Make up is made up of harmful chemicals that damage the skin and not only this it contains animal parts not fit for consumption, imagine daily smearing your skin with animal parts? doesn't seem like a nice idea really but many women do it... how many more animals must die for such a silly cause?
Animal parts found in cosmetics:
- Stearic acid (tallow) is rendered beef or mutton fat but may also be from other animals it is found in: Soaps, lipstick, shaving creams and other cosmetics..... (these types of cosmetics can cause skin problems) Vegetable tallow cosmetics are available if you look for them.
- Carmine is obtained by crushing tens of thousands of female cochineal insects it is a red pigment used in cosmetics, shampoo and food colouring.
- Collagen is a fibrous protein usually derived from animal tissue - it supposedly firms the skin yet has no proven firming effects it merely temporally plumps the skin by slowing the moisture release from the skin.
- Keratin is found in animal horns, hooves, feathers, quills and hair... it is found in hair rinses, shampoos and permanent wave solutions. (Keratin is also found in human hair and nails.
Most cosmetics are harmful to the skin and hair so why are we spoon fed the idea that they are a good thing? Because vanity can occupy the mind so much so that one is too busy looking in a mirror to notice the important things in life, always on the look out for new make up to mask the skin with so that the actual person is no longer there. Women are told to look like celebrities not just to do their make up "like them" but to look like them gormless clothes horses dressing and acting exactly the same. This stops individuality, because you have to fit in with the herd!
Fashion is a set style of clothing set out for mindless clothes horses to sell to the herd, every type of clothing comes from one fashion or another. These fashions give the impression of rebellion and individuality but how is it individuality to look like everyone else does? Fashion controls rebellion by giving the impression of free thinking because the control isn't visible to fashion obsessed, brainwashed masses.
Make up gives the idea that you are free to do as you please also as you get to choose one type of damaging chemical from another. Make up industries are always coming up with new looks or repeating old looks to keep the cosmetic fashion seeming fresh and full of choices - these pointless choices keep the mindset that we are free and have some say but such subtle choices between which type of order to follow is not choice at all. We have no say in things that are real! We are kept busy with fashion, TV, material goods, celebrity gossip, and media influences aka the news!
Make up and clothes keep people in a state of mind that they are not good enough, thin enough, pretty enough and other such silly things keeping the mind occupied. The best way to ruin the world undetected is to keep silly people dieting and spending money on material goods they don't need and hey presto the NWO is in place before you know it.
How anyone can think make up is a good thing seems odd to me anyway since it is bad for your skin so how did it become so popular? Make up was first introduced to hide rotting flesh on corpse's it was a method used only for disguising putrefaction, perfume was to disguise the smell of death and rotting flesh. Make up has been worn by prostitutes for a very long time also it was seen as a sign of a whore. How we went from using it for such depressing purposes to using it as a way of life is not known. My belief is that like most things it was introduced as a fashion maybe used on women in films to help such a fashion catch on and after a while it became normal.
So next time you apply rotting animal flesh to your skin think of all i have mentioned doesn't it put you off make up? Natural is the way to go!
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