Saturday, 6 March 2010

Facebook - Inequality and the destruction of free speech!

Facebook, is officially a social network. However, it was really set up for the purpose of monitoring people, as described in my previous article. The people who run facebook, are just there to keep free speech to a minimum, especially making sure that Muslims, Jews, Zionists etc, do not in any way get offended, or exposed for the scum they are. Facebook is a tool, used to constantly monitor what we say. If we try and leave a comment that may offend someone, it will be unable to post, we will be reported, or/and we will eventually be deleted for this. Obeying the petty rules of Facebook, means submitting to political correctness, suffering for expressing your right to free speech and the constant monitoring of your activities. The only two groups I have noticed on facebook, which actually allow free speech is the "allah is a peado" group and the "realists not racists (British pride)" group. At some point, they will probably be shut down. But what I must say to the creators, and the admin teams is, you're all doing a great job.

One of my facebook profiles, was wrongfully deleted. This occurred after I reported a Muslim who threatened to Rape me, impregnate me and cause me to miscarry by kicking my stomach. Then kill my family, and me. I took a screen shot of this abusive and threatening message (which was sent to my personal message inbox) I posted this screen shot, along with other abusive messages I had received from other Muslims, on a group called "Allah is a peado" (yes I am aware this is not the correct spelling of that word). I also posted these screen shots on a group called "Scum watch" - which I created myself. I informed people, that this was to collect evidence against the racist abuse whites are receiving from Muslims. After a few hours of this group being up, my account was disabled. This is because I was able to expose the real behaviour of Muslims. I have posted two screen shots of the threats I received, at the top of this page.

Islam, is said to be a religion of peace. Yet, when you see the way most Muslims behave, you learn a much different story to the official one. The Qu'ran, according to Muslims and politically correct bafoons, teaches tolerance and peace - along with the stories of this religion. This is not so, first of all the stories are from the Jewish religious history - nothing at all to do with Muslims. And next, Islam does not teach tolerance or peace, it instead teaches hate and intolerance. Below, I will put Quotes found in the Qu'ran:
  • Fight in the way of Allah." 2:190, 2:244
  • Believers must retaliate. Those who transgress will have a painful doom. 2:178
  • Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2
  • Those who fail in their duty to Allah are proud and sinful. They will all go to hell. 2:206
  • War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216
  • Those who marry unbelievers will burn in the Fire. 2:221
  • If you die fighting for Allah, you'll be rewarded in heaven. 3:157
  • "Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead."
    (Quoted by Osama bin Laden in his 'letter to America' regarding the 11 September 2001 attacks.) 3:169-171

  • "Sanction is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged."
    Quoted by Osama bin Laden in his 'letter to America' as a justification for the 11 September 2001 attacks. 4:39

  • Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 4:76
  • Muslims that make friends with disbelievers will face a doom prepared for them by Allah. 5:80
  • How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. 7:4-5
  • "If you believe in only part of the Scripture, you will suffer in this life and go to hell in the next. 2:85 "

The link for these quotes:

As is seen from these quotes, Islam teaches Muslims not to befriend disbelievers. And also to slay them. The argument is, that not all Muslims believe this - see the last quote, which shows us that if a Muslim does not believe in every part of the scripture, they are not a true Muslim - because they will burn in hell for such, which is something Muslims strongly believe in.

Unfortunately, as it stands there are laws protecting religions from criticism - claiming it is inciting hate if one questions, or criticises the teachings of a religion. This does not really include white religions, any non white religions can use this to their advantage - white religions do not matter. However, if a Muslim does criticise Jesus - they are hypocritical, since Islam recognises Jesus as a prophet. The laws protecting religion, and race - never benefit whites. They were created for the purpose of oppressing free speech. Without the ability to openly criticise things, we have no free speech. Without free speech, we are controlled, our brains unable to think freely. Not only this, these laws protect non white religions/ people, so if we wished to expose an indecency found in either of these - we could be done under the discrimination act. Silencing any opinion, which others do not agree with.

