Thursday, 18 March 2010

The destruction of innocent minds.

Subliminal messages although somewhat mistakenly overlooked, or even passed off as sheer lunacy or coincidence, are ever becoming more widely noticed. The meaning behind these messages is mostly realised by people who already had some understanding of why pop music videos are used. On a conscious level we might notice some of the obvious messages being sent out, mostly the observable sexual imagery. It takes a much closer look at and understanding of subliminal messages, in order to see what the whole message, or less obvious image is telling the mind on a subconscious level.

Music videos by the likes of lady GaGa and other modern pop stars, consist mostly of symbolism and subliminal messages. Rihanna, is also known to do music videos with such content, or course because she is black this protects the actual video from criticism, since small minded people will claim that the criticism is a race related thing - rather than what it actually is which is exposing the messages that we are only supposed to receive on a subconscious level. When we do receive these messages as they are intended, we behave the way these messages suggest. We are susceptible to such influences because our brain responds to words and images on many levels, what is not readily seen by our eyes our brains processes and stores, yet we are unaware of this even though it causes our thoughts to imitate what we have seen.

The song "Bad romance" by Lady"boy" GaGa, is absolutely full of hidden influences. I will begin by pointing out the hidden meanings in the video, then I will move on to the lyrics. The opening of this music video starts with twenty three people (including Lady GaGa), and a dog - in most if not all videos by lady GaGa there is at least one dog shown, representing Cerberus hound of hell. Of the twenty three people in the opening image, twelve are dressed in black, ten in white and Lady GaGa is in gold - white and black symbolise a chess board as found in the temples of freemasonry, the ceiling and floor of this image are square tiles which also represents a chess board. On the left of this image, there is a bath with two women inside it, one man sat on the tub with his legs inside and two men leaning on the bath one of women's legs is stretched across the man sat on the tubs lap this woman is sat behind another woman, this is a sexual image representing an orgy. The whole lay out of the image is exposing an orgy, with more men than women. In the middle of the picture, Lady GaGa is sat in a chair which is representing a throne, at both sides of the chair is a woman in the position of the masonic lion statues which are placed one opposite the other on buildings (which can be found on many masonic buildings, or Zionist owned business buildings), this represents sun worship.

Twelve seconds in to this video, Lady GaGa exposes mesh on her fingernails, which is symbolic of a web - which is used in the protocols in the Zionist capture of the planet.

In the very next image, the room is reminiscent of a prison cell (or at least what prison cells used to be like). The first noticeable thing in this scene of the video is the vodka bottles, underneath the neck of the bottle is an upside down pyramid which has four lines across it, one of them separating the cap stone from the pyramid. There is an eye shape inside the pyramid, representing the all seeing eye of the devil, and the word lex is written inside the eye - which is very similar to lux which means light coming from Sirius the dog star which is itself representative of Isis, Osiris and Horus which is the Illuminati trinity (the gods of our hidden rulers) an interesting choice of a bottle for such a video - it makes a bold statement of ownership by the Illuminati. Next a sign comes up with the words "bath haus of GaGa" - bath houses are known as places for homosexuals to have orgies. The dancers in the video open the white boxes they are in (there are seven boxes, one has the word monster and a cross on it,) and start to make their way out, these boxes very closely resemble coffins - skull and bones (Illuminati secret society based in Yale) practice masturbation in coffins. They start to slither out much like serpents - every person coming out of these coffins has a white PVC hat on (as well as being dressed in a white pvc outfit), this hat covers the eyes but not the mouth, at the top the pvc material is formed in to spikes - the dancers begin to move around like Zombies in a horror movie and then begin to clap as if to applaud their blindness, lady GaGa is in the bath fully clothed at this point which in itself is rather odd. We see lady GaGa standing in front of the mirror after the bath scene, posing in an odd way dressed in black wearing a hat very similar to that of the dancers in the other scene - I believe these hats may symbolise ownership, since the colours are well known Illuminati colours, lady GaGa's hat does not cover the eyes which could suggest she is aware of the ownership instead of blind to it like the dancers appear to be. While the dancers continue a very odd dance which reminds me somewhat of Michael Jackson's thriller video - almost inviting evil, one of the dancers is shown sat on the floor the first time she appears to be reverting back in on herself, next she is shown from behind, her hand reaches round towards her bottom almost inviting sodomy. Again we are shown Lady GaGa in front of the mirror she slides her hand up her leg and down in to her crotch - which is masturbation, then she lifts her dress up slightly flashing herself in the mirror. When lady GaGa is shown next in the bath again she appears to have rather large pupils and seems to be on drugs or possessed by something evil - the dancer on the floor appears rather lost and disturbed when she is next shown, almost as if she has lost something on the floor. In the bath scenes, lady GaGa makes weird movements with the end joints of her fingers on one hand - she also shows herself making a gun shape with her fingers, exposing a tattoo which is considered to be the hippie sign for peace, really it is the old death rune, she is also wearing earrings which look like pyramids and seem to have a wire dangling from them as if they are earphones. All the while the dancers continue dances which seem to be a rip off of Michael Jackson's thriller video, they appear to be struggling to see and feel their way around - almost like a battle to cure their blindness, the movements clearly resemble blindness as well as showing stupidity - this symbolises being blind to the truth, stumbling on in a trance like state kept in the dark. It great exposes sheeple, this is basically showing how they see the people they have brainwashed - they see them as blind sheep who will remain blind. Lady GaGa is dragged from the bath and seems to be struggling as if frightened - the dancers when shown next have their arms stretched out and just move their hips, it is as if they are pushing lady GaGa symbolically. The two women who dragged lady GaGa from the bath seem to be dressed almost like nurses they sit her on the edge of the bath and then force a drink down her throat - which lady GaGa dribbles down her chin, which is a sexual reference referring to oral sex and ejaculation in the mouth - which she is then forced to swallow.

