Friday, 27 November 2009

The evolution theory and all that ties in with it!

The theory of evolution is taught as fact in schools when it is not yet proven as fact. The whole idea is rather far fetched and has no real hard hitting evidence to support that it is or even may be close to factual, but despite that the theory is in no way proven people are still taught and convinced that it is the truth.

Evolution is a theory which attempts prove that everything which exists now has developed from less complex species of plants and animals. Step by step this theory maintains that ever simpler organisms are the ultimate source of everything. Thus people evolved from monkeys who evolved from simpler animals who themselves evolved over many stages from single cell amoeba. These amoeba emerged from the primordial slime of the cooling planet which was created from the big bang which created the universe. This big bang is the result of the collision of gasses in a time before the universe existed. Thus evolution links neatly on to the big bang theory and together forms an explanation of everything. There is just one problem - the theory is wrong!

The missing links in this theory of evolution are in no way filled in nor will they ever be since so many things disprove this whole idea. For example it is claimed that modern man (homo sapiens sapiens) developed from homo erectus, in particular the cromagnons who in turn developed from the neanderthals. This is simply rubbish cromagnons existed at the same time as the neanderthals who they are superior to as we are to monkeys what is never mentioned in schools is that the cromagnons who we are supposed to have evolved from were mentally and physically superior to modern humans they had a bigger brain capacity and archaeological evidence points to them having highly advanced family structures and societies which we cannot not rival even now. Evolution claims that the strongest survive yet modern humans are inferior in every way to the cromagnons who lived thousands of years ago.

Evolution theorists teaches that our ancestors were stupid. How then did the people that built the pyramids know that the earth was round and have an understanding of cosmology which even with our modern technology we are still catching up with. The Mayans for example new of the existence of galactic centre which modern astronomers only discovered within living memory, according to evolution these people were living up trees and chucking spears at each other. The great irony is that many people in the world today do live like animals and chuck spears at each other.

There are pyramids in the sea off the coast of japan which must have been built when that area was above sea level this was over ten thousand years ago. Modern teachers will look you straight in the face without even the hint of a grin and tell you that the pyramids were built by slaves who carried blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tonnes and piled them on top of each other and over hundreds of years just to be the graves of the Pharaohs. My god they must have been strong in those days! What they don't tell you is that the pyramids perfectly mirror the constellations in the sky above if you mention this again without laughing they will tell you this is just coincidence. Can you believe you are supposed to respect these morons and allow them to teach our children?

Cave paintings exist showing men hunting dinosaurs. Official history tells us that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid hitting the earth and that animals similar to rats survived this catastrophe and went on to evolve over many thousands of years in to humans. Either the cave dwellers had an amazing imagination in that they could picture creatures which hadn't existed since before there own ancestors were rats, or it is the evolution theorists who live in fantasy land. I would say the latter. Evolution theory is so full of holes that it requires an act of faith to see it as anything other than nonsense.

What is the point of evolution theory? It is not really a scientific theory at all but rather a political doctrine, evolution claims we are all the same what does this remind you of? It is just the tired old Marxist drivel that all humans are exactly the same. It justifies treating people as unimportant and disposable where there is no difference there can be no excellence nothing to look up to, just a life of producing and consuming evolution is the theoretical justification for the coca cola one world culture where we are all scum and where there is no point in trying to better yourself, where everyone is a "chav", where idiots who repeat whatever rubbish they are told become teachers and produce more morons exactly the same as them.
If anything proves that evolution as a theory is wrong it is that its central idea is of everything developing in way which makes it stronger and better able to survive fossil evidence shows that the strongest creatures that have ever lived were in times gone by and the creatures that now live are weak in comparison, if there is any evolution it is from a position of strength and purity declining to weakness, history shows a steady march from excellence to excrement! On his death bed Charles Darwin admitted that he had no faith in his own theory of evolution it only survives because it can be applied politically. We did not begin as monkeys we began as gods evolution is just wrong.
In the darkness a beast waits,

Watching for anyone that tries to escape,

They hunt in packs, attack those who try to be free,

And the herd act as thought police,

Destroying the dream

Visionaries are feared,

And difference is wrong,

If we act and think the same then we can be kept in place.

