Tuesday, 20 October 2009

What everyone knows but will never say!

If a white were to visit a "non white country" such as Pakistan or Africa we would see it as our duty to adapt to their customs and culture as a sign of respect as any decent polite guest would treat his or her host. Aside from common decency i believe that they do force their values on to whites whilst in their country which is fair enough it is "their country" so we should adapt to their ways in their country really.

In pretty much every white country foreigners are put before the actual indigenous population. This should really come as no surprise when one considers that over the last few centuries foreigners have taken over the establishments of all white countries. Although the rulers may have white skin, they are in fact Asiatics from the Talmudic land of the Khazars.

In England for example, foreigners are made a priority when it comes to housing over any English desperately needing a home, foreigners are constantly being brought in to England despite the fact that are there are too few homes for even our own people and no jobs. These foreigners are brought in to make sure there is mass unemployment so that the English are too worried about what will happen if they lose their jobs to demand a decent wage and decent treatment. With so few jobs foreigners will either open a taxi firm or a takeaway most of the time whilst claiming benefits. As anyone who has got in to an Asian taxi will testify most of these Asian taxi drivers do not have a driving licence and of the ones that do many of them are known heroin addicts, who will be under the influence of heroin while they are driving a taxi.

When it comes to claiming benefits in England whites are interrogated about every detail of their lives even to the point of government snoopers following them in their daily routine looking for any bit of information that would justify stopping their benefits. Foreigners on the other hand are treated in an almost apologetic manner with job centre workers helping them to give the right answers so they get the maximum benefits. Translators are provided to these spongers costing £150 a time. In the case of foreign women with children they are encouraged to claim income support because they are married according to their religion not according the state. If they register their home as a place of worship (which most of them do/ in the little town of Halifax their are 3000 mosques listed) they are except from council tax.

In many work places, especially in the public sector, white women are forced to cover themselves up lest the sight of their bare arms provoke the sex craved foreign men in to raping them. The fact that it is the foreign man who cannot control his lust is ignored with many English women being forced to dress like women who believe in all the superstitious nonsense which has been imported along with these arrogant foreigners. Everybody has to show respect to these foreign religions which are rapidly replacing the religion of the English. Merely pointing out that Mohamed was a murderer and a paedophile will result in dismissal from work even though it is written in the Qur'an. The same goes for the Talmud which a sick and twisted work of fiction yet if any white religion should befall criticism, that is acceptable in the eyes of the politically corrupted.

The similarity between the two religions Judaism and Islam is so great that anyone who takes the time to compare the similarities cannot fail to notice that Islam was created by Jews as a means of halting the growth of Christianity which in its true form is the exact opposite of Judaism and had it not been stopped would have destroyed the Jewish/ satanic influence which has taken over all white nations.

Due to the restrictions upon Muslim women in this Islamic religion, Muslim men control them using religious nonsense and violence to keep their women in line. And known to any whites that live in areas where the masses of Asians live the male Asians are free to do and dress as they please, which usually involves drug dealing (it is a known fact that Asians are the biggest heroin dealers since it is a drug found in their country) and sleeping around with white women and young white girls, often leading to these young girls being pushed in to drug addictions and prostitution to pay for their habit, yet if a Muslim woman were to sleep around with white blokes she and the white blokes would be killed by her family. Either way it is not acceptable but why should the men not be punished for the same crimes? When Asian women are murdered for associating with white men or for waking up to the fact that Islam is rubbish, the media report these murders as honour killings, which states approval for those who despise our culture. If they hate us so much no one is forcing them to stay in this country. They would be much happier back in Pakistan, and i can't think of many people who would be sad to see them leave. However their religion demands that they convert every country to Islam and if they continue as they are doing England will become an Islamic state with all women being persecuted in this manner.

In my opinion, Islam is a religion of hate and violence put forward to control women and beat them into a submissive life purely for the satisfaction of men providing them with babies and cooking and cleaning for them, this religion dictates that men are better than women and women are filthy whores who must be covered up in order to not tempt the men who are so unable to control their own actions. Mohamed was a disgusting woman hating child rapist and his entire religion is built on following his example, he was having sex with his wife Aisha when she was only eight years old, is this the sort of depravity we should be allowing and encouraging in this country?

On a final thought, Mohammed's work of nonsense promises Muslim men that if they live as he did (raping children and murdering non believers) they will be rewarded in "heaven" with virgin girls and little boys to sodomise for eternity. Think about this next time you give your money to some sweaty Asian in a kebab shop who despises your culture so much he wants to kill you and has more than likely done something despicable in your food.


  1. Couldn't agree more. I love in Tower Hamlets. The bengalis do all the dealing and they treat us women like shit. My mates are always getting hit on and when thay say no to blokes offering them blowjobs they get called racist. There are a lot of slags round the area with all shades of babies. These tarts are on every benefit going and haldf of them are on smack. Still wear muslim clothes though! Praise allah. What a load of tosh!

  2. Yes this seems to be the standard these days, popping out babies left right and centre is the new fashion in order to obtain a comfortable life on benefits. I too have witnessed such comments being dished out and racism is just a label to help them get what they want since people seem to be afraid of such a label. thanks for the comment!