Lady GaGa is next shown being pulled about by the dancers who are tearing at her clothes, preparing her for exposure for men's pleasure she is wearing very little when the coat is pulled off of her body (she also appears to be struggling when next shown in the bath - as if fighting off the people who want to indecently expose her) - which is giving teenagers and children that being dressed in a degrading and slutty manner to benefit men is OK and that there is no shame in such disgusting behaviour, it is basically turning women in to mere sex objects for the benefit of men and teaching children that they should behave this way. Which is the Zionist dream, pornography was created by Zionist Jews - this is another way of degrading women and making them nothing more than a hole in the eyes of men - this has been so much that now porn is inescapable, it is in magazines like just17, which is mostly read by much younger teenagers and children who wish to feel older - this kind of imagery is mimicked by children who wish to seem more grown up and so act and dress like prostitutes. This is how children become sexualised, children are even portrayed this way in films, so that they become objects of lust for men - leading to paedophilia. The whole school girl uniform fantasy was also created by the Zionist's as a way of tempting men to lust after children. This explains the great rise in paedophilia cases of young rape cases which are basically paedophilia cases but classed differently by a ridiculous law.

The women dancers who ripped the clothes from lady GaGa seem very pleased with themselves after they have uncovered her - they are glancing at the men who are sat observing the whole thing, lady GaGa has now been turned in to a mere sex object and her morality been destroyed by these women. Despite this, lady GaGa at first tries to cover herself as if she does not want to be degraded and ogled by men - this scene is displaying an orgy again. Of the men that are shown, three seem to be wearing muzzles - symbolising that men are dogs and driven only by lust humping everything in site. Three men are showing visible tattoos, the middle man has a trident tattoo on one arm, and what appears to be a skull on the other arm, he also has death tattooed on his right shoulder - the man sat to his right has what looks like an ecto skeleton on his arm, and the man on left of the middle man has a very odd tattoo as well, which I struggled to make out as I progress through this video I may be able to work out what it is meant to be, hopefully. One of the men next shown has what looks like the chin part of a roman helmet strapped to his face, which I believe could symbolise controlled speech (political correctness) since it appears to almost be a kind of gag keeping him from speaking. This man has a tattoo on his neck which seems like a face, with hearts where the eyes should be, where the nose should be what looks similar to a cross creeps up above where the hearts are, but it also seems at the same time like rams horns making the cross - it is a very demonic looking tattoo.

Lady GaGa is next seen with her hand on her breasts and one hand in between her legs like she is masturbating, she is being carried by the other women in the scene. After this she is shown naked at either side of her are walls, in front of her is what looks like a cage keeping her inside these walls. It goes back to the previous scene where she is lowered to a standing position and begins to dance for the men - which is basically strip club dancing, giving children the impression that this is how to get men to like you, it also teaches children to be sex objects again and to be slags. The men sit watching the dancing which is for their entertainment - this is possibly to spur children on in to such demeaning jobs, Zionists love the idea of women and men being mere sex objects, obsessed with sex and having no standards just sleeping with anything in site - this is why they are destroying each generation more and more. The naked scene comes on again, this time Lady GaGa is leaning forward and her back bones stick out like that of a Ceratosaurus (which is basically a lizard, yes I am referring to David Ickes idea of the reptilian bloodline - I believe anything to be a possibility in this lifetime) this scene shows lady GaGa looking malnourished and diseased - the bone structure is not at all normal, it would take great tampering of the image or severe anorexia for such obvious sticking out of the bone, and even then this would mean she was close to dying - plus there would be many more bones sticking out, not just the spine. In the next dance scene (going back to the where the women are being watched by men), lady GaGa is thrown to the floor at the feet of the men being watched closely by these men - she stands up, lifts her leg and strokes in between her legs - which is showing masturbation for the men's pleasure, which again is teaching little girls to degrade themselves for the pleasure of men - it is telling little girls to touch themselves on a subconscious level - this kind of message can lead children in to early and obsessive masturbation. At the same time the leg movement is symbolic of a woman climbing on top of a man for sex and positioning his penis inside her - which is giving the message that children should be off having sex, this kind of imagery teaches promiscuity.