Words are stolen from us

Thursday, 26 November 2009

"Monkey see Monkey do"

Very many visionaries throughout the course of history were unappreciated in there time, Copernicus for example he was considered mad for what we now today see as common sense, even today this is the case when someone thinks freely and forms a different opinion to that of the herd they are greatly ridiculed. The method of dealing with visionaries may slightly have changed as not many people are hunted, tortured and killed for this these days although it does still happen.

Individuals with ideas that don't fit in to the perspective of those who have been brainwashed or bought in to the false ideology openly chastise these individuals often with very little evidentiary support to back up their claims that the idea is sheer lunacy - much proving that their own ideas hold little place in the search for truth. Free thinkers such as David icke and Alex Jones are openly criticized on live TV by media puppets who know little or nothing about which they criticize, the whole idea of this of course is to teach people who brainlessly watch TV allowing it to do all the thinking for them and form their opinions whilst at the same time convincing them they formed that opinion themselves that this is the way to behave, that it is normal to never question things and anyone that does is odd, crazy and paranoid. The message people should be receiving is that it is normal and healthy to question the fabric of reality or any official story we are told because without truly researching any topic for ourselves we cannot conclusively prove that we are right about our claims. Also if everyone were to question history, ideas and such we would begin to gain some idea of the truth, isn't that what is important? Obviously not which makes one wonder what the Zionist puppet masters are trying to hide.

TV is one of the biggest forms of brainwashing in existence, many deny that it could brainwash the masses but out of the entire population who doesn't own a TV? The official media spins out stories that will either distract of help build the level of control, for instance what does it matter what celebrities are doing wearing or eating? Yet this is considered news. And things such as racist crimes against blacks or Asians are reported yet not racists crimes against whites so as to convince the rest of the world that it doesn't happen because the news never mentions it. Flu epidemics are reported on the news and as soon as someone dies who was suspected to have had it despite the fact that they would have died no matter what because their immune system had packed up are told to scare people in to vaccines.

Here is where i will explain my choice of title: From observing human behavioural patterns i have noticed similarities in what is on telly and what is happening in the street for example when football is on everyone is playing football the same goes for all sports yet in the eyes of the herd the telly does not influence the brain in any way. Another example would be when you look back at old films and compare them to modern ones you will see the level of intelligence changes in old films there is always something to make you think in modern films all everything is spelled out for you, also nudity never used to exist in films nor did foul language (plus real English was spoken rather than the Americanised dumbed down politically corrupt version we hear today) and people rarely behaved promiscuous if at all and had better morals and respected themselves and others.... as time goes by and films get more explicit people are following the example that is being set this in itself proves that the TV has a strong influence over behavioural patterns.

Any new ideas should be openly welcomed rather than shot down because they are misunderstood or different to that which we have rammed down our throats in pointless education if you can call it education at all, debating your point to prove a new idea wrong is fine if you have the facts to back yourself up but in my experience people who try to criticize my articles are often full of insults and pointless comments irrelevant to the topic at hand.

People seem to either go through stages of acceptance slowly first criticism, then anger , then acceptance or they shut off from it and bark nonsense that is irrelevant and ignore the facts because they either cannot argue the point or they have no point because your facts cannot be disproved and so they try to remain blissfully ignorant to the truth that stares them in the face because the truth is never easy to hear!

The worst thing in this world is that you cannot help those who are unwilling to help themselves.

Freedom and peace!

Don't ask me not to speak,

I say what is true,

You hate that I'm right,

But you ignore me still,

I'll always be this way,

A fighter at heart,

Here to raise hell,

And take back what is rightfully ours!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Stare through the window,

Your locked outside here in the cold,

Everyone ignores you because you never do as your told,

Outcasted from the rest,

You won't compete to be the best,

You can't tell the difference between what is real and whats not,

Wake up from your dreams, nothing solid nothing real,

Sweet escape!

