believe the official story as it has so many holes in it our peers often tell us we are the brainwashed ones for researching the matter from many valuable sources that provide evidence of such claims, lies told to scare us as i mentioned before 9/ 11 was one official lie told and 7/ 7 of course all of the "flu epidemics" as well such as the latest "swine flu" it had killed no one at all and there were only a few hundred people diagnosed from the flu up until a list of mild symptoms the same symptoms from "ordinary flu" were given out to people along with a number to call for diagnoses this is cannot give a valid diagnoses and England being the very lazy but over worked country that it is many people call up just to get time off work so and as the diagnoses are given over the telephone people can easily fake it with no other way to be proved as actual "swine flu", "typical flu" or just plain skiving from work. This number was given out in order to raise the number of hypochondriacs with supposed swine flu and that it has, this allows room for mass vaccination with a readily made vaccine that seemed to come about at the same time as the illness itself strange that. I have a link with information on this vaccine that you may find interesting:

The above mentioned all brought us in to this new state of ignorance which leads to not thinking at all and in not thinking for ourselves we are easily influenced by the lies told believing them instantly without questioning or researching the matter, this makes the masses no problem to control, even when the lies told are ridiculous the masses still fall for what is told as they live under a misapprehension that the government would not sell us out to such disturbing fate of the Zionist NWO.

Now that we rely on someone else to do the task for us destroying self reliance, when we are unable to get this help from someone else we will be stuck, incapable of fixing the problem for ourselves leaving our fate at the mercy of the state.

The things that women notice!

Its quite simple really we love a guy that stands out with his sense of humour and confidence, but also a bit of mystery is always nice.

Mostly we notice the guy a guy behaves towards us, these helpful tips can leave a lasting impression:

Look into her eyes when she's speaking to you and listen intently women love this.

Kiss her hand it sounds kind of cheesy but trust me most women will enjoy it.

Brush her hair away from her face gently. (if seeing each other)

Ask her questions about herself.

Make her laugh.

Go for a walk with her somewhere with nice scenery where you can sit and chat it sets a great mood.

Behave like a gentleman treating her like a lady.

Make her smile by saying something nice not cheesy just nice.

These suggestions should help make a lasting impression as women notice these things the most.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Control, symbolism and the state.

Egyptian symbols are used as a language are often described as primitive but when you take a better look around you we use it as well when we are said to be very advanced technologically.

We use symbols for road signs, DVDs (logos on them), food and food places like burger king and on keyboards, we think in pictures symbols effect the brain this is why they are everywhere.

The brain picks up on things that do not register in a part of the brain that we can access but they still affect the way think or react. This explains why on certain packages there are references to sex or other things that are irrelevant to the product.

Another type of irrelevant symbolism is on most DVDs you will see the logo on most for no apparent reason there is the certificate for which age group it is suitable for inside a triangle or pyramid as it would seem usually with an eye in the middle or something resembling an eye but this is not always the case and mostly with the capstone either missing or in some way separated brazenly showing they own us by having this symbolism everywhere they are letting us know they own us yet no one notices because people have been programmed to not question and to not notice things you would presume that if something is in plain view that it will be seen but this isn't true if something is hidden it tends to be found easily yet if you are not trying to hide something and it is an easy to see place then people won't notice because we tend to look in the harder places to find things under the misapprehension that it will be well hidden instead of blatantly exposed in clear view to the public a very good hiding place as we would not expect to find it there.

Until these things are pointed out to us there is very little chance we will ourselves notice such symbolism. On many important buildings such as banks and government owned buildings even on some recently built unimportant buildings there are symbols of owls (masonic god) and pyramids with and eye in the middle and the capstone missing this can vary from having the capstone there or not having the eye but it tends to be the main design on these buildings.

Tescos (a Jewish owned supermarket) has a triangle on the front of it at the top with a slight separation hinting the design of a pyramid with the capstone missing.