The next few dance moves are mostly hand gestures with slight hip movements - one such hand movement clearly shows the "wanking" hand gesture by all of the women dancers. Lady GaGa is seen naked again this time doing what seems to be a flicking movement - when you actually stop this at the precise moment she is about to flick, you see that she is making an eye with her finger (masonic symbol), and also making the shape of three sixes with her fingers - which is how the mind will process the image. Again in this scene she looks very reptilian with the way her back bone is sticking out in the way of spines. The next part of the dance shown is lady GaGa with her fingers touching making a with child movement by making out the shape of a pregnant belly with her arms. Which is basically telling these young children that the music is aimed at to get pregnant young (hence the teenage mum problem). In these scenes with the dancers, a fair few drinks of vodka (the same vodka bottles which were mentioned earlier) are poured out by the men watching the dancers - this is giving the message to drink heavily - alcohol is actually more dangerous and addictive than illegal drugs, as well as it dulling the senses and destroying brain cells. Lady GaGa is next seen crawling on her knees towards the men - teaching children to be slaves, not only slaves to the Zionist agenda, but also sex slaves. Lady GaGa climbs on top of of one of the men - this message again is sex she is riding him - teaching children again to have promiscuous sex - during this part she is seen making humping movements, then seen naked again moving her bottom as if having sex. A cat hisses at Lady GaGa while she is humping this man - the cat represents Bast (Bastet) Egyptian Goddess of the Rising Sun. The 'Cat Goddess'. And of course sun worship ties in with the Illuminati. The cat is a sphynx cat - which is also Egyptian again.

One of men pushes a button, then three laptop screens are shown (each laptop has a 6 on the back of it- there are three sixes - the devils number) where the men are bidding basically they are buying her, she is a prostitute selling her body to these men. Just before where the amount being bid is there is a letter P with a line going through just under the D shape of the letter - this is not a type of currency, it means prostitution - lady GaGa prostitution bid. This is telling children several messages, one that the body is not worth anything, it is merely for sexual pleasure, two that there is nothing wrong with prostitution, three that pornography is fine and being a porn star is fine - which it isn't because it degrades women and turns men in sex obsessed lust driven objects - and four it tells children that by using sex to make money they can become rich - it devalues love making, marriage and women. It also glorifies materialism over morals and respect for oneself.

Of the numbers shown on the bidding for lady GaGa I used the method for numerology and looked up the meanings of each number, so that I could ascertain as to whether they had any significance at all. Firstly the numbers shown are: 943 616 - 965 818 - 976 141 - and lady GaGa sells at 1000,000. I took the first set of numbers and added each single number together which came to 29 - then I added 2 + 9 which comes to 11, the numerological meaning behind this is:

"The 11 is known as the psychics number, it's the most intuitive of all numbers and it represents illumination and deep insight" - Notice Illumination = Illuminati.

"It acts as a channel for information between the higher and the lower." - The higher and the lower meaning classes of people (in the case of what the Zionist reasoning behind this numerology usage is) "a channel for information" - which means the brain washing we are subjected to, basically put together it means we are the lower class, beneath the Zionists, their slaves - and the people involved in spreading their lies and inflicting these brainwashing rituals upon us are the channel for information - from the Zionists, to us.

The next lot of numbers came to 37 - 3 + 7 = 10 For Pythagoras, 10 was the symbol of the universe and it also expressed the whole of human knowledge. Represent the Creator and the creation, 3 + 7, the Trinity resting in the expressed universe. Meaning that the creators are the Zionists and we are the creation - because they have destroyed what used to be our culture, and created a new one, along with inflicting a destructive way of thinking which is not our own. "It also expressed the whole of human knowledge" - we know only what we are told, through subliminal messages, media influences and lies the government are paid to tell us - Lady GaGa represents what knowledge we are fed through the subliminal messages, or more how our thoughts are manipulated in to thinking the way our Zionist rulers want us to. "The trinity resting in the expressed universe" - the trinity = Illuminati, resting in the expressed universe could mean the ideology they have created for us which is considered the logic of the universe (earth is what the real meaning is behind this, since earth is all we know to have been manipulated). It could also point to the fact that they do not follow what we are forced and brain washed in to following - they rest, we serve. "For the Mayans, it represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. The ten was regarded as being the number of the life and the death." Which could tie in to two things really, firstly the NWO as the beginning of a new cycle, secondly 2012, when the end of the world is predicted - interestingly by the Mayans. According to H.- P. Blavatsky, the 1 followed by 0 indicates the column and the circle, meaning the principle of the female and male, and this symbol would refer to the Androgyny nature and also to Jehovah, being at the same time male and female. Jehovah or yhwh - is the Jewish god, which may also be tied in with Zionists because they claim to be Jews, but the are not by race, only by religion.

The next lot of numbers when added came to 28 - 2 + 8 = 10. - Since 10 has already been discussed I do not need to mention it again.

