Monday, 2 November 2009

Festivals of filth

Halloween an American made celebration of what exactly? It seems to be one of dressing up like morons for the purpose of knocking on peoples doors stating trick or treat in order to get sweets, this American celebration has spread across the world gradually becoming a big deal especially now here in England this is due to the constant mention of Halloween in films and on telly advertising and like the controlled cattle do people follow mindlessly the commands of the TV. The conditioning starts with young children getting them in to the spirit of it all then it spreads wider as the generations go on getting more and more programmed to this mass produced sweet, costume and decoration buying fest. Even many who are physically adults have been seen trick or treating i say physically adults because their behaviour proves that mentally they are very immature.

Christmas officially is a celebration of the birth of god in human form. But today how many people actually know that? Christmas these days is a materialistic celebration, people do not actually celebrate the religious side they merely cut down trees to decorate in lights, tinsel and baubles and place wrapped presents underneath under the lie that "father Christmas" or "Santa Claus" (what he has to do with the birth of Christ i do not know!) has brought the presents on his slay pulled by reindeer's one which has a shiny red nose and he comes down the chimney and places the presents under the tree. This lie distracts Christmas celebrations from what they actually represent which is kindness and care instead of greed and gluttony.

Easter is a time for solemn reflection, when Christians remember that the human body god occupied (Jesus) was murdered by satanic Jews. Strangely today Easter is a celebration of eating chocolate shaped like eggs and in some cases Easter presents are now included the true Easter meaning is forgotten and only a need for buying and gorging on chocolate exists.

Valentines day is a set out day for buying your loved one presents, it is just a day for buying things you don't need. This celebration is made a big deal of on telly and in adverts and because of that people fall for the nonsense that you have to buy valentines cards and gifts.

Mothers and Fathers day another pointless celebration, we all have birthdays which is our day for celebrating the gift of our existence so why do these extra days exist? Again it is about selling you junk you don't need and keeping your mind occupied with silly celebrations and the same goes for grandparents day. What next pets day?

Most people celebrate these days yet do not celebrate st Georges day and most do not even know when that is yet celebrate st Patrick's day in England. St Georges day commemorates st George who was an early christian martyr who was killed for his beliefs, it has become confused with George and the dragon which has absolutely nothing to do with st George and st George is the patron saint of England and Russia.

Any English or religious celebration seems to have lost all value and has been replaced by a need to consume meaningless, materialistic rubbish. The religious side of England has vanished and has been replaced with vanity, materialism and lack of morals.

1 comment:

  1. All our festivals are being turned into money-making schemes for the shops, and for the banks / credit card companies who get richer as we get futher into debt.

    Christian festivals in particular have either been completely obliterated or turned into the opposites of what they should be. Candle-mass and Michael-mass are very important events in the Christian calendar, yet who these days has even heard of them?

    Christ-mass has been turned into a big spending spree with adults demanding expensive gifts (like spoilt children) and the religious aspect has been almost forgotten (the mass is the key ceremony in Christianity).

    Valentine's Day is another shameful display of the 'me me me' attitude being foisted on us, with allegedly grown up men and wome demanding that vast amounts of money be spent on them to show proof that they are loved! This Jewish logic states that financially crippling oneself is a sure sign of how much one loves another individual! It is a sure sign of stupidity ad of shallowness on both sides.

    Easter, as you say, marks the murder by the Jews of Jesus who was crucified by the 'Synagogue of Satan' (His words) as punishment for opposing materialism. These same Jews now have turnmed Easter into a sales opportunity in which people are expected to spend ridiculous amounts of money on chocolate and bits ot tat. This is what Christianity came into existence to stop!

    very soon, all Christian festivals will be gone in the religious sense aand will be nothing more than excuses to be fleeced by our enemies. We can expect the Jewish festivals to take prominence. hoew long before we have Holocaustianity Day as a holiday we have to observe? maybe we will be compelled by the advertisers to shell out on gold trinkets in the shape of teeth, in expensive lampshades, and bars of soap, and little violins to whine about how badlt done to our owners are?! It wouldn't surprise me. Oy bloody Vey!