As i have mentioned in one or two articles before on an oxy on the spot cream package there is a woman's figure leaning in to a mans figure in a sexually suggestive manner sex has nothing to do with the product yet it is used as a way to store the image in the brain not registering and the symbolism goes unnoticed but it still affects brain and maybe this is why both men and women think about sex often and sex has become such a big thing everyone is off doing it with countless partners and this is seen as normal it seems to be that since sex has been used in advertising sex is no longer an act between married couples but something without feeling that is everywhere used to sell and children are off having it far too young without being old enough or able to cope with the consequences of unsafe sex.

This could be why marriage is less important and there are so many teenage pregnancies, why people have many sex partners over the course of their life and why STD'S are spreading so much also it is the reason that cervical cancer has become such a big problem seeing as it is down to having too many sexual partners and without using protection.

Marriage poses a threat to the NWO as when so many women are single mums depending on the state to survive they have you where they want you if for some reason your money stops you cannot survive and would have no food, wouldn't be able to pay your bills so they would either be cut off or just keep mounting up putting you into debt and you would eventually lose your home so you are financially unstable they have the power to give you money to survive or to take your money and let you starve to death.

If you are a working single mum then you depend on the state to look after your child so that you can pay your way in life this gives the state control of your child separating the bond between parent and child and raising the child in the fickle way the state sees fit with all the silly pointless health and safety issues that weaken each generation more and more.

For the fathers of these children they are stuck paying the CSA a large some of money of which the child will see only a small amount of (leaving the woman again depending on the state for her child's money) if the man pays £100 to the CSA the child will see only £30 of that as the CSA take £70 for themselves for just setting up the payment arrangements if this was truly in the child's interest surely all the money should go to the child?

In breaking up families they not only create dependence on the state but also destroy children's welfare married families are better for children as they need both parents in their lives it provides them with the stability they need for a good start in life most children who come from broken homes grow up angry and in some cases violent and destructive hence the age of asbos and chavs!

School another thing we depend on, to teach our children and these days in the false label that learning is never fun parents leave it to schools to teach their children although that duty should rightly fall on the parents this furthers the distance between parent and child as the child never learns anything of worth from the parents although they never learn anything of true worth at school either it is merely another form of control so that the state has your child and can spoon feed them propaganda controlling there thought this is why the state likes to get your child as young as possible believe it or not but the Zionist scum that are in control have influence over everything the media, film and TV programme industry, the government, schooling systems, banks, supermarkets, pharmaceutical companies, researchers of the medical industry basically they control everything nothing comes into public knowledge through the official media that does not fit in to the NWO.

These days if you want your child to go to school they must go to nursery but what is the problem with a parent doing there job and raising there own child? If you want your child to go to nursery they must be vaccinated and the same goes for if they go to school they must be vaccinated and if you don't want to get in to a hell of a lot of trouble and possibly end up losing your child you "must" vaccinate your child! This in my mind is control as we do not get to choose what goes in to our child's body or how to raise our own children and the Zionists use their politician puppets to push for new laws to protect them so that we have no choice but to do as they say but as it is the law people don't often associate this with control.

Health and safety and politically correct teachings whether in school or not weaken society and teach feeble mindedness leaving each generation more pathetic and hopeless than the last. If they can weaken us both mentally and physically we will be unable to fight for our freedom when the time comes that everyone finally realises that we are owned by the Zionists that are trying to wipe out humanity and what is left of humanity will remain slaves (as if we are not already their slaves) but also in keeping us inane the masses are unable to work out what is truly going on.

They also keep our attention focused elsewhere so that we do not notice things that matter through TV, fashion, magazines, advertising, silly goodies that we don't need but are convinced to want, films, sports, and propaganda news reports. These ideas were designed to keep the mind occupied so that we would not notice that we are being controlled both mentally and physically.

In addition TV uses sex to sell ideas and advertises it everywhere in programmes and movies and advertisements designed to sell unnecessary items to an unsuspecting audience, such advertising also stores sex in the brain leaving it thinking of such on an unconscious level making way for the age of slags both women and men indulging in meaningless sex no responsibility and no strings one night stands are a part of a fashion these days.

So as you see symbolism is not actually primitive and is everywhere even now as it is an effective way to influence the brain without being found out.

Once you start to notice such attempts to sway your judgement you start to become immune to it, and notice the symbolism more and more everywhere you go showing that they are expressing there control over us.
I have not mentioned every type of symbolism just the most used.

