Saturday, 31 October 2009

The language of the free!

Language is an amazing thing, giving us the ability to communicate with various words to describe what we mean. And with so many words to use one would believe we would never be short on words to fill up our sentences, yet this is not so. People are becoming lazy and stupid shortening words or never really branching out on what they say and instead filling the gaps in their silly conversations with swear words because they are too simple to think of anything better to say and think that swearing is big and clever, in my opinion it is what people do to try and sounds "tough" when they in fact are not also to add something else to their sentence because they do not know any better words.

Many of our greatest words go to waste because they are not politically correct, people don't understand them or they have been forgotten as they are seen to be old fashioned also many people today do not know a wide variety of words due to lack of decent education since the education system is not actually there to teach anything of real value.

Texting from a mobile phone requires shortening the words to an almost unrecognisable form in order to fit what you need to say in to each message, because this has become normal many people do not know any better and write like that even in emails or letters which allow more writing space, this is because they either do not actually know how to spell the words correctly as is the main cause these days, they are too lazy to write properly or they think that spelling words the wrong way is cool and trendy.

Our language is being destroyed by such seemingly harmless things yet the effects are there for everyone to see but the manipulation is so strong that people choose not to see what is so blatantly obvious to the point of ridiculing those who do.

The level of control is so strong that without a second thought most people will accept the new rules never questioning the evil puppets who impose them, many restrictions upon our language exist these days and yet many people fail to even notice that our language is being stolen from us.

If you can control the words people are allowed to use then you can control the words that people think with, we think in words and by controlling how we communicate they are actually controlling our thought. The Americanising of English, the dumbing down and the political censorship and distortion of words is part of an overall assault on the mentality of the masses. Alongside such forms of control as fashion, the manipulation of the written and spoken language is a form of brainwashing designed to reduce the ordinary people to a mass of moronic, materialistic, self obsessed slaves. And the proof that it works can be seen by observing how the sub human filth who make the majority population change their words and clothes at the command of the TV- and these morons cannot even see it.

The school system is not their to educate as it may lead people to believe it is actually there to programme young and impressionable children, as is the nursery which is their to prepare children for the conditioning they will receive whilst in full time education. The school children's lives are dictated by bells programming the children to work to the clock this prepares them for responding to the shift pattern of menial jobs or for signing on times to get their dole. Children are taught unquestioningly obey teachers doing pointless exercises without thinking. This is exactly the same technique used to train the most moronic people that exist in any society- those being the vermin who volunteer to join the army, navy and air force and kill people for money. Schools rather than educating people are turning children in to machines. Genuine ability is crushed as well independent thought. Even the uniform is their to prepare these poor brainwashed children for service in shops and in the armed forces. Soldiers are the lowest form of life and only the vilest scum of the planet would want to serve in the army, navy or air force yet thanks to the school system the armed forces are seen as a positive career choice.

The control on language is at such a point now that even children's nursery rhymes are being changed to fit in with "the politically correct new English". And children's TV rarely if ever contains real English, most children's programmes include silly made up words destroying a child's ability to communicate at such a fragile stage before it really has a chance to develop linguistic skills. This is also a deliberate attempt to control and manipulate the future generations.

As George Orwell said, he who controls the past controls the present and he who controls the present controls the future. If you look at new additions of old books you will find the story lines have been changed to fit in with modern politically correct ideology. This gives the false impression that the stupidity and promiscuity of today is something that has always been, so making it appear normal. For Christians references to how the Jews were Christ killers have been removed from the bible, and now Jews are seen as the chosen people of god, rather than as Jesus himself said the children of the devil. They have distorted the past to gain control of the present, they have killed our language in order to prevent us from being able to voice opposition and in this way they have stolen out future.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

The truth behind the lies!

Little girls are very impressionable. Advertisers invest massive amounts of money to sell little bits of worthless plastic at high prices, very often placing such adverts on TV during children's programmes. Advertisers are not stupid, they would not spend a single penny unless they expected to make a large profit. TV advertising alongside advertising in cinemas is about the most expensive form of advertising there is. We are repeatedly told that TV does not influence peoples behaviour- if that was true TV advertising wouldn't exist.

It isn't only products that are sold on TV and in films, we are also sold opinions, lifestyles and even the "correct" way to think.