Poison running through my veins,

Your dancing naked in rain,

Warmed by the soft glow of the moon,

Night time isn't scary when I'm here with you

What on earths this feeling creeping over me?

Drug induced happiness and relief,

It glitters it shimmers,

Its beautiful but false...

Where did reality go?

Tingly feelings, dancing freely,

Tell me what do i do?

Please don't let this magic end...

Blissful unawareness from all that is true!

Safe inside a mad dream!

Staring blankly at the walls,

I'm not really here at all,

Thinking of all we used to do

Nothing is the same now,

Step in to my own world its my escape.

Watching the cracks in my ceiling,

Thinking of all we went through,

You never did a damn thing i asked you to,

And now i feel nothing but hate for you!

I dream my safety up inside my crazy world,

It's telling me to say what i feel to you.... so...

I said take what you want from me,

Don't bother me,

I don't need a damn thing from you

Break me then bury me

Can't you see I'm through

Your lies no longer work with me,

So don't treat me like a fool.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Black sheep...

Life inside these chains, empty and misplaced

Feel nothing but pain,

Take my fear and then.... teach me something new....

How could this be true?

Mind control and pressure...

Why must i be the same?

Sheep, that follow all the rest,

I could never be... a part of this insanity

Whats wrong with individuality?

Hunted by the herd broken and unheard...

When will we be free... to be the way we please?

Watching big brother watching you!

Social networks such as facebook, bebo, myspace and twitter all have one major purpose and is not to help people connect with old friends and make new ones as we are led to believe it is because it allows the government to keep tabs on us even more so, but also the quizzes or games involved on these networks allow the government to tap in to your mind tracking your thought and understanding the pattern thus allowing them to work out whether you are a threat to the establishment, plus they can use the information to find new ways to control and convince you of their lies.

In tracing your every thought, feeling, comment and quiz result they have the ability to predict the kind of moves you make or would make in certain situations. This obviously gives them an unfair advantage over you. Every phone conversation, email, text message, website and TV programme you send or view is monitored, for example sky plus allows you to pause and rewind what you are watching which means the information is stored on incorporated hard drive which means that this information can be retrieved by the television provider and anyone who has access to their information including obviously the security services such as MI5 CIA and MOSSAD. Any of this information gives these services a look inside your mind to see how it works and this is used to train people to be the same as everyone else by creating stereo types and labelling behaviour so as to control the masses by manipulating their individuality and making them in to one minded man made robots. Individuality poses a threat to the NWO, if we never question anything and never think for ourselves then we never find out the truth of any situation. Individuality allows us to behave and think freely stopping any kind of mind control from taking effect.

The official media are a tool used to stop individual thought, in telling us only the stories that the Zionist leaders want us to know they tell whomever is listening how to think, how to react. The official news only includes "what we are supposed to know" never the "whole truth" and never any story that doesn't help further impose the NWO. Mindlessly people sit in front of their televisions day and night watching stupid deliberately planned out (to destroy our morals and individual thoughts) plot lines and the official media's lies allowing the TV to think for them and form their opinions without even realising because we are given an irrelevant and pointless choice of chosen (for us) debate, such as whether which official media's opinion to trust or which TV programme is better, such silly decisions lead us to believe we are free to think for ourselves yet these allowed decisions have been planted to stop us from realising we are controlled.

Another unknown source of hidden control would be "parties" we choose who we follow who and what we believe, yet these parties are all controlled and were created by our enemies for that purpose, they allow us to feel we are going against the NWO and fighting control but in fact these parties keep us from ever being a threat because they are all deliberately led by idiots who can barely even spell their own name, these leaders talk absolute nonsense knowing nothing factual about the topic at hand in fact the only information they have access to is all mainstream media clap trap and once they have given their controlled speech they pat themselves on the back for doing such a great job and then get drunk and reckless, nothing ever gets done, no plans to fix things are made because anyone following these groups are kept firmly in line being brought to believe that they have all the correct information and are kept distracted so that they are in no way dangerous to the NWO. Each party has a particular distraction in mind to keep the followers focused on that one distraction such as convincing them to hate certain races or other parties and this childish finger pointing keeps them from ever actually knowing who the real culprits are.