The dry spell!

At times we all go through stages where we are "not getting any" in our relationships it be through tiredness or stress or just low libido.

A few things can really help with this although you can't expect to get any if the other person is wiped out from a hard day, but maybe they won't mind helping you along with your frustration by offering you a hand or something along those lines its less effort for us when we are tired to give you a bit of simple pleasure.

When its low libido you have to try and find out why, it could be down to depression or low self esteem there are other reasons but these are the main ones. When we feel low about ourselves a compliment can really help with this or just feeling wanted by our partner can make us feel sexy again and when a man or woman feels sexy they will be prepared to show you just how sexy they really are.

If it because things need spicing up you can always talk about what excites you both and bring in new ideas to play about with you can look up things together and find new ways to pleasure each other like maybe bring new toys in to it like cock rings and vibrators or handcuffs, you could even find sexy outfits to dress up in like uniforms from sex shops online is always cheaper if your strapped for cash, you could both dress up which would set the right mood and make you both feel sexy plus doing something new brings back the excitement making it far more pleasurable for both of you, we all know that routine can get a bit tiresome and we long to keep it new and fun.

When looking for something to entice your partner you can either surprise them by looking something up yourself or you can look together either way is fine because who doesn't love a surprise? and if looking together you will find things that interest you both.

Finding what the problem is though is always the best bet before you jump in and buy new toys because that may come across as selfish if you don't talk to your partner about the situation.

If tiredness is the problem then you need to look at your busy life and although this sounds unromantic and odd plan when you have free time together so that you can cuddle don't plan sex just plan time together so that you can make that connection again you never know what will come from it i mean after spending time cuddling who knows what will come up.

If it is stress then it needs talking about so that you can find the cause and try and solve the problem together.

In addition these tricks can help you get the mood set for love.

A bath together, bubbles and candles.

A sexy massage, i recommend you get some sensual smelling massage oil for this as it will not only relax but being touched gently will turn your partner on.

Dress up for them in something they will love.

Go out for a romantic evening, just the two of you a nice meal some wine and then have a little walk after this being outdoors can lead to naughty outdoor fun bringing excitement back.

Cook for them, get a nice DVD or put some music on and snuggle up this kind of attention is always nice.

Also you can get Bach flower remedies that can help with stress and tiredness that after a couple of weeks really help with whatever the problem is they these at boots stores and online.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Giving a woman pleasure!

I have put a lot of karma sutra position pictures on as these are positions that are pleasurable for women and it is always good to try new things who knows maybe you will enjoy them just as much as your woman does!

The best way to learn how to please your woman in bed is to ask what she likes or when you are in the middle of pleasing her ask her if she likes what you are doing you will notice that certain movements or certain touches affect her more as she will moan a bit more intensely. There are always little signs that show what she enjoys even if she isn't noisy in bed like if she grips onto the duvet or bed, digs her nails in to you, moves her body slightly such as her legs stretching out slightly or head moves.

A few things to help you along:

  • A woman's clit is a well known spot of arousal, however if you are not gentle you hurt her it is a very sensitive area and needs only light touches to please.

  • The neck is an obvious one lightly breathing on it will send tingles down her spine and kissing it again lightly.

  • stroking motions on her body even if not touching her private areas it will arouse her as it is attentive and relaxing!

  • taking time to turn a woman on is always more appreciated than just getting down to it, we don't always get aroused as quickly as men excitement is an amazing aphrodisiac like the thought of being caught but when it comes to indoor sex we may need a little more help getting aroused so take the time to do the above mentioned and maybe go down on her making her want you even more just pay attention to her sexual needs.

  • if you speak to her in a different language women love this especially when making love there is nothing sexier than hearing a man speak a foreign language.

  • candles and a bubble bath together if there is enough room if not just keep your hands busy while she is relaxing and you can enjoy seeing her wet naked body as well.

  • glass of wine a DVD a duvet and dinner always a nice way to relax dim the lights and set the mood this will lead to a romantic evening cuddling and maybe more.

  • get down to some kinky games strip poker or naked twister something along those lines will lead to fun!

  • make it interesting tie her up (if she is OK with this) then you are in control and can tease her until she is begging for more.

