From what we have rammed down our throats from a very early age one would believe that the legal system is there to help people who fall victims to evil criminals, once this was true in the days when justice was actually served. Today the law protects the criminals from being justly punished for their crimes. Most crimes don't even reach the news papers these days unless they are racist crimes (only when those crimes are whites against other races) crimes against the government, some stronger or milder crimes reach the newspaper but when it comes to other races persecuting whites it is never mentioned and so people are lead to believe it never happens.
If the newspapers were to tell the truth about dealers or drug related crimes and such people would be outraged and even more so if they knew that the criminals are in no way punished but treated as victims themselves with no consideration for the actual victims of these criminals. England is a highly developed police state with CCTV monitoring everybody and a network of paid informers providing a constant flow of information. In addition to CCTV in towns all the major roads networks are covered by CCTV with number plate recognition technology. There are also military listening posts which monitor every text message, email, telephone conversation and Internet activity in which originates or ends in this country. With this mass of information the police are aware of every business transaction committed by criminals such as drug dealers, people traffickers, paedophiles and pimps.
The opium fields were taken control of by the state when America and Britain invaded Afghanistan in 2002, these fields had previously been burnt down by the Taliban but since the troops moved in on this area have been regrown and surprise surprise the heroin market has never been more busy or free flowing. And since this is an Asian drug found only in their country it is quite obvious that only Asians and the military would have access to these drugs thus narrowing the heroin drug dealers down slightly. But if the troops control these fields shouldn't it be rather difficult to smuggle this drug? Strangely it seems not, and of course the only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the state are the true drug dealers using the foolish Asians to smuggle and sell it to even more foolish addicts for a profit. But why would the state want to allow such an evil dirty drug to be so obtainable? Heroin leaves the person taking it in a state where they are blissfully unaware of anything that matters unable to think rationally and unattached from any real human emotions, it makes the addict feel safe like they are surrounded in cotton wool and nothing can touch them. As it leaves the addict experiencing no feelings of emotion they are more likely to be dangerous to those they steal from in order to get their next fix, this drug leaves them with no common decency which means when most of them steal to pay for their drugs they will be fine with mugging, burgling and shoplifting, they will steal from young children even if it is as little as £1, they will break in to your house and if you are home they will attack you and rob you. Some heroin addicts pay for their habit by selling their bodies to the dealers, the dealers friends and some build up a network of customers outside the drug circle, it is not unusual for some of these girls selling their bodies to not have reached double figures in age.
Heroin keeps people from being a threat to the system by keeping them from thinking about anything except their next hit, much the same as alcohol keeps those sticking to the law from thinking much at all it lowers the brain activity and closes the mind off leaving the drinker in a state where they can barely think at all it is not good for the body in any way in fact it is more dangerous than natural hallucinogenics (which taken properly can be very beneficial both mentally and physically) yet it is still legal and natural hallucinogenics such as mushrooms or cannabis are illegal even though they are good for you and open up the mind to new experiences and knowledge.
Criminals tested with heroin in their system are given drugs orders on probation and instead of going to prison they have to go on a methadone prescription, giving drug tests between twice a week or once a fortnight. Everything that the addicts need (provided they have committed a crime) is payed for such as housing, bills, food, drugs, clothes, shopping, furniture, electrical goods, days out, education, TVs etc and on top of this they still receive dole money and they are of course free to do whatever they want.
Human rights exist not to help those who have had theirs violated but to protect those who have violated the rights of others. When an addict commits a crime they do not get punished unless it is a crime such as contempt in court for example telling a judge that he is an out of touch moron/ which in most cases is the truth. Some of the sickest crimes to be committed these days still receive no punishment such as paedophilia, rape, mugging, murder, assault and burglaries, these criminals are left free to commit such crimes again and even moved in to areas with normal law abiding citizens, leaving innocent people to suffer from such crimes yet, i would imagine areas where the rich and powerful (such as the government) live you will find none! The rich live in walled communities which have CCTV surveillance security guards and other measures which insure only they have access. These liberal morons ensure that criminals are spread across the country ruining every ones lives except for their own which are very carefully guarded.
People who make the law protect people who beak the law. Those who pay for the crimes of the state and the scum they create are the ordinary people who get screwed by the rubbish in charge of the country and the rubbish who would be in gaol if there was any sanity in this country.
By the way, for people who don't understand what the word gaol means, that is the English spelling of the word which Americans would call a penitentiary - or jail!
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