With the advent of CCTV every interaction you make in public is recorded. With the internet you do not even have to leave your home to be monitored. Every aspect of our lives are recorded and every choice we make is carefully crafted for us to ensure that we cannot make any independant choices of our own. When george orwell wrote 1984, he could only dream of the possibilties of surveilance. The reality we live in is far more controlled and manipulated than anything george orwell, Aldous huxley or any of the other visionaries of the last century could have feared. The only thing that is for certain is that everything is going to get much much worse. You are willingly building your own prison, by volunteering information and refusing to see the horrendous police state which should be obvious for anyone to see, and if you don't want your children to be literal slaves you had better do something about it now!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Lack of emotion!

Wake from the lie,

Sleep in deceit,

What waits for me now is the fear of defeat,

Running from the closeness,

Hiding from true love,

Safe inside a mad dream

It keeps my tears away,

Numb from all thats real,

Emotions i'll never feel

Whats the big deal i know i'm still living

Yet you say i am dead inside...

Friday, 20 November 2009

Its raining inside,

Yet sunny out there,

Followed by a dark cloud,

Tales of the sea!

You fight against the waves,

While i flow with the tide,

Losing your breath panic stricken from the pain,

I am one with the sea,

Surrendering to poseidon,

Gliding the deep,

Luring lost souls with my song,

I sit amounst the rocks enchanting sailors with my voice,

As your ship begins to sink i know my work is done.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Killing me not so softly!

How can i tell the difference between the night and day,

When all that i see is the darkness and disdain,

Your words are torture to me,

Sometimes they cut through me like blades,

And all i know is anger from experiencing all of your ways,

I'm silently screaming,

You don't hear the sound of each cut that you make,

And my heart is bleeding,

Begging don't leave me this way,

How can you still bruise me,

When so much has passed since that day?

Without guidance!

I used to think less of me,

But now i can see that its you,

Always deceiving

Never believing... in me,

How could you?

Be so cruel to me

Destroy everything i knew,

Never there to guide me through

Its no wonder i acted a fool,

And yet you blame me still

When i did my best for you,

All that's left for me now is to say to you...

That we're through.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Religion is a man made idea designed to control by preying on the weak and stupid, it was created to maintain order amongst the masses. More than one religion exists, it is unclear what the first religion in existence was though many claim to be the oldest religion. The fact that many different religions exists only adds to confusion as which do you believe? Personally i would say none but obviously in life there is an intelligent design so when i say i would not choose to believe any set religion i am not ruling out that there is something but i am saying i do not know what that something is.

Religions teach stupidity and reliance upon the person in charge of their place of worship, rules are created to keep people who choose to follow these orders in their religion in place. Religion has always been about control, but also in many cases of not so old religions it is about money making, scamming the weak minded with false promises in order to line their thieving pockets. Take Jehovah's witnesses for instance, their promise of "paradise" instead of the more common promise of "heaven" not only this but it states in their religious books (i use the term "books" because they frequently bring out new ones) that:

  • The old will be young

  • The sick will be healthy

  • The crippled will walk

Basically it says that any kind of weakness or illness will be cured and that person will be "normal" in the healthy sense. This preys on the weaknesses that affect everyone by giving them empty hope.

All religions have sins and "commandments"; this word commandment is as it says commanding people to do things and the strange thing is against their better judgement many people follow these rules and do as they are told.

Judaism and Islam require the top of the head to be covered as it offends god, but if it offends god so, why did he create it that way? The idea of circumcision as well seems a bit odd really, if the foreskin is offensive why does it exist? Or is that the creator of Judaism's way of seeing how far he could get people to go? Well it worked and i dare say he had a god-damn good laugh about it too!