Judaism, is another religion which greatly benefits from the above mentioned laws. Judaism is the original form of Islam, which was used as a way to control another mass of naive and stupid people. Mohammed, was the direct descendant of Ishmael (brother of Isaac from whom the people of Israel (wrongly) claim descent), who was the son of Abraham. Judaism and Islam, only have superficial differences. The Talmud for example, states that there is nothing wrong with raping a child under the age of three - because the hymen will grow back. Yet if you were to openly criticise such sickness, you would be arrested for inciting religious, and racial hatred. The Qu'ran, tells of how Mohammed's favourite wife, was Aisha (child), she was six when he married her, and nine when he consummated that marriage - Mohammed was fifty three. As is shown in my previous article, this is justified by an Imam - who states that in hotter countries, girls experience puberty sooner than those in colder countries. The link for this can also be found on my previous article. Not only does Islam teach this as an example to follow, it also promises that Allah - will provide Muslim men with seventy two virgins and boys.

This link, shows what is promised:

It is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality, take their famous poet Abu Nuwas:

"O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your whore who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils

Yet such perversity, is allowed in Arabic poetry - teaching generations such sick and evil behaviour. We are not allowed to comment on this, because that would be racist. We are not allowed to expose it, for risk of being arrested or deleted from facebook.

The only reason these people have control, is because we submit, if we take back control over our own lives - they cannot do anything. Without control, they are nothing. Of course, there will still be people who criticise us for speaking freely, but these people are completely brain washed and acting as the "public thought police". The idea of the Zionists, is not only to monitor everything we do themselves, but to train us to monitor each other. This works through telling the public to grass each other up, by using a cash reward to entice people to do so. Not only this, but neighbourhood watch, which although this sounds noble, serves only to teach groups of people to be nosy, and to spy on others - basically getting them to get others in trouble for simple things, like not recycling, not being politically correct etc. The whole intent is to turn us against each other. This is why we need to stand together, the Zionists know that if we unite we are strong, if we can be turned on each other - we are weak.

Facebook, is one of the best ways Zionists can fulfil their dreams of controlling our thoughts. As I mentioned earlier, they can control whether or not we are able to post our comments, or whether or not we are allowed to stay on facebook. Many great people have been deleted from facebook, all for the purpose of exposing Zionism, inequality towards whites, anti white racism, NWO, conspiracies etc. These people lose their friends, any posted pictures or information/ evidence, because they exercise their right to free speech, and free thought. Do not let the Zionists win. We must exercise our right to free speech, in its truest form. The lie about free speech states - we can express our opinions freely, provided these opinions do not offend anyone. This limits what we can say freely, greatly, if we are never allowed to express our true opinion, then we begin to express what we are allowed to - this being the controlled version - and the opinion that Zionists want you to hold. This allows very easy control over thoughts. True free speech, means no boundaries, nor restrictions - otherwise it is not really free. If they can control the words we think in (through political correctness), then they can control how we think - because the brain thinks in words (not only in words, also in pictures). If you are going to exercise your right to free speech on facebook, please create a spare account - otherwise, like me you may lose some very valuable friends.
Our language is being restricted constantly, through political correctness and new laws. They create new laws, to stop us from being able to question political correctness and issues which we are forbidden to criticise. We have lost many great words because of political correctness. Generations are struggling to constructively form sentences. People are becoming more and more stupid. Political correctness, is more easily imposed in working environments - if we refuse to follow such lunacy, we may lose our jobs. But we do have the right to say NO. The choice is always, and will always be ours. Only through making you believe you must submit, can they control your language. Do not submit!


  1. You make a lot of great points, and you're not the first I've heard who's found things on Facebook to be a little off kilter with regards to making statements about Islam, etc. I don't quite understand your view on Zionists though. Islam and Judaism may be similar, but if they work towards the same goals of controlling everyone, then why do they so hate each other? Islam doesn't exactly take kindly to Jewish people.

  2. Zionism, is an ideology which transcends religion. It hides behind Judaism but is in truth, very far removed from the Jewish religion. Most of the people living in Israel who call themselves Jews are infact Khazars, who have no genetic ties to the Israelites of the bible. Zionism and Islam share a goal of global domination. Looked at closely it is obvious that the Qu'ran was written by a rabbi, the purpose of Islam being to halt the spread of Christianity. In reality Islam is a talmudic heresy. At its most fundamental level Zionism is the ideology of the Elite, and Islam is the system of control used by the Elite to control the gullible masses.

    Islam was created to destroy Christianity. Modern Christianity has become thoroughly Judaised. The Zionist Elite are quite happy to see Europe over run by Muslims and for the entire Muslim world to destroy the Jewish sphere, which includes the USA. Out of the ashes of such carnage as would result from a third world war will come the single global state, which the Zionists will control forever, that is the dream.

    Thank you for the message Fett.