  • bring food in to the mix using squirty cream, strawberries, melted chocolate, any fruits are OK and just things you can lick off her body don't just lick it off her body though feed her as well.

  • try out new positions that you both will enjoy!

  • surprise her and make her feel wanted by just grabbing her where ever you are in the house and kissing her and pinning her up against the wall or bending her over the kitchen units or sofa maybe even sweeping everything off the table and lifting her on to it to have your way whatever you can think of to make it exciting.

  • take it outside go for a walk in nature and find somewhere secluded to sit and talk and maybe more it is always exciting outdoors in nature.

  • use toys on her to get her going and ensure her orgasm when you finally penetrate her yourself.

  • dirty talk saying what you will do to it eachother then rip eachothers clothes off.

  • text sex! during the day you can send dirty messages to eachother saying what you want to do by the time you see eachother you won't be able to control your urges and will enjoy a passionate evening.

These are all ideas to help you pleasure your woman.

The war against children being children!

Magazines exist for pretty much all age groups and prepare young children to go on to the next magazine designed for the next age and girls magazines especially ones aimed at six year old girls that come with little bits of make up which as they see so many adults wearing them appeals to them because they want to be grown up and react to their surroundings it teaches them to become vein, spending half their life in front of a mirror when they are very young and should be off playing children's games.

It also teaches them to rely on make up "to fit in" and "to be beautiful" feeling as if natural beauty isn't enough and they have to wear a mask to be liked or seen as attractive and these days this is normal? Its no wonder so many girls/ women have low self esteem they are always made to feel that natural isn't beautiful and that we need to cover up any "flaws" to try and look like celebrities giving that false ideology that celebs are perfect making us feel inferior and struggling to be perfect like we are told celebs are!

Young girls go around these days wearing makeup when they should be playing with dolls, wearing high heels and grown up clothes when they should be enjoying a happy healthy childhood.

Barbie dolls are a problem as well as they are for dressing up in practically nothing and come in ones that you put make up on or style the hair of this getting little girls ready for when they are spending way too much time on their own appearance.

TV is a problem as well (again) as every female on telly is plastered in makeup and dressed up slaggy and we are convinced that these people are beautiful when they are not it leads to children aspiring to be like what they constantly witness on telly.

Pop music aimed at 8 year old girls virtually naked girls gyrating around air humping and songs about sex and homosexuality its no wonder so many children and adults are confused about their sexuality. So many girls lose their virginity when they are in their early teens because of all these negative influences. If you listen to the music aimed at little children you will see that it is telling them how to behave music, telly, magazines, toys and advertising all influence the brain mostly without us even realising it because it is stored in to a different part of the brain not the part that processes thought on a conscious level but that affects us on a subconscious level.

Pamper parties for young girls, they give little girls make overs, do their hair and nails and describe it as making your child feel grown they are not meant to feel grown up, what is so wrong with children being children and enjoying a happy healthy childhood?

This link is for a pamper partie:

It holds parties for up to 4 to 10 children at a time and the ages range from 4 - 6 year olds 6 - 8 year olds and 8 - 10 year olds its bad enough 8 - 10 year olds wearing makeup but really why would a 4 year old need make up? this insanity teaches us to have low self esteem because we will always feel we are not good enough and need make up to be pretty!

This kind of influence sets in motion a "fashion" for 4 - 10 year old girls a fashion that dictates they wear make up to fit in or be pretty and wear clothes that are slaggy and supposed to make them feel grown up.

At times i wonder if this is designed to create more paedophiles? Dressing children up and sexualising them from very young ages.

Whether its actually sticking their todgers in little boys bottoms or reducing the age of consent and allowing the media and music industry to sexualise children, whether it is direct or indirect the actions of politicians promote paedophilia. Not all gays are paedophiles but most paedophiles are gay. Encouraging homosexuality actually encourages paedophilia.

Its not surprising that this kind of behaviour is encouraged considering prince Charles raped his butler, the royal family are a set of degenerate perverts and they are after all who we are supposed to look up to!
The talmud says "it ok to sexually abuse a little girl if she is under three years old as the hymen will heal up" Most of the rulers of this country who also own the media, fashion industry and such are all talmud readers.
The above statement is a fact that i gained knowledge of from an ex jew who's family turned their backs on the religion due to its sick beliefs.