Incidentally, Lady GaGa comes to the number 13 in numerology - 13 represents "all or nothing" through transformation pertaining to degeneration or regeneration. Symbolic death and rebirth is strongly associated to 13. An example of the representative power of the number 13 is transitioning from modest means to vast wealth 13 is considered a "Karmic Debt Number," - "All or nothing", which could represent how unless these pop stars who sell their souls to the Zionist devils willingly sacrifice their souls to such depravity, they will never get famous and their songs will never reach the charts, they must fully submit to Zionism. "Degeneration" - which could mean the deterioration of the Lady GaGa, also the part she plays in cause the degeneration of humanity. "symbolic death and rebirth" - the old person dying out, and being replaced by the Zionists tool, also the death of our way of life and moral standing - the rebirth of our degrading existence. "Transitioning from modest means to vast wealth" - the selling of oneself/the soul to the devil (Zionism) for financial gain. "Karmeric debt number" - the debt Lady GaGa pays by corrupting the generations with her music and videos, it is the price she pays for selling herself in order to get famous.

When I was looking up Jewish numerology, I found the symbolism of the number 13 - "For the cabalist, the number 13 is the meaning of the Snake, the dragon, Satan and the murderer." Which I found interesting, since the snake represents the leading astray of Adam and Eve. Obviously the dragon represents reptilian blood lines, and Satan well clearly it is the mark of what our Zionist elite worship. It clearly shows why such an odd name was picked.

Going back to the dance moves, Lady Gaga is next dancing with the other (supposed women, although it is questionable whether they are women or men in drag), the next few dances moves are mostly hand gestures (like the masturbation of a male) with the occassional humping gesture towards the men who are watching - basically whether these dancers are male or female - the message is to fancy the masculine appearance - which could explain the rise in homosexual/bisexual activity?!

The next bit that stood out to me the most is when Lady Gaga is seen in black underwear surrounded by clear diamonds floating in the air, as well as a room full of men sat around her, this is suggestive of group sex, and what is known as a 'spit-roast' - these diamonds represent male ejaculation being released on Lady Gaga. This is sending the message that group sex, and promiscuity in general are normal acts. Lady Gaga is now wearing a metal 'roman' style helmet (or at least the front face covering part of) - which again represents a muzzle - control.

There are two theories about what the metal ring costume represents, one that the rings represents other dimensions. And the other that it could represent the ring of saturn - which seems plausible (upon first sight of this image) when the significance of Saturn is looked up -

"Saturn, so active in the cosmic changes, was regarded by all mankind as the supreme god. Seneca says that Epigenes, who studied astronomy among the Chaldeans, “estimates that the planet Saturn exerts the greatest influence upon all the movements of celestial bodies.” (1)

On becoming a nova, it ejected filaments in all directions and the solar system became illuminated as if by a hundred suns. It subsided rather quickly and retreated into far-away regions."

Illumination represents the illuminati obviously, and the hundred suns is the sun worship.
Also, Lady Gaga's outfit seems somewhat robotic - which is basically the Zionist dream, to turn us in to mindless, emotionless, soul less slave robots that they can control. Two of the rings are almost inline with Lady Gaga's stomach next (Whereas the others were/are inline with her head), this is similar to what an atom looks like, and reminiscent of a portal to another dimension (as the rings keep separating), Lady Gaga places her hand out, as if testing a new dimension before she fully allows herself to step in to it. A pyramid tattoo is clearly visible on her arm, it probably even has the correct amount of stones (for it to be completely significant to Zionism - 13).

The next outfit we see Lady Gaga in is rather 'reptile' like, consisting of a scaley green and yellow suit. Lady Gaga makes a hand gesture which almost looks like the number six (which is shown three times). The body pose during this is almost like the Baphomet (church of Satan). Lady Gaga's sunglasses (why would she wear these indoors anyway? - Probably because it is a statement of sun worship), seem to come out to a point - like lizard eyes. The style of Lady Gaga's hair (during this reptile scene) is reminiscent of a desert horned lizard's spikes sticking out to the side and back of the head.

We again see Lady Gaga in the bath scene, this time with her hands around her throat, but arms extended upwards and outwards, which it seems rather odd to be throttling oneself. Lady Gaga appears in the fur (and full body including head) polar bear outfit. She is white room walking towards two rams heads on the wall - which is the traditional sign of the Devil. In this room there is a bed, on it a man is sat (the man who bid the highest for her earlier on the computer screens), with bedside tables (either side of the bed), with a lamp on each. The bed frame is shaped like a pyramid with the steps going up, and at the top the eye of Horus - this is faint but the subconscious mind would easily see it. It was actually by chance I came across, I was examining the man and bed scene and noticed the background. The lamps at either side represent the pillars of light - this scene is very masonic indeed. Lady Gag is shown with her sunglasses on, which show a reflection of everything just mentioned^^^ (again sunglasses indoors? - Also have you noticed that all the sunglasses she wears make her nose in to the shape of a pyramid with the cap stone missing - this is deliberate, remember these sunglasses are designed for her).