Children's programmes such as Sabrina are full of "politically correct" story lines, put there to train your mind. Storyline such as a half mortal half witch (her mother a mortal and her father a witch) They are a broken family and Sabrina goes to live with her aunts unable to see her mother and rarely her father. This is suggesting that split families are an OK thing and when Sabrina's father starts seeing a new woman it was basically stating that children should accept that families mean nothing.

During the TV series Sabrina has many politically correct story lines in one episode "Rumour mill" where she meets a new boy Dashiell, they become close and she kisses him this sends out the message that cheating on your boyfriend is OK and that race mixing is an acceptable form of behaviour.

In another episode from series 5 "some of my best friends are half mortal" Sabrina is dating a guy Derek who is a full witch, during this episode Derek's father tells jokes about mortals and is considered a bigot.

Another preachy TV series is sex and the city which covers many politically correct angles. During this series the four main characters are off having loads of sex as it is called sex and the city, Samantha the most promiscuous of the four has many different types of flings including one with a black man and one with a woman. This is again promoting race mixing and also homosexual behaviour which is today jazzed up as "experimenting". Samantha also battles cancer during the series and has chemo this is telling you that chemo is a good thing, but is also using scare tactics with regards to cancer in order to stick it in your mind, leaving you with this fear which causes you to never question the method for dealing with such a tragic illness rather than independently searching for what could prove a fully beneficial cure for cancer such as herbal remedies and healthier eating which have been known to cure cancer amongst those who have tried it!

Miranda, another character also has an encounter with a black man and sleeps with many men, Miranda's main boyfriend and the one she eventually marries during the TV series suffers from prostate cancer this again is using fear to push you in to harsh decisions of using life threatening medical practices rather than safer options.

Charlotte is the more picky of the four but also sleeps with many men and has a failed marriage during the series she eventually re-marries to a Jew and is forced to take on the Jewish religion in order to marry the man she loves, this is showing that marriage is not forever and that divorce is OK and forcing a religion upon someone is OK, also in most films or programmes today Jewish weddings are all you see it is as if other religions do not exist.

Carrie the main character writes about sex in a column in the newspaper, the main love in her life is Mr Big when she splits from Mr big he marries someone else and eventually Carrie and Big start having an affair behind his wife's and carries boyfriends back.

In the film sex and the city, Samantha eventually splits from the guy she had been with for a few years because she couldn't be faithful and didn't want to cheat on him.

Miranda and Steve split for most of the film because Steve cheats on her after the hadn't had sex for six months. They reconcile at the end, after all Miranda's friends think she made a mistake not forgiving him for infidelity.

Charlotte finally gets pregnant and has a child of her own with her Jewish husband.

And Carrie is set to marry Mr big but he leaves her at the altar after panicking and they fight eventually the get back together and have a smaller wedding.

There is another Sex And The City film coming up it is being made right now and from the articles i have read about it Carrie will no longer be with Mr big so yet again divorce is put in to this programme.

On TV soaps such as Emmerdale, Coronation street and Eastenders the characters in them are all basically having a shag fest, they get in to relationships and have affairs no one is faithful, the story lines often include homosexuals, race mixing and teen pregnancies passing them off as mimicking real life yet what they really do is set this version of "real life" in motion.

Any story in these soaps is a deliberate attempt to persuade you to take on a certain opinion, some real life situations are put in to the mix to make you believe that they really are writing about reality, but also when it comes to illnesses and such if they add these things they can convince you that vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs and chemotherapy are all good things that save lives when in fact they shorten the life considerably.

The story lines in every film and soap is written in a way that deliberately persuades you to think how they want you to, these people are very intelligent and know how they can manipulate the entire population with simple little things that seem harmless to the heavily brainwashed but have catastrophic consequences. In training your thought they gain control over your reaction to each life experience you may go through and in doing this they manage to lead you in to poisoning both your body and mind daily under their recommendation thus helping them to wipe out a certain number of the population leaving behind only the weak and stupid who will live the remainder of their days only with the purpose of serving the Zionist puppet masters as slaves.

Monday, 26 October 2009

As each new generation grows more and more used to the way things are today they become separated from earlier descendants as they think differently to their ancestors before them. The level of control gets stronger and more visible as time goes by. Younger generations are so under this control that this way of living to them is normal and OK, yet while some of todays ideas are strange to the before generations we are all becoming

Friday, 23 October 2009

A mask of make up!