Ways for men to keep their woman happy!

When in a comfortable relationship us women can tend to as men would see it "nag" about little things (to men at least) so here are some things that men need to look at it in different light so as not to feel that they are being treated like children. Obviously i cannot speak for all women just most!

  • When we complain that you haven't changed your underwear in such a long time while you may have it inside out and think you have a few more days wear but frankly its disgusting and we have a wash load waiting to go on so it wouldn't hurt you to just put fresh ones on and the same goes for socks you rot your feet after wearing socks for two long and that doesn't do much for a woman's libido!

  • When you get in from work yes you are tired but we are as well whether we work or stay at home keeping the house nice and/or look after the child/children we are tired too we work just as hard as you so it wouldn't be too much of a chore for you to make a nice gesture once in a while and help out with the washing up or do little bits of cleaning here and there trust me this goes down very well with women and when we feel you have done something nice for us we will do something "very nice" for you!

  • Take us to a nice restaurant if you can't be bothered to wash up or take over cooking its a good way for us both to have the night off relaxing and we will still get a good meal instead of a nasty take away.

  • Women love to flirt so keep things interesting by placing your hand on her leg, sweeping her hair out of her face, stroking her skin, sit her on your lap. hold her hand, compliment "her" on how she looks this keeps a relationship alive.

  • Never let the fun die, play fight and tickle her, have a sexy wrestle just play like you did at the start of your relationship.

  • Tell her she's sexy this doesn't mean all the time but be attentive and let her know she is sexy whether you say it with words or with body language you can express it in a fun way. If a woman feels sexy she will show just how sexy she can be!

  • When a woman does something nice for you however little or big a gesture it is say thank you we really love hearing how much you appreciate what we have done for you it makes us feel needed and make a valid contribution to the household.

  • When we are doing the dishes, cuddle us from behind whisper sweet nothings in our ears breath on or kiss our necks this kind of attention can lead to abit of over the sink fun!

  • Give her what she wants in bed don't just focus on you because when a woman enjoys herself in bed i can guarantee you will as well we really enjoy having our pleasure put first when a man pleases us we go all the way to please him!

  • Listen to us, when we tell you how a certain thing is done (especially when its something we do as part of our weekly if not daily routine) we know what we are talking about and it wouldn't hurt you to do it our way my example of this is when a woman tells you to separate the washing and what groups to put them into "do it" as if you accidentally get it wrong and dye something of hers she will go spare! Men do seem to at times have issues with doing things "our" way but we usually know what we are talking about and you will save yourself a lot of hassle!

  • Surprise us with a nice gesture run a hot bath for us so we can unwind, cook a lovely meal and let us put our feet up once in a while or buy us something simple like our favourite meal or pudding maybe even rent a DVD we will enjoy just something simple as a treat we appreciate things like this it makes us feel that you really know what we like and are in tune with our needs and when we feel appreciated we make you appreciate us even more by doing something very nice for you!

I am not suggesting that you always bend over backwards, but it is nice to once in a while give her a little treat it keeps us happy.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Time to relax.

At times couples have the very common problem of irritability due to stress from a busy lifestyle, when you first finish work after a particularly trying day you can be a tad grumpy and not want to speak much when you get home wanting instead to sit with a cuppa in silence, soak in the tub for a bit or in unwind in any way that suits you really

Sometimes this gives the impression that you don't want to be around your partner or that they have in some way offended you, which can cause even more tension.

Its the same sometimes for full time mums who have had a difficult day we just want a break from the stress so we can calm down and then enjoy the rest of the evening, this means swapping shifts for mummy's and daddy's but usually the children are so glad to see their daddy that they just want cuddles and games so they are less hassle by this time although to some men this can seem like too much work what you need to remember is that mummy has dealt with all the naughtiness during the day without a break and now you get to have fun and games with your children while mummy relaxes for a bit.

We all need time to "calm" ourselves down after a trying day so that we can cope so take it in turns to take a time out.