Most religions have similarities with the worship which was practiced by the Egyptians, for example the Indians believe that the cow is sacred and the Egyptians worshipped the bull (Apis).

The christian cross and the Egyptian ankh look very similar apart from the ankh is a cross with a loop at the top (view picture at the top of this post)

The Catholic religion was a strong means for control over people leading them to believe they would go to heaven for behaving a certain way. Confession is

Still waters run deep

Standing on the edge of the waterfall,
I am relaxed by the sound of the flow,
Its cold inside the many corners of mind,
But the river eases my pain...
Staring down i see a way out on the glossy surface,
Which hides your jagged edge,
Dive in to the unknown,
In the afterlife we'll meet again.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Grave release

Watching the blood drip from your veins,
The pain slips away like the frown on my face,
Light fades to dark and the devil dances on your grave...
Now you're wrapped in the warm blanket of the night,
Not one tear shall fall for you,
And the darkness fades to day.

fallen angel!

If i fall please say you'll catch me, say you'll capture my heart....

My tears will dry but they will still fall when you leave me,

so please don't leave me now...

I try so hard to let go of all you've ever done to me

but it still hurts so where do i go from here?

I'm broken down you cannot fix me you will not save me now.....

so self destruct its all you can see in the pain of your heart....

Retribution of the grave

Shivering in the rain, i feel not the cold but the pain
Blood runs down the drain, all but mud upon your face
And beauty shown for what is vanity and rage....
The scars may fade but never leave my fragile mind,
Finally stole the smile from your face
And true beauty is death and pain!

Friday, 13 November 2009

The law protects only those who break it!

From what we have rammed down our throats from a very early age one would believe that the legal system is there to help people who fall victims to evil criminals, once this was true in the days when justice was actually served. Today the law protects the criminals from being justly punished for their crimes. Most crimes don't even reach the news papers these days unless they are racist crimes (only when those crimes are whites against other races) crimes against the government, some stronger or milder crimes reach the newspaper but when it comes to other races persecuting whites it is never mentioned and so people are lead to believe it never happens.

If the newspapers were to tell the truth about dealers or drug related crimes and such people would be outraged and even more so if they knew that the criminals are in no way punished but treated as victims themselves with no consideration for the actual victims of these criminals. England is a highly developed police state with CCTV monitoring everybody and a network of paid informers providing a constant flow of information. In addition to CCTV in towns all the major roads networks are covered by CCTV with number plate recognition technology. There are also military listening posts which monitor every text message, email, telephone conversation and Internet activity in which originates or ends in this country. With this mass of information the police are aware of every business transaction committed by criminals such as drug dealers, people traffickers, paedophiles and pimps.

The opium fields were taken control of by the state when America and Britain invaded Afghanistan in 2002, these fields had previously been burnt down by the Taliban but since the troops moved in on this area have been regrown and surprise surprise the heroin market has never been more busy or free flowing. And since this is an Asian drug found only in their country it is quite obvious that only Asians and the military would have access to these drugs thus narrowing the heroin drug dealers down slightly. But if the troops control these fields shouldn't it be rather difficult to smuggle this drug? Strangely it seems not, and of course the only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the state are the true drug dealers using the foolish Asians to smuggle and sell it to even more foolish addicts for a profit. But why would the state want to allow such an evil dirty drug to be so obtainable? Heroin leaves the person taking it in a state where they are blissfully unaware of anything that matters unable to think rationally and unattached from any real human emotions, it makes the addict feel safe like they are surrounded in cotton wool and nothing can touch them. As it leaves the addict experiencing no feelings of emotion they are more likely to be dangerous to those they steal from in order to get their next fix, this drug leaves them with no common decency which means when most of them steal to pay for their drugs they will be fine with mugging, burgling and shoplifting, they will steal from young children even if it is as little as £1, they will break in to your house and if you are home they will attack you and rob you. Some heroin addicts pay for their habit by selling their bodies to the dealers, the dealers friends and some build up a network of customers outside the drug circle, it is not unusual for some of these girls selling their bodies to not have reached double figures in age.

