Tuesday 24 November 2009

Watching big brother watching you!

Social networks such as facebook, bebo, myspace and twitter all have one major purpose and is not to help people connect with old friends and make new ones as we are led to believe it is because it allows the government to keep tabs on us even more so, but also the quizzes or games involved on these networks allow the government to tap in to your mind tracking your thought and understanding the pattern thus allowing them to work out whether you are a threat to the establishment, plus they can use the information to find new ways to control and convince you of their lies.

In tracing your every thought, feeling, comment and quiz result they have the ability to predict the kind of moves you make or would make in certain situations. This obviously gives them an unfair advantage over you. Every phone conversation, email, text message, website and TV programme you send or view is monitored, for example sky plus allows you to pause and rewind what you are watching which means the information is stored on incorporated hard drive which means that this information can be retrieved by the television provider and anyone who has access to their information including obviously the security services such as MI5 CIA and MOSSAD. Any of this information gives these services a look inside your mind to see how it works and this is used to train people to be the same as everyone else by creating stereo types and labelling behaviour so as to control the masses by manipulating their individuality and making them in to one minded man made robots. Individuality poses a threat to the NWO, if we never question anything and never think for ourselves then we never find out the truth of any situation. Individuality allows us to behave and think freely stopping any kind of mind control from taking effect.

The official media are a tool used to stop individual thought, in telling us only the stories that the Zionist leaders want us to know they tell whomever is listening how to think, how to react. The official news only includes "what we are supposed to know" never the "whole truth" and never any story that doesn't help further impose the NWO. Mindlessly people sit in front of their televisions day and night watching stupid deliberately planned out (to destroy our morals and individual thoughts) plot lines and the official media's lies allowing the TV to think for them and form their opinions without even realising because we are given an irrelevant and pointless choice of chosen (for us) debate, such as whether which official media's opinion to trust or which TV programme is better, such silly decisions lead us to believe we are free to think for ourselves yet these allowed decisions have been planted to stop us from realising we are controlled.

Another unknown source of hidden control would be "parties" we choose who we follow who and what we believe, yet these parties are all controlled and were created by our enemies for that purpose, they allow us to feel we are going against the NWO and fighting control but in fact these parties keep us from ever being a threat because they are all deliberately led by idiots who can barely even spell their own name, these leaders talk absolute nonsense knowing nothing factual about the topic at hand in fact the only information they have access to is all mainstream media clap trap and once they have given their controlled speech they pat themselves on the back for doing such a great job and then get drunk and reckless, nothing ever gets done, no plans to fix things are made because anyone following these groups are kept firmly in line being brought to believe that they have all the correct information and are kept distracted so that they are in no way dangerous to the NWO. Each party has a particular distraction in mind to keep the followers focused on that one distraction such as convincing them to hate certain races or other parties and this childish finger pointing keeps them from ever actually knowing who the real culprits are.

With the advent of CCTV every interaction you make in public is recorded. With the internet you do not even have to leave your home to be monitored. Every aspect of our lives are recorded and every choice we make is carefully crafted for us to ensure that we cannot make any independant choices of our own. When george orwell wrote 1984, he could only dream of the possibilties of surveilance. The reality we live in is far more controlled and manipulated than anything george orwell, Aldous huxley or any of the other visionaries of the last century could have feared. The only thing that is for certain is that everything is going to get much much worse. You are willingly building your own prison, by volunteering information and refusing to see the horrendous police state which should be obvious for anyone to see, and if you don't want your children to be literal slaves you had better do something about it now!

1 comment:

  1. Well many people do not realise the dangers of electrical equipment such as TV and computers etc. Not only are they tools for control, but also are very dangerous health wise:


    If you are aware of Zionism, you will know that the followers of it rely on our submission in order to have control over us and 'power', or magic - since they base themselves around satanic magic rituals. I believe since TV dulls the mind, it allows for better control in this way. If people are not aware of, or don't believe in magic, then they're more likely to be influenced and controlled by it.

    Thanks for the comment.