It isn't ignorance to not be able top speak at first in the evening especially if your job takes on the role of conversation greatly during the day which tires you using up pretty much all of your words for the day. You just need to recharge and make it known that you need that time to rest up.

Political correctness and shabby education!

These days we seem to be losing our original language and gaining a more political/ Americanised version not to mention the dumbed down version that is so commonly known and used.

In controlling how we speak they control how we think without us even realising it, it forces in to a certain frame of mind for example: If a white person objects to a certain kind of "wrong" behaviour towards them by an Asian or black the Asian or black screams racist and we are forced to retract our beliefs in order to not be seen as racist one such incidence occurred to me a while ago (i am mentioning this instead of a recent one as this is the worst one to have happened recently to me) I was walking home from meeting my husband after work and we were almost there, an Asian guy was walking towards us my husband was pushing the pram the Asian guy grabbed me on the bottom i pushed him off and swore at him (as he had just indecently assaulted me) and told him where to go he said i was racist despite the fact that i made no racist remark towards him and would have reacted the same whether it was a white, black, or Asian male or female person grabbing me without permission.

Another example is in a club i know of a white lass was dancing when an Asian guy grabbed her and started air humping her she told him to f*** off and he shouted racist but what he did was racist.

These kind of cases force us to not point out when a person from a different race does something out of order and because of this whites get so much stick for doing nothing wrong if a black of Asian rapes a white woman and she yells for them to get off and calls them by a racist slur she will be done for it not the actual criminal.

Political correctness has caused so many restrictions on our English language leaving us with little left. We now cannot use the term "gay" in its original sense or "queer" as it would be offensive to homosexuals gay just means happy and queer just means odd so why should we lose such perfectly fine words to suit those who have a problem when we have used these words for such a long time?

We have changed nursery rhymes or stopped the use of certain ones because they cause offense like "baa baa black sheep" there are black sheep so how is this offensive? In most cases it is politically correct whites that take these things too far, obviously you do get other races behaving in the same way as well though.

Now i want to point out the problem with Americanised English all this
"hey" as a greeting and words cut down both in the way they are said and the way they are written such as "wat" "hav" or "av" "r" "u" these lead to stupidity as well with people unable to spell because they get used to shortening things to fit into a text or for convenience when trying to be quick at writing or typing these days it is considered "cool" (another word that is used wrong) to be illiterate.

American English is so very different from English they say the words wrong and often miss out the letter "t" at the end of their words which makes it sound like they have either said "d" instead or just mispronounced the word. What is wrong with enunciating? In today's society most people miss out letters in their words, this is destroying our language turning the generations even more moronic than the last, look at children today we live in a world of "chavs" who are inane, destructive and dangerous.

The education system is laughable what exactly does it teach? when children leave school they still have no education and can't get a decent job, most leave solecistic, with no goals, futile and go in to the world bewildered ending up in either a dead end job (to try and pay there way either because they can't get a better job because of sluggishness or need to pay for college to get qualifications for a more promising career) or they end up on benefits getting everything for free making no contribution towards anything and popping out kids in to such an uncertain and clearly destructive, bad example of life also tending to be split families or illegitimate children.

We seem to be losing so many words not just through political correctness, but also because the generations are nonsensical and inarticulate more so as time goes by starting with children's TV silly programmes like "teletubies" and "in the night garden" that teach feeble mindedness and cause speech impediments (if you look at how much the statistics for speech problems in children have risen since such silly programmes you will understand the damage children's TV does) although children should have fun they should also learn but today's lifestyle dictates that learning is not fun and they have been separated so that learning can be labelled as "not fun" leading to children rebelling against education until much later in life occasionally when it is too late or often wishing they had bothered to learn but still do nothing.

It used to be seen as a bad thing to be ill educated but today it is seen as a bad thing to be intelligent.

Schools not only teach nothing but direct towards parents not doing there job by teaching their own children it is our job as parents to teach our children and interact with them it starts them off in life, a child that has received adequate communicative attention will be more responsive they take in everything around them and learn quickly by watching what we do and copying or testing things to find out how they work, they tend to be brighter with good interaction from birth, it is never too early to start newborns get used to the sound of our voice it soothes them.