Heroin keeps people from being a threat to the system by keeping them from thinking about anything except their next hit, much the same as alcohol keeps those sticking to the law from thinking much at all it lowers the brain activity and closes the mind off leaving the drinker in a state where they can barely think at all it is not good for the body in any way in fact it is more dangerous than natural hallucinogenics (which taken properly can be very beneficial both mentally and physically) yet it is still legal and natural hallucinogenics such as mushrooms or cannabis are illegal even though they are good for you and open up the mind to new experiences and knowledge.

Criminals tested with heroin in their system are given drugs orders on probation and instead of going to prison they have to go on a methadone prescription, giving drug tests between twice a week or once a fortnight. Everything that the addicts need (provided they have committed a crime) is payed for such as housing, bills, food, drugs, clothes, shopping, furniture, electrical goods, days out, education, TVs etc and on top of this they still receive dole money and they are of course free to do whatever they want.

Human rights exist not to help those who have had theirs violated but to protect those who have violated the rights of others. When an addict commits a crime they do not get punished unless it is a crime such as contempt in court for example telling a judge that he is an out of touch moron/ which in most cases is the truth. Some of the sickest crimes to be committed these days still receive no punishment such as paedophilia, rape, mugging, murder, assault and burglaries, these criminals are left free to commit such crimes again and even moved in to areas with normal law abiding citizens, leaving innocent people to suffer from such crimes yet, i would imagine areas where the rich and powerful (such as the government) live you will find none! The rich live in walled communities which have CCTV surveillance security guards and other measures which insure only they have access. These liberal morons ensure that criminals are spread across the country ruining every ones lives except for their own which are very carefully guarded.

People who make the law protect people who beak the law. Those who pay for the crimes of the state and the scum they create are the ordinary people who get screwed by the rubbish in charge of the country and the rubbish who would be in gaol if there was any sanity in this country.

By the way, for people who don't understand what the word gaol means, that is the English spelling of the word which Americans would call a penitentiary - or jail!

Monday, 9 November 2009

A feast of poison!

Many countries are considered big on their meat although English is never put in to that category even though we are a nation of meat eaters, all of our meals consist of meat as the main feature of the dish! Our national dish is a "Sunday roast" which is beef (or other meat although beef is the official meat used) with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy and almost every family eats that religiously every Sunday.

Meat is full of food dye to make it look more red, hormones for growth and preservatives all these things are highly addictive and added mainly for that reason but also because obviously the growth hormones mean they have bigger pieces of meat to sell and can make even more money from it.

Chickens are electrocuted whilst being dipped in to water to kill them one might think this is quick and humane but in fact it is not a fool proof system as chickens tend to enjoy looking around at what is going on and since they are suspended upside down from their feet they will be rather baffled as to what is happening and if they lift their heads when they are supposed to be shocked they are still alive during what follows which is plucking and being hacked to pieces. The chickens body is soaked in water to clean it, while being soaked it will absorb a large amount of the water which is full of the faeces of other chickens, so when you buy a large chicken you are paying mostly for the water it absorbed that is including the faeces! Have you ever noticed when you cook a chicken how watery the juices are? Also another point anything that a chicken is suffering from will infect the other chickens that are washed in the same water.

Pigs, chickens and cattle are hemmed into small spaces where they poo and are forced to eat where they are pooing eating their own and other animals leavings which humans then eat when they have the meat.

Also the link below is about E numbers:

Anyone who turns from a meat eater to a vegetarian or vegan adapts to vegetarian food and often hates the sight or even the smell of meat, if they try to eat meat after becoming used to a vegetarian diet they will not enjoy the flavour anymore and it will often make them sick. I believe this to be because the additives are no longer influencing the persons body, also humans were never intended to eat other animals it is one step away from cannibalism, meat lowers the vibrational level of the body allowing us to be more easily controlled. Meat is not good for the body neither are products that are stolen from animals such as eggs and milk (cheese is made from milk so i class it as being milk) no meat is good for you watch this it explains in greater details the damage such things cause to your body!