The man is wearing his muzzle still and unbuttons his shirt - he earlier paid for Lady Gaga's services (prostitution). Lady Gaga and her masculine dancers are in red for their next costume scene, lying on the floor, all positioned in the base of a pyramid (remember these scenes are deliberately laid out, it is not coincidence, every detail is thought out and planned). Lady Gaga strokes herself down her bust area in to her groin area (masturbation), She makes head movements almost like she is being humped hard. During this dance scene she makes very many sexually suggestive dance moves. When Lady Gaga is shown with very little make up on, she seems to be jerking her body somewhat, as if masturbating. She is then shown taking off her fur coat. When next seen in her reptile outfit, her shadow looks almost like an Egytian Pharaoh - if you look properly you can see it even seems to have a beard, whereas Lady Gaga does not, so this picture was obviously edited). Also, behind the shadow of Lady Gaga is another shadow, which looks almost like a demon (or like one of those Gargoyle statues seen on some buildings) creeping up behind her.

The room with the man and Lady Gaga (prostitute scene) is suddenly on fire, which starts behind the bed (representing the fire of hell - from an evil and sinful act). Lady Gaga in red is making almost robotic dance moves now along with her masculine dancers. Now Lady Gaga is shown in front of the flames. The (red suited) dance scenes continue to be somewhat robotic and look almost like she is having an epileptic fit with the strange hand and body movements. The bed is shown ablaze, then Lady Gaga poses in front of the burning bed - the fire behind her is a pyramid (of course), and her pose is definitely deliberate, but I'm not exactly sure what it represents yet. In red again Lady Gaga makes a pyramid shape over her eye with her fingers, which is her trademark really - it is showing ownership - the Zionist ownership of her soul. The man is now dead, burnt alive for his sins - Lady Gaga lays next to his corpse, with a bra that sparks - illumination. She is smoking a cigerrette - which in films is seen as a form of release after sexual activity has taken place, insinuating she has sold herself as a prostitute to the man for his sexual pleasure. This could be seen as a message to sell ones body through prostitution, and also pornography - both are degrading and wrong.

If you consider again, who are these songs and videos aimed at? Children! These songs and videos are shaping the opinions and future actions of each generation of children - hence why promiscuity is popular and common in todays younger generations.

Lyrics of the song 'Bad romance'.

This is so I can show the hidden meaning in what you may just consider odd wording, but it is never coincidence, it is always deliberate. Our brain filters our conception of reality, principally by means of the interpretation of the three archetypes: Music, words and images. These people know this, they use it to manipulate the masses with subliminal messages.

Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Rah rah ah-ah-ah! - Ra, is the Egytian sun God, (merged with Horus)
Ro mah ro-mah-mah

- Romah - could be 'roam', as in to roam, (without direction, aimless wondering, roamers - 'gypsies').

Gaga Ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance

I want your ugly

- When Lady Gaga sings this she is looking in the mirror, she is basically saying she wants you to feel inferior 'ugly' - which leads to vanity, obsession with appearances.

I want your disease
- Why would she want a disease? The disease represents illness (obviously, but inflicted like the illnesses caused by the poisonous toxins we daily have forced upon us, through food, water, medication etc). It also means your mental illness - the destruction of your mind.

I want your everything
As long as it’s free
- She wants everything - if it's free - doesn't that sound like the 'doley scrounger' mentality, 'I want everything for free'. It's telling people to take take take. To rely on a fragile benefits system.

I want your love
I want your love
- She wants you to idolise her, to love her - because then her words and actions can affect you even more. Which means you are more open to the suggestive nature of her songs. The magic of symbolism (in Zionist belief) relies on your submission to it.

I want your drama
The touch of your hand
- When she sings this, she strokes her hand down inbetween her leg and lifts her dress, exposing private area in front of the mirror - this is a sexual suggestion.

I want you leathe-studded kiss in the sand
I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
- Submissive to her Zionist leaders - she relies on them for fame.
I want it bad
Your bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
- Sex. And revenge - a retaliation to something,

You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
- All your love is revenge? Almost as if the sexual act taking place is a retaliation to something?

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance

I want your horror
I want your design
- Lady Gaga wants you at your worst - she wants you to be illiterate, stupid and evil, mere objects of lust and obsession (With the material objects). She wants you to be a certain way 'a design' - which has been planned out for you by way of fashion, magazines, music videos and TV etc.

‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
- You're a criminal, as long as 'your' (should be you're, but that was how the lyrics were written) mine? She is expressing her hold over you here, she controls 'you' - you're 'hers'. An object that she shapes. She wants you to be a criminal, to be nothing more than a lazy parasite.

I want your love
I want your love, uhh

I want your psycho
Your vertigo stick
- Not only does this not make sense, but it is also a message for you to suffer from psychosis. And vertigo stick - is obviously a penis, vertigo implies 'infected', therefore she wants sex and is promoting promiscuity, as well as telling you that STDs are no big deal, don't worry about it, it's only an STD, have sex never mind. Basically that is the message.

Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
- Again, not only do the lyrics not make sense or have any purpose (in the way that they are to the conscious mind stating nothing at all), but obviously again sex is being mentioned. The mention of a 'baby' seems quite odd. This could be a mention of an actual baby, which would seem very sick to be honest - or it could be a mention of a partner, infidelity.