Children are always taking things in its like a sponge ready to soak up everything which is why they should be taught by their parents from the start, parents have a better chance of passing on knowledge to their own children than strangers do.

Children should be taught the greatest lessons they will ever learn from their parents you can't learn common decency if you are surrounded by inconsiderate swines the values of life can only be taught by parents.

Big changes need to be made if we are to save our children from the fate of the states educations system allowing the government to get your children from a very young age and disrupt them, education should actually be worthwhile, upbringings should be decent and our language should be saved and taught properly!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

vegetarian meal ideas

I have been vegetarian for about six days now i think, already i am feeling fuller from my meals and enjoying it.

I spent this morning looking up new meal ideas on the Internet as i was running low on food and needed some culinary inspiration, i found some amazing recipes for veggie meals that are simple to make and full of vital vitamins all of these recipes my daughter and husband will enjoy and we are keeping the meals varied so that there is no boredom, so far i am finding loads of great ideas that will keep this experience an interesting one.

I have a few recipes suggestions that you could look up and try out for yourself.

:veggie curry: link:

You can add extras to these recipes if you wish or swap something you don't like for another vegetable that you do.

Hope this was helpful.


Ways to please your man!

  • Blow his mind with this sneaky move: Stand behind him and stroke his penis. This positions your palm flat against his member's sensitive underside, the same way he grips it when he masturbates. Then do a few things he can't do himself, like whisper in his ear or kiss his back.

  • There's a good chance that your guy has never feasted his eyes on your completely bare bod for more than a few seconds. Maybe it's because you undress quickly in a passion frenzy or your bodies are too close for him to really take you in. But letting him stare at you in the buff is a surefire libido trigger

  • Initiate a primal move that fuels his frisky craving. Give him an animalistic challenge by having standing sex. Let him hold you up against the wall with your legs wrapped around his lower back. He'll be in the aggressor role since he's holding you up with his arms and lower bod, and he also gets the visual thrill of watching your breasts bounce during the act

  • Once you have him going crazy not knowing where your next lick, kiss, or stroke will land, treat your blindfolded boy to a slew of new sensations. Three to try: the feel of your hair, silk panties, or a string of pearls rubbed gently against his member

  • You on top This position can be very intimate since your faces are touching and you can slide your arms around each other so you're super close. It's also a great method for delaying his orgasm a little longer

  • Steam up your bathroom mirror by standing this close together in the shower. Add the water pouring over you, and this is a perfect position for lots of wet, passionate kissing. You can also gaze into each other's eyes, further boosting the intimacy factor, if you have only got a bath have a bath together if there isn't enough room then he can scrub your back or you can scrub his.

  • A guy's prostate — the walnut-size gland under his bladder — is the ultimate magic button to push if you want to blow his mind in bed. To tantalize it, partway through oral sex or intercourse, rest two fingers against the swath of skin between his testicles and anus

  • No doubt, you're intimately acquainted with 69. Now may i introduce you to 77? The number refers to the way you and your partner's bodies look when they meld together in a side-entry position. The unique angling practically guides his, uh, missile to your G-spot. (the guy should be laid with his legs at an angle like the number seven and you should be laid in front in the same position.

  • Steam things up at home by moving outside the bedroom and doing it on top of a sturdy table, kitchen counter, bathroom sink, or hood of a car that's parked in your garage

  • Take oral sex to a whole new level by caressing his butt cheeks as you're going down on him. Double his pleasure with the synchronized motions that let you control the pacing

  • Incorporating food into your passion play is a classic carnal activity. Take a few of your favorite erotically appealing flavor combinations, like peanut butter and honey or whipped cream and chocolate sauce, and mix up yummy treats all over his body

  • Tell him what you want him to do without saying a word. Wrap your hand around one of his fingers or his penis, and when he does something you particularly like, give a squeeze

  • Turn your attention downstairs for some self-stimulation and leave the invitation open for him to take over. Whether he joins in or not, guys love to watch, so it's a win-win situation

  • Kiss and lick your way down his torso, stopping short of his penis, then give him a smile and work your way back up. Repeat several times until he begs for mercy

  • by sliding onto his lap in reverse cowgirl position with your hands balanced on his thighs for support. Much like doggie-style, he'll be able to revel in watching your tush and touching your breasts — but without expending any lower-body energy

  • A fabulous kiss is an intricate balancing act involving tongue technique, pressure control, and moistness monitoring. Invade his space with a tantalizing kiss.