Additives are placed in all types of food, have you ever noticed a sudden uncontrollable urge to eat a certain type of food come over you and you can't go without whatever it is you're craving? Well that would be down to these many poisonous additives placed in your everyday foods as well as treats.

So many dangerous chemicals go in to food yet when they are pointed out people seem to believe that it is impossible for them to be too dangerous as otherwise they would not be put in to our food and obviously this is a lie, since if you look up E numbers, aspartame or any artificial sweetener, MSG, vaccines, fluoride or any additives you will find information proving that these things are highly toxic and have caused many people considerable damages to their health. No matter how much proof you provide people seem to still believe the official media (that buy their false proof) over actual facts.

I have provided two links one about the dangers of meat and other such products that come from animals and one that shows the dangers of E numbers, please view them and find out for yourself the true dangers of such things!

Salt and sugar are added to pretty much every type of food found in a super market even fruit, sugar and salt are highly addictive and bad for the body in large amounts. On the packet it may say such a percentage of your guideline daily amount but you will find that that percentage only covers a small portion of the packet, when you add up everything you consume daily and check the amount of salt and sugar plus saturated fats and anything else bad for you it comes to far more than your guideline daily amount and since they will know that it is every type of food near enough they know we are consuming more than our fair share of these things it is obvious they would let us eat food containing dangerous chemicals.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

In womens magazines the ideal figure and weight changes constantly

Monday, 2 November 2009

Festivals of filth

Halloween an American made celebration of what exactly? It seems to be one of dressing up like morons for the purpose of knocking on peoples doors stating trick or treat in order to get sweets, this American celebration has spread across the world gradually becoming a big deal especially now here in England this is due to the constant mention of Halloween in films and on telly advertising and like the controlled cattle do people follow mindlessly the commands of the TV. The conditioning starts with young children getting them in to the spirit of it all then it spreads wider as the generations go on getting more and more programmed to this mass produced sweet, costume and decoration buying fest. Even many who are physically adults have been seen trick or treating i say physically adults because their behaviour proves that mentally they are very immature.

Christmas officially is a celebration of the birth of god in human form. But today how many people actually know that? Christmas these days is a materialistic celebration, people do not actually celebrate the religious side they merely cut down trees to decorate in lights, tinsel and baubles and place wrapped presents underneath under the lie that "father Christmas" or "Santa Claus" (what he has to do with the birth of Christ i do not know!) has brought the presents on his slay pulled by reindeer's one which has a shiny red nose and he comes down the chimney and places the presents under the tree. This lie distracts Christmas celebrations from what they actually represent which is kindness and care instead of greed and gluttony.

Easter is a time for solemn reflection, when Christians remember that the human body god occupied (Jesus) was murdered by satanic Jews. Strangely today Easter is a celebration of eating chocolate shaped like eggs and in some cases Easter presents are now included the true Easter meaning is forgotten and only a need for buying and gorging on chocolate exists.

Valentines day is a set out day for buying your loved one presents, it is just a day for buying things you don't need. This celebration is made a big deal of on telly and in adverts and because of that people fall for the nonsense that you have to buy valentines cards and gifts.

Mothers and Fathers day another pointless celebration, we all have birthdays which is our day for celebrating the gift of our existence so why do these extra days exist? Again it is about selling you junk you don't need and keeping your mind occupied with silly celebrations and the same goes for grandparents day. What next pets day?

Most people celebrate these days yet do not celebrate st Georges day and most do not even know when that is yet celebrate st Patrick's day in England. St Georges day commemorates st George who was an early christian martyr who was killed for his beliefs, it has become confused with George and the dragon which has absolutely nothing to do with st George and st George is the patron saint of England and Russia.

Any English or religious celebration seems to have lost all value and has been replaced by a need to consume meaningless, materialistic rubbish. The religious side of England has vanished and has been replaced with vanity, materialism and lack of morals.