Make up is a tool created to make ugly women look attractive, of course the official lie is that make up is to enhance ones natural beauty. In theory this would seem a good thing, but when you see what bad effects make up has on skin and confidence it becomes clear that it is not a good thing. Make up is used to turn not so pretty celebrities in to (false) idols or sex symbols though how labelling anyone as a sex object could be a good thing i don't know.

Make up is made up of harmful chemicals that damage the skin and not only this it contains animal parts not fit for consumption, imagine daily smearing your skin with animal parts? doesn't seem like a nice idea really but many women do it... how many more animals must die for such a silly cause?

Animal parts found in cosmetics:

  • Stearic acid (tallow) is rendered beef or mutton fat but may also be from other animals it is found in: Soaps, lipstick, shaving creams and other cosmetics..... (these types of cosmetics can cause skin problems) Vegetable tallow cosmetics are available if you look for them.

  • Carmine is obtained by crushing tens of thousands of female cochineal insects it is a red pigment used in cosmetics, shampoo and food colouring.

  • Collagen is a fibrous protein usually derived from animal tissue - it supposedly firms the skin yet has no proven firming effects it merely temporally plumps the skin by slowing the moisture release from the skin.

  • Keratin is found in animal horns, hooves, feathers, quills and hair... it is found in hair rinses, shampoos and permanent wave solutions. (Keratin is also found in human hair and nails.

Most cosmetics are harmful to the skin and hair so why are we spoon fed the idea that they are a good thing? Because vanity can occupy the mind so much so that one is too busy looking in a mirror to notice the important things in life, always on the look out for new make up to mask the skin with so that the actual person is no longer there. Women are told to look like celebrities not just to do their make up "like them" but to look like them gormless clothes horses dressing and acting exactly the same. This stops individuality, because you have to fit in with the herd!

Fashion is a set style of clothing set out for mindless clothes horses to sell to the herd, every type of clothing comes from one fashion or another. These fashions give the impression of rebellion and individuality but how is it individuality to look like everyone else does? Fashion controls rebellion by giving the impression of free thinking because the control isn't visible to fashion obsessed, brainwashed masses.

Make up gives the idea that you are free to do as you please also as you get to choose one type of damaging chemical from another. Make up industries are always coming up with new looks or repeating old looks to keep the cosmetic fashion seeming fresh and full of choices - these pointless choices keep the mindset that we are free and have some say but such subtle choices between which type of order to follow is not choice at all. We have no say in things that are real! We are kept busy with fashion, TV, material goods, celebrity gossip, and media influences aka the news!

Make up and clothes keep people in a state of mind that they are not good enough, thin enough, pretty enough and other such silly things keeping the mind occupied. The best way to ruin the world undetected is to keep silly people dieting and spending money on material goods they don't need and hey presto the NWO is in place before you know it.

How anyone can think make up is a good thing seems odd to me anyway since it is bad for your skin so how did it become so popular? Make up was first introduced to hide rotting flesh on corpse's it was a method used only for disguising putrefaction, perfume was to disguise the smell of death and rotting flesh. Make up has been worn by prostitutes for a very long time also it was seen as a sign of a whore. How we went from using it for such depressing purposes to using it as a way of life is not known. My belief is that like most things it was introduced as a fashion maybe used on women in films to help such a fashion catch on and after a while it became normal.

So next time you apply rotting animal flesh to your skin think of all i have mentioned doesn't it put you off make up? Natural is the way to go!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Hidden influences!

Music of any description holds a very strong influence over the mind since everything works on vibrations, vibrations are sound waves thus everything works on sounds waves. This explained shows that music will obviously have a strong influence over the brain affecting thought and actions, because everything works on sound waves it allows for a very unnoticeable type of mind control. When one listens to music, it often will be a type of music that reflects how that person is feeling or how they wish to feel for instance if you were feeling down you might choose to listen to something that lifts your mood and makes you feel happier or motivates you.

Lyrics of course being repetitive also provide adequate influence on the mind, any type of repetition will stick in the mind yet many deny the possibility of mind control through pop songs and such. It is clear when you look around at life today that pop music has a compelling impact on those who listen to it. If you have ever seen any films from the year 1908 up until the year 1952 (i give these dates as after them all films were rubbish propaganda) films made during these dates were decent and though it wasn't all special effects the actual film itself was made to a great standard, such a great standard that many of these films have been remade (since the film industry are running out of original ideas) and passed off as new ideas. These types of "old" films contained no nudity or sexual references nor did they contain foul language or inarticulate speech of any kind for that matter.