I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
(‘Cause I’m a freak bitch, baby!)
I want it bad
Your bad romance
- She is saying she is desperate for sex - teaching people to become slaves to their lusts, nothing more than mere sex objects and materialistic ones at that!

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance

Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
move that bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
I’m a freak bitch baby
- Here she is telling you to work - in other words to be a slave, and she mentions fashion which she also wishes you to be a slave to.

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends
- Here is an obvious mention of a 'one night stand', she doesn't want anything more than sex basically (telling you that sex means nothing, and relationships mean nothing) - she doesn't want to think of her sexual conquests as 'people', just as objects of her desire -which is how she wants you to see people also.

J'veux ton amour
Et je veux ton revenge
J'veux ton amour
I don't wanna be friends

(I don't wanna be friends)
Caught in a bad romance

(I don't wanna be friends)
(Want your bad romance)
Caught in a bad romance
(Want your bad romance)

I want your loving
I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

(Want your bad romance)
Caught in a bad romance
(Want your bad romance)
(Want your bad romance)
Caught in a bad romance

Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance

Obviously, these lyrics and images are planned out by the Zionist leaders. Lady Gaga is a mere tool for delivering the messages, but she still is playing her part in the destruction of young impressionable minds nonetheless. Most of the 'big' singers used to push subliminal messages, started out as trusted figures (when the elite actually bothered to cover their tracks, they are obviously over confident these days), they claimed to be religious, wrote seemingly innocent songs etc etc. And now that they're sending these messages, they have already gained parental trust, therefore no one expects them to be destroying young minds, this allows the songs and images to cause the mental destruction of each generation.

I will be doing a youtube video on this subject at some point, I was going to wait until after making the video to publish this article but I felt that perhaps I should publish this now, since I haven't written anything for a while. Once the video is up and running I will post it to this article.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Education destroying the nation!

The education system is not only a valid tool in the destruction/ control of young minds, the expression "give me the child until he is seven, and I will give you the man" - springs to mind (I will further explain this later), but it is also a means of psychologically beating down young impressionable minds. This is apparent in the way that white youngsters are taught they are vermin, basically having any sense of self worth and esteem diminished. Whites undergo the training that we are unable to express pride in white culture, for this is offensive, racist and wrong - in the eyes of the liberal do gooder establishment. This psychological beating children take, leaves feelings of guilt, worthlessness and little promise of a good life or great achievements (since whites are told they are vermin).

The saying I mentioned in the first paragraph - "give me the child until he is seven, and I will give you the man", basically means that young children can be brainwashed, more easily than children over the age of seven, at a young age children are influenced by their surroundings and education. After age seven, children develop their own minds and cannot be controlled, this is why the idea is to get children while they are young - so that the thoughts and opinions can be shaped for them, this opinion is the politically correct, do gooder, whites are scum and should be punished opinion.

Children can go to nursery from as little as three months old, which is long before they have had any real bonding time with the parents, or had any chance to develop their own personality, instead of the one the establishment pushes on them. Once a child goes to nursery, parents begin to lose the child, not only by way of the strong bond parent and child should have, but also on the level in which children follow their parents example and form their own personality through doing so. Nurseries are just training stations, preparing your child for the complete brainwashing they shall experience in schools. While I agree that children should be allowed to have fun, enjoy childhood and play etc, this does not mean they have to be treated like idiots - children's minds work somewhat like sponges, soaking up everything this is how children learn. If you treat children like idiots, they behave as such. In nurseries children finger paint, play with sand and water, dress up, play with toys and have maybe one story book read to them a day, they also have TV time (of course) - this does not appeal to a child's intellect at all. Children need mental stimulation, their minds need challenging.

Learning, is often passed off as boring, too much like hard work and something which can never be fun - this idea is drummed in to the generations by the establishment, who separate fun from learning. Learning, is fun - I admit it is of a different kind of amusement, but still fun nonetheless. Schools aim to keep the two separated, by keeping lessons dull, too controlled and requiring little individuality, self thought or general freedom. Schools also have breaks in which children are free to play in between lessons, again separating the two from each other. The method in which children are taught, plays a major role in how children respond to, or take in that education - if the lesson bears no true stimulation for the child, the child will fail to fully take in or remember the information. If teachers were to appeal to children's playful and excitable nature, the children would better take in any lesson. This of course, is not what the establishment want, the idea is for us to merely regurgitate the information we are given, never fully examining any given subject from both opposing views as well as the supporting views. We are never allowed to question what is classed as the only truth, because we may form our own opinions from such free thinking, this would destroy any grip the Zionist elite have over us.

Going back to the point I made earlier regarding psychological beatings, this affects children on many levels - any foreigners who witness this, begin to form the opinion of being superior to the white race, which is not true, whites also begin to feel the same. Whites fail education, because the education system fails them. Being told you are vermin on a daily basis, does nothing to inspire self improvement, only having your potential recognised as well as encouraged can inspire self improvement and want for further education. Because of this white generations are becoming self loathing, uneducated, liberal do gooders or racist.