  • Tie him up so he can't use his hands and gently kiss and bite him all over only occasionally going near his private parts making him beg for more.

  • Tease him only letting him see certain parts of your body flashing him every now and then and like the point above touching him in places that he will enjoy but that don't allow him to climax.

  • Bring ice cubes into the play by running it across his body he actually gets hotter and then you can place it in your mouth and lick him the sensation of hot and cold will have him writhing around!

  • Get him going, by using a sex toy on yourself allowing him to watch you enjoy yourself will turn him on and he will want to touch you but he can't not yet anyway tease him with it till he's begging to take over!

  • The missionary position can be a bit boring so spice it up by raising your legs and allowing him to hold them to his chest this squeezes slightly on his penis giving him more pleasure and can really hit the spot for you too.

  • Get rough, men love a bit of rough and tumble, wrestling in the bedroom is always fun and you can bite each other gently or pinch his nipples a little maybe even scratch your nails down his back showing him how much pleasure he is giving you men love this.

These are all great ways to pleasure you both but mostly you will get the satisfaction of knowing you have truly rocked his world!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

There are no side effects only effects!

When it comes to pharmaceutical drugs they all come with "side effects" which are just effects of the drugs sold that really hold no health benefits.

These drugs come with a leaflet that will contain many bad "effects" listed all pharmaceutical drugs come with these bad "effects",

Have you ever really throughly read through these leaflets? Most of them contain in the side effects section an effect that is what you are being treated for well why if that is the problem in the first place are you being something that may make it worse?

Some of these effects can be so dangerous that it states to seek medical help immediatly should you experiance such problems.

  • Some of the "effects" of sleeping tablets can be:

  • insomnia

  • drowsiness the next day

  • dizziness and forgetfulness

  • clumsiness, feeling off balance

  • constipation and urinary retention

  • blurred vision

  • dry mouth and throat

  • Common problems with sleeping tablets:

  • Drug tolerance. You may have to take more and more of the sleep aid for it to work, which can lead to more side effects.

  • Drug dependence. You may come to rely on the medication to sleep, and will be unable to sleep or have even worse sleep without it.

  • Withdrawal symptoms. If you stop the medication abruptly, you may have withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating and shaking

  • Side effects. There are several side effects to sleep medications, such as drowsiness the next day, confusion, forgetfulness and dry mouth.

  • These side effects can be severe.

  • Drug interactions. If you are taking other medications, sleeping medications can interact with them. This can worsen side effects and be dangerous with medications like prescription painkillers and other sedatives.

  • Rebound insomnia. If you need to stop the medication, sometimes the insomnia can become even worse than before.

  • Masking an underlying problem. There may be an underlying medical or mental disorder, or even a sleep disorder, that if treated would provide more relief from insomnia.

Also while on sleeping tablets it is possible to end up zombie like and unresponsive coming accross as if you are not all there!

Bad "effects" of anti depressants:

  • Dry mouth

  • Urinary retention

  • Blurred vision

  • Constipation

  • Sedation (can interfere with driving or operating machinery)

  • Sleep disruption

  • Weight gain

  • Headache

  • Nausea

  • Gastrointestinal disturbance/diarrhea

  • Abdominal pain

  • Inability to achieve an erection

  • Inability to achieve an orgasm (men and women)

  • Loss of libido

  • Agitation

  • Anxiety

  • depression

  • stress

  • and suicidal thoughts

They also are very addictive and difficult to come off and have to slowly be cut down over a course of a few weeks or even months.

Given that these side effects are often so severe as to make the patient even more ill why are they handed out so readily? Many people benefit from herbal remedies to cope with a wide range of illnesses. With depression or sleep disorders it is common for one illness to lead to the other.

Pharmaceutical drugs "never" cure the illness they merely mask the symptons leaving the patient walking around in a zombie like state, SO is it worth risking all these side effects to get no results and only hide the symptons from the world?