Since the end of the war the film industry slipped in to a very different mode of propaganda, also gradually working nudity in to films in such a subtle manner that it went completely unnoticed and is now classed as normal. This type of soft nudity they started with paved the way for hardcore porn scenes now witnessed in today's films and because many generations have grown around such films it is accepted as a natural part of life.

My reason for mentioning old and modern films is nudity being introduced in to our film industry allowed music videos to be the same and song lyrics to be explicit in a sexual manner and foul language is common in music that is directed towards children. Many "pop songs" contain sexual and homosexual references, should our children really have such lyrics blasted out at them and brainwashing them? I certainly don't think so.

These days many children "experiment" sexually as they are told it is what you are supposed to do by films and songs in order to know what they like, these children are often under age. Why should it be seen as OK to sleep around with anything that has a pulse? Shouldn't our children be taught that sex is an act of love not something to give out left right and centre with no particular preference of sex, age or number of partners. The surprising things is i have never noticed parents complain about the lyrics in today's music that they find their young children listening to, we are brainwashed in to accepting most kinds of perversion such as homosexuality, paedophilia and slaggy behaviour by the telly and music which daily holds its control on thought by repetition. A good example of this is the song by Katy perry "i kissed a girl" when you look at the lyrics it is describing children as only young girls would wear "cherry chap stick" and as it states in the title it is about a girl kissing a girl, the repetition from such lyrics will obviously be influencing many young girls in to experimenting in a such a way. Many modern songs contain lyrics of a sexual nature and are all directed at young children, also many songs are ill written and contain swear words this explains the mass use of foul language seen today.

When you compare the standard of films from 1908 to 1952 with films after 1952 up to today's films and look at how people used to behave in comparison with how people behave today it is easier to understand how such things as films and music can influence human behaviour.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

What everyone knows but will never say!

If a white were to visit a "non white country" such as Pakistan or Africa we would see it as our duty to adapt to their customs and culture as a sign of respect as any decent polite guest would treat his or her host. Aside from common decency i believe that they do force their values on to whites whilst in their country which is fair enough it is "their country" so we should adapt to their ways in their country really.

In pretty much every white country foreigners are put before the actual indigenous population. This should really come as no surprise when one considers that over the last few centuries foreigners have taken over the establishments of all white countries. Although the rulers may have white skin, they are in fact Asiatics from the Talmudic land of the Khazars.

In England for example, foreigners are made a priority when it comes to housing over any English desperately needing a home, foreigners are constantly being brought in to England despite the fact that are there are too few homes for even our own people and no jobs. These foreigners are brought in to make sure there is mass unemployment so that the English are too worried about what will happen if they lose their jobs to demand a decent wage and decent treatment. With so few jobs foreigners will either open a taxi firm or a takeaway most of the time whilst claiming benefits. As anyone who has got in to an Asian taxi will testify most of these Asian taxi drivers do not have a driving licence and of the ones that do many of them are known heroin addicts, who will be under the influence of heroin while they are driving a taxi.

When it comes to claiming benefits in England whites are interrogated about every detail of their lives even to the point of government snoopers following them in their daily routine looking for any bit of information that would justify stopping their benefits. Foreigners on the other hand are treated in an almost apologetic manner with job centre workers helping them to give the right answers so they get the maximum benefits. Translators are provided to these spongers costing £150 a time. In the case of foreign women with children they are encouraged to claim income support because they are married according to their religion not according the state. If they register their home as a place of worship (which most of them do/ in the little town of Halifax their are 3000 mosques listed) they are except from council tax.

In many work places, especially in the public sector, white women are forced to cover themselves up lest the sight of their bare arms provoke the sex craved foreign men in to raping them. The fact that it is the foreign man who cannot control his lust is ignored with many English women being forced to dress like women who believe in all the superstitious nonsense which has been imported along with these arrogant foreigners. Everybody has to show respect to these foreign religions which are rapidly replacing the religion of the English. Merely pointing out that Mohamed was a murderer and a paedophile will result in dismissal from work even though it is written in the Qur'an. The same goes for the Talmud which a sick and twisted work of fiction yet if any white religion should befall criticism, that is acceptable in the eyes of the politically corrupted.