Since some races choose to take advantage of the liberal do gooder ideology, that any race except whites deserves better treatment, can never be questioned/ criticised, deserves more rights and should be considered superior to the white race - whites become angry at, or submissive to this way of life. Equal opportunity only exists for those who are either perverse, mentally unstable or a different race - so for those of us who are straight, white, or haven't had a sex change - we will be considered less important and basically last in line for help, employment, health care, benefits, housing and mental health care. The system defies everything which is normal, teaching those who are different to think they are much better than us, and teaching those who have been beaten in to a submissive lifestyle that we should be ashamed of being normal - and these submissive people impose their brainwashed ideology on to others.

England, is becoming a very angry country. Whites are feeling let down by the system, which favours race or perversions over straight whites. People can feel something isn't quite right. Sometimes this inspires people to look in to these issues further, other times it leads to joining groups which promise things they do not intend to deliver, such as rights for whites, immigration control etc. These political parties, have only one true agenda, to get people together, focusing on one small problem, so they can never see past this problem - for example: the BNP, which is considered a racist group for obvious reasons (although they are now allowing foreigners in the group), but the true nature of such a group is merely to keep people focused on the issue of race - not the issue of who is behind the foreigners having more rights than us, I will not deny that these races take advantage of this because they do, I also will not deny that they play the race card to get their way, because they do. But the true problem, lies with the establishment, which is set up create this division of opinions - this allows the establishment to gain control through tricking people in to thinking there is a way out, a better option to turn to. Yet all of these parties are controlled by the establishment, and designed only to keep the people down, to keep us from ever progressing towards freedom, equality and a better world of freedom and peace. Groups like the BNP, sit around in pubs (for most of their meetings) drinking beer, talking nonsensical clap trap about what should be happening and never actually take any action, which of course is the whole point, to never get anywhere - it gives people a sense of false hope, so that we are not actually out there taking action for ourselves, because we are relying on a leader to dictate what happens next.

People fall in to the trap, thinking that the BNP will save them because they have been so let down by the education system that they are unable to think critically. The school system teaches people that everything is simple, there is right and there is wrong, and that everything has to be taken at face value, children who have their brains crippled by the mis-education system are more easily manipulated in to thinking that democracy really exists in this country, and that Nick Griffin gives a toss about them. If we had an education system, rather than an indoctrination system, then the Zionist liars of the tory, labour, liberal and BNP, and boneheads of the NF and SWP would be seen for the charlatans they are. But people support these shysters, and believe they crap they are fed by the TV. Why? Because their minds have been destroyed in the schools they attended as young children!

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Facebook - Inequality and the destruction of free speech!

Facebook, is officially a social network. However, it was really set up for the purpose of monitoring people, as described in my previous article. The people who run facebook, are just there to keep free speech to a minimum, especially making sure that Muslims, Jews, Zionists etc, do not in any way get offended, or exposed for the scum they are. Facebook is a tool, used to constantly monitor what we say. If we try and leave a comment that may offend someone, it will be unable to post, we will be reported, or/and we will eventually be deleted for this. Obeying the petty rules of Facebook, means submitting to political correctness, suffering for expressing your right to free speech and the constant monitoring of your activities. The only two groups I have noticed on facebook, which actually allow free speech is the "allah is a peado" group and the "realists not racists (British pride)" group. At some point, they will probably be shut down. But what I must say to the creators, and the admin teams is, you're all doing a great job.

One of my facebook profiles, was wrongfully deleted. This occurred after I reported a Muslim who threatened to Rape me, impregnate me and cause me to miscarry by kicking my stomach. Then kill my family, and me. I took a screen shot of this abusive and threatening message (which was sent to my personal message inbox) I posted this screen shot, along with other abusive messages I had received from other Muslims, on a group called "Allah is a peado" (yes I am aware this is not the correct spelling of that word). I also posted these screen shots on a group called "Scum watch" - which I created myself. I informed people, that this was to collect evidence against the racist abuse whites are receiving from Muslims. After a few hours of this group being up, my account was disabled. This is because I was able to expose the real behaviour of Muslims. I have posted two screen shots of the threats I received, at the top of this page.

Islam, is said to be a religion of peace. Yet, when you see the way most Muslims behave, you learn a much different story to the official one. The Qu'ran, according to Muslims and politically correct bafoons, teaches tolerance and peace - along with the stories of this religion. This is not so, first of all the stories are from the Jewish religious history - nothing at all to do with Muslims. And next, Islam does not teach tolerance or peace, it instead teaches hate and intolerance. Below, I will put Quotes found in the Qu'ran:
  • Fight in the way of Allah." 2:190, 2:244
  • Believers must retaliate. Those who transgress will have a painful doom. 2:178
  • Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2
  • Those who fail in their duty to Allah are proud and sinful. They will all go to hell. 2:206
  • War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216
  • Those who marry unbelievers will burn in the Fire. 2:221
  • If you die fighting for Allah, you'll be rewarded in heaven. 3:157
  • "Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead."
    (Quoted by Osama bin Laden in his 'letter to America' regarding the 11 September 2001 attacks.) 3:169-171

