"Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man" : An old Jesuit quote. It means, that up until the age of seven, children can still be brainwashed. This explains why school/nursery ages are continually being lowered. Children learn from their surroundings, what they hear and see is vital to what they will consider to be facts or knowledge, even from a very young age they take everything in. This is why all forms of control, brainwashing and mind control are aimed at children from such young ages, if they get you while you are young, then it will be harder even impossible in some cases, for you to wake up and see past the smokescreen of propaganda!
Every religion is a form of control, they serve only one purpose, to keep people in line, using the fear of "hell", punishment and pain for not obeying the rules of the religion. The Jehovah's Witness religion in particular, is an interesting one, they use the "My Book of Bible Stories" as a way to brainwash children at a young age, it is aimed at children of that age for only that reason. Most, if not all of the stories in this book are irrelevant to the religion of which it is meant to preach, the stories found in this book also greatly contradict themselves, and it is also full of many mistakes (most of which go unnoticed).
The book starts with an introduction, which states that the book is about "true stories in history" (no Bible stories can be regarded as verifiable truth, they are either theories, or unproven myths - which are more about faith, than actual facts! They do not stand up to archaeological, historical or other accepted forms of analysis). It then goes on to mention, the theory of ever lasting life on paradise earth. In most religions - the reward for a righteous life is heaven, but in this one it is paradise! The book also states that it is about the Bible and what the people did. The stories in the book are based around Jewish people, yet, modern Jews are strongly against the Jehovah's Witness religion. These stories were taken from the Jewish Bible (Torah), not the Christian Bible (New Testament), so they are Torah Judaic stories and not from the Jehovah's Witness religion, which has only existed since it was founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1931, (although it dates back to 1876 as part of bible student movement).
The reason religions require faith, would be because if you study the religion with an open mind, you will find many flaws, whereas faith is the only way you can believe in religion due to the lack of thought which faith requires, whereas rational thought, allows you to see past the lies and notice the many holes in each story!
"The stories appear in the order that events occurred in history. This helps you to learn when, in relation to other events, things happened in history."
The above is taken from the introduction also, it implies that these Bible stories are facts relating to other historical moments. Which they are not!
"From where did the heavens and earth come? How did the sun, moon and stars, as well as the many things on earth, come to be? The Bible gives the true answer when it says that they were created by God. So our book begins with Bible stories about creation."
Next, this naive ideology implies that it is fact, that God created all these things which never used to exist, however it fails to mention where God came from? How did God come in to existence?
"The first creations of God, we learn, were spirit persons somewhat like himself. They were angels. But the earth was created for people like us. So God made the man and woman named Adam and Eve and put them in a beautiful garden. But they disobeyed God and lost the right to keep living."
Here we see that because Adam and Eve made a human mistake, they lost the right to keep living in the Garden of Eden, yet doesn't this religion preach forgiveness, and that God forgives? Also the mistake this regards is the tree they were not to eat fruit from - if it was God's tree alone then why did he put it where anyone could get to it? I suppose the answer (from Jehovah's Witnesses) would be that it is a matter of trust. But is it not also a matter of showing off, placing temptations of human weaknesses in plain view? Isn't it the role of the Devil to tempt people? Could it be that the God of the Jehovah's Witnesses is what Christians would call the Devil? And why create the talking snake, to convince them to betray Gods trust? When Adam is created, he is made from dust, when Eve is created she is taken from Adam's rib, why is this? These stories, along with all other Bible stories from this religion, are lacking a great deal of explanation.
"In all, from Adam's creation until the great Flood, there were 1,656 years. During this time many bad persons lived. In heaven, there were the unseen spirit persons, Satan and his bad angels. On earth, there were Cain and many other bad persons, including some unusually powerful men. But there were also good people on earth - Abel, Enoch and Noah. In Part ONE we will read about all these people and events."
God created Satan along with all the bad angels, therefore the bad angels must have been designed that way. If God is powerful enough to create these angels, could he not also destroy them? Yet later on in this book it will mention a war, between good and evil, we are left to clean up all of God's mistakes basically. One can't help but feel that this God is rather incompetent really!
"The first angel God made was very special. He was God's first Son, and he worked with his Father. He helped God to make all other things. He helped God to make the sun, the moon, the stars and also our earth."
Why would God need help to create all these things, and because he did he clearly does not deserve much credit!
"First, God made green grass to cover the land. And he made all kinds of plants and bushes and trees."
Wouldn't the grass need something to grow in?
Throughout this book it tells the readers that God's name is Jehovah, which comes from one of the Hebrew names for God: YHWH which can be pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah.
"Jehovah God had a job for Adam. He told Adam to name all the different kinds of animals. Adam may have watched the animals for a long time so he could pick the best names for them all."
Adam gave all these names we use for animals after only just being created, so basically, Adam decided after just being created, that the stripey big cat would be a tiger, I would wonder where he got this idea from?
"God wants people to live forever in happiness and He promises that someday they will. Not only will the whole earth be beautiful, but all the people will be healthy. And everyone on earth will be a good friend with everyone else and with God."
Everyone on earth will be good friends with everyone else? I would imagine that somewhat impossible, since you cannot get along with everybody, some people naturally clash, due to personality differences etc, or will our free will be taken away leaving us in a brain washed, zombie like state, unable to think for ourselves and make our own mind up? This idea is obviously designed to give people the idea that everything will be wonderful if you fall for this nonsense.
"One day Cain and Abel bring a gift to God. Cain brings some food he has grown. And Abel brings the very best sheep he has. Jehovah is pleased with Abel and his gift. But he is not pleased with Cain and his gift."
Cain and Abel are referred to as the first and second sons of Adam and Eve in this book. In the picture shown on this section (I will try and post the link for anyone who wishes to look in to this) Cain and Abel have gifts for their God, Abel has sheep, Cain has fruits and vegetables which he has grown himself, Abel is burning the sheep for his god, why would God want one of his creatures murdered and burnt for him? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing he would be pleased with (although it would seem the sort of thing the Devil would appreciate).
"But God is not pleased with persons like Cain. So after Cain killed his brother, God punished him by sending him far away from the rest of his family. When Cain went away to live in another part of the earth, he took with him one of his sisters, and she became his wife."
Cain married his sister and had children with her - is that not a bit sick for a children's book to mention? Plus in the original stories, Adam and Eve only had boys, after Abel was murdered by his brother, they had another son called Seth.
"In time Cain and his wife began to have children. Other sons and daughters of Adam and Eve got married, and they also had children. Soon there were many people on the earth. Let's learn about some of them."
So when these siblings married, did they also marry each other? It does not say. Or did they marry other people who are not mentioned to be created yet. If it is the first one then the Earth is populated by people who are all related and all commiting incest! Again sick!
"God did not let E'noch live a long time, among these bad people. E'noch lived to be "only 365 years old". why do we say "only 365 years old?" because days were much stronger than now and lived much longer. Why,E'noch's son Me-thu'selah lived to be 969 years old!"
As we have noticed from an earlier story, Adam and Eve began to die as soon as they left the Garden of Eden. People would not have been able to live quite so long, if they had been sentenced to death following a short life because of what Adam and Eve had done.
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