The similarity between the two religions Judaism and Islam is so great that anyone who takes the time to compare the similarities cannot fail to notice that Islam was created by Jews as a means of halting the growth of Christianity which in its true form is the exact opposite of Judaism and had it not been stopped would have destroyed the Jewish/ satanic influence which has taken over all white nations.

Due to the restrictions upon Muslim women in this Islamic religion, Muslim men control them using religious nonsense and violence to keep their women in line. And known to any whites that live in areas where the masses of Asians live the male Asians are free to do and dress as they please, which usually involves drug dealing (it is a known fact that Asians are the biggest heroin dealers since it is a drug found in their country) and sleeping around with white women and young white girls, often leading to these young girls being pushed in to drug addictions and prostitution to pay for their habit, yet if a Muslim woman were to sleep around with white blokes she and the white blokes would be killed by her family. Either way it is not acceptable but why should the men not be punished for the same crimes? When Asian women are murdered for associating with white men or for waking up to the fact that Islam is rubbish, the media report these murders as honour killings, which states approval for those who despise our culture. If they hate us so much no one is forcing them to stay in this country. They would be much happier back in Pakistan, and i can't think of many people who would be sad to see them leave. However their religion demands that they convert every country to Islam and if they continue as they are doing England will become an Islamic state with all women being persecuted in this manner.

In my opinion, Islam is a religion of hate and violence put forward to control women and beat them into a submissive life purely for the satisfaction of men providing them with babies and cooking and cleaning for them, this religion dictates that men are better than women and women are filthy whores who must be covered up in order to not tempt the men who are so unable to control their own actions. Mohamed was a disgusting woman hating child rapist and his entire religion is built on following his example, he was having sex with his wife Aisha when she was only eight years old, is this the sort of depravity we should be allowing and encouraging in this country?

On a final thought, Mohammed's work of nonsense promises Muslim men that if they live as he did (raping children and murdering non believers) they will be rewarded in "heaven" with virgin girls and little boys to sodomise for eternity. Think about this next time you give your money to some sweaty Asian in a kebab shop who despises your culture so much he wants to kill you and has more than likely done something despicable in your food.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Animals are for cuddling not cooking!

The English like to present themselves to the world as a nation of animal lovers until very recently the sport of royal family and the upper classes was fox hunting. This charming and cultured "sport" consisted of rich parasites with lots of money and no sense at all riding and whipping their horses to chase a pack of badly treated vicious dogs, who in turn chased a fox which had been released especially for the purpose of being torn to shreds. The moronic toffs would take great delight in smearing the blood of the mutilated fox on the heads of their children. It took many years for this sick disgusting animal abuse to be banned by law, with many aristocrats and fellow parasites even now campaigning for their right to have defenceless animals torn limb from limb for their sick pleasure.

Another cherished sport of the rich was badger baiting, which involved sending maltreated dogs in to the badgers underground homes where the dogs viciously bit at the poor badgers until they were forced to come out above ground where the cretinous upper class scum would then trap the defenseless badger and using their evil dogs rip the poor badgers to shreds. Prince Charles and the rest of the royal vermin indulged their blood lust in the destruction of these poor defenseless animals.

To go back a few more years the same disgusting establishment imbeciles took part in such wholesome activities as bear baiting, dear hunting, cock fighting, dog fighting and all manner of other sickening activities which involved murdering animals. To this very day on the 12th July every year the barbarians who run this country enjoy the traditional grouse shoot, which surprise surprise involves releasing birds that are then shot from the sky, often only being slightly injured, then having dogs sent out to rip their throats out.

These are the pleasures of the British royal family and the filth which associates with them.

In recent times cruelty has spread across the land as a result of immigration. Halal is a practice used by Muslims in which an animal is suspended by its feet an its throat is slit whilst some self appointed superstitious idiot re sites utter nonsense to please his obviously evil god. The Jews have exactly the same satanic blood sacrifice involving resiting mumbo jumbo whilst inflicting pain on animals. Muslims call it Halal, Jews call it Kosher, I call it murder!