  • "Sanction is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged."
    Quoted by Osama bin Laden in his 'letter to America' as a justification for the 11 September 2001 attacks. 4:39

  • Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 4:76
  • Muslims that make friends with disbelievers will face a doom prepared for them by Allah. 5:80
  • How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them. 7:4-5
  • "If you believe in only part of the Scripture, you will suffer in this life and go to hell in the next. 2:85 "

The link for these quotes:

As is seen from these quotes, Islam teaches Muslims not to befriend disbelievers. And also to slay them. The argument is, that not all Muslims believe this - see the last quote, which shows us that if a Muslim does not believe in every part of the scripture, they are not a true Muslim - because they will burn in hell for such, which is something Muslims strongly believe in.

Unfortunately, as it stands there are laws protecting religions from criticism - claiming it is inciting hate if one questions, or criticises the teachings of a religion. This does not really include white religions, any non white religions can use this to their advantage - white religions do not matter. However, if a Muslim does criticise Jesus - they are hypocritical, since Islam recognises Jesus as a prophet. The laws protecting religion, and race - never benefit whites. They were created for the purpose of oppressing free speech. Without the ability to openly criticise things, we have no free speech. Without free speech, we are controlled, our brains unable to think freely. Not only this, these laws protect non white religions/ people, so if we wished to expose an indecency found in either of these - we could be done under the discrimination act. Silencing any opinion, which others do not agree with.

Judaism, is another religion which greatly benefits from the above mentioned laws. Judaism is the original form of Islam, which was used as a way to control another mass of naive and stupid people. Mohammed, was the direct descendant of Ishmael (brother of Isaac from whom the people of Israel (wrongly) claim descent), who was the son of Abraham. Judaism and Islam, only have superficial differences. The Talmud for example, states that there is nothing wrong with raping a child under the age of three - because the hymen will grow back. Yet if you were to openly criticise such sickness, you would be arrested for inciting religious, and racial hatred. The Qu'ran, tells of how Mohammed's favourite wife, was Aisha (child), she was six when he married her, and nine when he consummated that marriage - Mohammed was fifty three. As is shown in my previous article, this is justified by an Imam - who states that in hotter countries, girls experience puberty sooner than those in colder countries. The link for this can also be found on my previous article. Not only does Islam teach this as an example to follow, it also promises that Allah - will provide Muslim men with seventy two virgins and boys.

This link, shows what is promised:

It is common in Arabic poetry to glorify homosexuality, take their famous poet Abu Nuwas:

"O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your whore who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils

Yet such perversity, is allowed in Arabic poetry - teaching generations such sick and evil behaviour. We are not allowed to comment on this, because that would be racist. We are not allowed to expose it, for risk of being arrested or deleted from facebook.

The only reason these people have control, is because we submit, if we take back control over our own lives - they cannot do anything. Without control, they are nothing. Of course, there will still be people who criticise us for speaking freely, but these people are completely brain washed and acting as the "public thought police". The idea of the Zionists, is not only to monitor everything we do themselves, but to train us to monitor each other. This works through telling the public to grass each other up, by using a cash reward to entice people to do so. Not only this, but neighbourhood watch, which although this sounds noble, serves only to teach groups of people to be nosy, and to spy on others - basically getting them to get others in trouble for simple things, like not recycling, not being politically correct etc. The whole intent is to turn us against each other. This is why we need to stand together, the Zionists know that if we unite we are strong, if we can be turned on each other - we are weak.

Facebook, is one of the best ways Zionists can fulfil their dreams of controlling our thoughts. As I mentioned earlier, they can control whether or not we are able to post our comments, or whether or not we are allowed to stay on facebook. Many great people have been deleted from facebook, all for the purpose of exposing Zionism, inequality towards whites, anti white racism, NWO, conspiracies etc. These people lose their friends, any posted pictures or information/ evidence, because they exercise their right to free speech, and free thought. Do not let the Zionists win. We must exercise our right to free speech, in its truest form. The lie about free speech states - we can express our opinions freely, provided these opinions do not offend anyone. This limits what we can say freely, greatly, if we are never allowed to express our true opinion, then we begin to express what we are allowed to - this being the controlled version - and the opinion that Zionists want you to hold. This allows very easy control over thoughts. True free speech, means no boundaries, nor restrictions - otherwise it is not really free. If they can control the words we think in (through political correctness), then they can control how we think - because the brain thinks in words (not only in words, also in pictures). If you are going to exercise your right to free speech on facebook, please create a spare account - otherwise, like me you may lose some very valuable friends.
Our language is being restricted constantly, through political correctness and new laws. They create new laws, to stop us from being able to question political correctness and issues which we are forbidden to criticise. We have lost many great words because of political correctness. Generations are struggling to constructively form sentences. People are becoming more and more stupid. Political correctness, is more easily imposed in working environments - if we refuse to follow such lunacy, we may lose our jobs. But we do have the right to say NO. The choice is always, and will always be ours. Only through making you believe you must submit, can they control your language. Do not submit!