Monday 19 October 2009

Animals are for cuddling not cooking!

The English like to present themselves to the world as a nation of animal lovers until very recently the sport of royal family and the upper classes was fox hunting. This charming and cultured "sport" consisted of rich parasites with lots of money and no sense at all riding and whipping their horses to chase a pack of badly treated vicious dogs, who in turn chased a fox which had been released especially for the purpose of being torn to shreds. The moronic toffs would take great delight in smearing the blood of the mutilated fox on the heads of their children. It took many years for this sick disgusting animal abuse to be banned by law, with many aristocrats and fellow parasites even now campaigning for their right to have defenceless animals torn limb from limb for their sick pleasure.

Another cherished sport of the rich was badger baiting, which involved sending maltreated dogs in to the badgers underground homes where the dogs viciously bit at the poor badgers until they were forced to come out above ground where the cretinous upper class scum would then trap the defenseless badger and using their evil dogs rip the poor badgers to shreds. Prince Charles and the rest of the royal vermin indulged their blood lust in the destruction of these poor defenseless animals.

To go back a few more years the same disgusting establishment imbeciles took part in such wholesome activities as bear baiting, dear hunting, cock fighting, dog fighting and all manner of other sickening activities which involved murdering animals. To this very day on the 12th July every year the barbarians who run this country enjoy the traditional grouse shoot, which surprise surprise involves releasing birds that are then shot from the sky, often only being slightly injured, then having dogs sent out to rip their throats out.

These are the pleasures of the British royal family and the filth which associates with them.

In recent times cruelty has spread across the land as a result of immigration. Halal is a practice used by Muslims in which an animal is suspended by its feet an its throat is slit whilst some self appointed superstitious idiot re sites utter nonsense to please his obviously evil god. The Jews have exactly the same satanic blood sacrifice involving resiting mumbo jumbo whilst inflicting pain on animals. Muslims call it Halal, Jews call it Kosher, I call it murder!

It is not only inbred upper class retards and sick perverted foreigners who indulge themselves in animal cruelty. British butchers use dirty slaughter houses in which animals are first stunned before being sliced open. In many cases the stunning process doesn't work and the animals are hacked to pieces whilst still alive and fully conscious to what is happening to them. Chickens, for example, are impaled on hooks by their feet and then transported upside down on a conveyor belt of death, passing through baths of electrified water which kills them, then in to machinery which rips their feathers from their flesh and then transports the to the next stage where their limbs are hacked off. Chickens, being chickens, tend to like to look around to see whats going on and as a result their heads very often do not enter the water baths, thus they are still alive and fully aware when they enter the plucking machinery which shreds the feathers from them before passing the injured and frightened birds in to the blades which will slice them limb from limb whilst still fully alive and aware.

So much for a nation of animal lovers.

Anyone who has attempted to get a vegetarian meal will know that getting food which does not contain meat is incredibly difficult the massacre of sentient beings for food can only be described as murder on a scale exceeding and imaginable massacre.

This industrial scale carnage extends beyond the land and the sky in to the seas. Industrial trawlers dredge everything in their in nets which can be several miles across, destroying coral, wiping out entire species of life and catching highly intelligent mammals such as whales and dolphins, all so that some bonehead can eat his fish and chips when he staggers out of the pub too drunk to find a kebab shop.

People who eat meat of any description are accomplices to murder those who eat eggs are eating the unborn babies which will never become the next generation. When the queen gets one of her servants to spread caviar on her toast she is eating the unborn young of the sea. It is thanks to mindless chavs at one end of society and sick twisted non humans at the other end that the seas are becoming depleted of life.

Next time you get the urge to devour the carcass of a once happy animal consider the cruelty you have caused to the animal directly and to its family who will never see it again by eating meat you are condoning the savagery of Halal, Kosher and all butchery just don't do it. Meat is murder and meat eaters are murderers!

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