It is not only inbred upper class retards and sick perverted foreigners who indulge themselves in animal cruelty. British butchers use dirty slaughter houses in which animals are first stunned before being sliced open. In many cases the stunning process doesn't work and the animals are hacked to pieces whilst still alive and fully conscious to what is happening to them. Chickens, for example, are impaled on hooks by their feet and then transported upside down on a conveyor belt of death, passing through baths of electrified water which kills them, then in to machinery which rips their feathers from their flesh and then transports the to the next stage where their limbs are hacked off. Chickens, being chickens, tend to like to look around to see whats going on and as a result their heads very often do not enter the water baths, thus they are still alive and fully aware when they enter the plucking machinery which shreds the feathers from them before passing the injured and frightened birds in to the blades which will slice them limb from limb whilst still fully alive and aware.

So much for a nation of animal lovers.

Anyone who has attempted to get a vegetarian meal will know that getting food which does not contain meat is incredibly difficult the massacre of sentient beings for food can only be described as murder on a scale exceeding and imaginable massacre.

This industrial scale carnage extends beyond the land and the sky in to the seas. Industrial trawlers dredge everything in their in nets which can be several miles across, destroying coral, wiping out entire species of life and catching highly intelligent mammals such as whales and dolphins, all so that some bonehead can eat his fish and chips when he staggers out of the pub too drunk to find a kebab shop.

People who eat meat of any description are accomplices to murder those who eat eggs are eating the unborn babies which will never become the next generation. When the queen gets one of her servants to spread caviar on her toast she is eating the unborn young of the sea. It is thanks to mindless chavs at one end of society and sick twisted non humans at the other end that the seas are becoming depleted of life.

Next time you get the urge to devour the carcass of a once happy animal consider the cruelty you have caused to the animal directly and to its family who will never see it again by eating meat you are condoning the savagery of Halal, Kosher and all butchery just don't do it. Meat is murder and meat eaters are murderers!

Sunday, 18 October 2009

NHS- also known as National Homicide Service!

The National Health Service (NHS) in Britain is founded on the principle of the Hippocratic Oath, and as such values life above all else, including monetary concerns. This is how the public relations people would like you to see the NHS. Like all government agencies, the NHS is not what it seems. A more realistic title would be the National Homicide Service.

Euthanasia is illegal in Britain. If you are terminally ill and wish to die, any document with this wish written on it will be used in court against those who help you. Ironically hospitals are practising euthanasia against the wishes of the patients. In some cases, food, water and medication are being withheld to ensure the patient dies of whatever ails him. This has now reached the point where even healthy people are being starved to death. (see: Reminiscent of the film "Logan's Run", people classed as too old to be of any use to society, are being killed. Hospitals, rather than being places for the saving of life, are fast becoming slaughter houses for the old and infirm.

When animals are sick, their owners may as a last resort have them 'put to sleep' by the administration of an overdose of morphine or other drugs. The owners tend to have the best interests of the pets in mind. Hospitals are routinely putting patients 'to sleep' in exactly the same way. The difference is that the patient may have a strong desire to live and is not consenting to being overdosed with pain killers (which would be illegal anyway). Patients are being subjected to what is euphemistically called 'involuntary euthanasia', but should really be called by what it is - premeditated murder.

An elderly woman was put on 'the plan' by her hospital, and was slowly starving to death before her daughter intervened and demanded she be fed and looked after. This incident hit the headlines and so became widely known. It is but the tip of a very deep and tragic iceberg. The NHS murder mills are butchering the populace on an industrial scale, This doesn't even take into account the use of toxic vaccines, Prozac etc, which are being used to murder people in such numbers that they should be regarded as genocidal massacres.

This common practice "euthanasia" is a widely unknown practice, families are told by these doctors who practice or have practised it that there loved one died from there illness, this makes me wonder what other lies are told by the NHS?

Even going to your local doctors has become a waste of time these days as they have a limited amount of time they can spend with each patient, and usually we are merely offered a prescription for something that will simply mask the symptoms rather than solve the problem. Many people with severe problems that should be made a priority are kept waiting long periods of time for treatment being palmed off with medication that doesn't help.

These are not the only problems with the NHS, aside from the fact that we have to pay to be treated so ill by our Health Service there is another issue.......

When most of us (with the exception of doley scroungers) spend our whole lives working and paying taxes which cover our health service are not given the care we deserve when we need it and have to pay on top of all we already contribute for our medication and health care etc one does begin to wonder what we are actually paying taxes for. Those who sign on the dole or receive income support and never work a day in their lives get all their health care for free and never contribute a single penny towards the NHS.

Very few people actually speak out in an effective way about this issue most complain to others but do not do a thing to change this, should we not have our say about our own health service? Lets not forget we are free to speak out... or are we?