Celebrities are used to sell products as sex symbols, such as make up, films, music, food/ drink and material products that we really don't need, people believe that these faces put out there to manipulate the masses in to this vain way of life focusing on looks and fitting in to the crowd like a sheep following a certain way of life are actually beautiful but they are truly more ugly than normal people whenever you see a celebrity without make up on you see they have flaws like normal people or in some cases more so but in the pictures the stick in magazines and what you see on telly can be perfected into looking flawless with lighting, heavy make up and a computer that can change the features to fit in with what is told to be perfect (a set look that makes telling celebrities apart near impossible) this leads to confusion and depression when normal women and men do not look this way nobody does.
This look was chosen to be the face of celebrities to give the public the message that this is how we all should look so that for one thing make up will sell better and fashion, but also because if you can get the masses to focus only on appearances then they won't notice the way the world is today its a messy place these days and yet people remain in this trance of vanity and confusion only noticing what has been rammed down their throats as important such as fashion, make up, football, telly, material products and gadgets like a new phone because its the fashion to keep them up to date when the old one is still working fine?
This existence is completely false reality is not real since everything is made up of atoms and atoms are the smallest thing known and are completely hollow meaning that nothing can be solid so if nothing is solid then what is reality? The fact is that if an idea is planted and we can be pushed in to believing that idea we see it as fact and what has happened is we have been programmed and now our existence in the controlled mind believes that things are solid no one can see past the illusion because it constantly being pushed on us and we cannot escape it we have adapted more so each generation to this situation and evolved with it so each generation becomes more susceptible to this way of life making them more likely to be controlled and manipulated because to the new generations they know nothing else.
My point is that we are all in some way under the influence of the new world order those of us who wake up and avoid the influences that are possible to avoid still in some ways find ourselves with propaganda rammed down or throats from peer pressure, modern billboards with naked ladies on, TV (whether or not we watch it people talk of practically nothing else), fashion (as all clothes were designed for such), make up ( most women wear it these days even me!), mobiles, the Internet (face book the problem with FB is that through quizzes and storing everything you type they gain information showing your thought patterns giving the Zionist rulers chance to know to some extent what your moves would be if they need to as they can work out how you think from simple comments) daily these things we see and hear of if we are to have any social connections at all we have to at least try and fit in with the fabrication even if we just pretend to be on the same wave length as the controlled masses.
Those of us that have woken from this nightmare evolve mentally and start to realise just how false existence is not only that we think for ourselves again and with it grow mentally, since i stopped as many hidden influences as is possible i have realised so much about life i still do not fully understand but i have evolved passed this state of being and realised that people live through fear these days and can be controlled if that fear is manifested the bigger picture goes unnoticed because that fear is so great and people conform to what is asked by the likes of the government just to stop whatever they are afraid of from happening and so the government use this to get what they want such as the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings to get people to happily give up their freedom (for god knows what official reason) allowing them to take charge of lives but how does that stop terrorism anyhow? and especially since those who ask us to give up our freedom are the terrorists in the first place!
While the majority of people stay zombie like living in the lie the Zionist rulers are able to bring about a controlled world in other words their dream! our nightmare the Zionist way of life dictates that they control everything and in their way of life sex is everywhere, material goods are more important than love and life, beauty rules all and we should all be sheep but this is not life mass destruction is their goal many will tragically lose their lives of their loved ones through this mass starvation will occur as the world grows poorer and those who rely financially upon the government for benefits will be the worst off as at any time the government can stop that money, poisonous chemicals in the food and water (fluoride also in toothpaste as well as water, aspartame, sorbitol, MSG, saccharin) are responsible for many dying from dieses and will kill many more, chem trails ensure that we grow weaker killing our immune system making us ill, vaccines with dangerous chemicals in killing the immune system and causing health problems in general (also soon to be made mandatory!) all these things will kill off many those of us that survive will be weak unable to fight and will serve our Zionist rulers in the NWO, what springs to mind is Estonian the Pharaoh who had all the boy babies killed so that they would not be able to rise up and fight against slavery this is what i believe shall be experienced by the survivors only technology allows even better control these days through CCTV and such.
Vanity is the cause of many problems in this lifetime, everyone is so concerned about their appearance that they do not take notice of what is going on around them we are pressured by our peers in to fitting in with fashion and by liking certain TV entertainment fitting in as a stereo type (making control easier in the first place) no independent thought just one mind spread out amongst the masses, when someone doesn't fit in with fashion they are often made fun of because they are not a sheep but to me is rather odd to want to fit in with a crowd and not stand out individuality is what makes people special in my mind if we are ourselves we will find one person who finds us remarkable we stand out to them and they to us because it is meant to be but in modern society this is all messed up because people fit in to the stereo typical way of life no one stands out this makes it easier for the Zionists to gain control in a way of sex if no one stands out to you then no one catches your heart making sexual encounters less important (obviously as they sell sex and tell us that sleeping around is a normal way of life we see it as such) so this means that love becomes almost non existent in a way marriage is rare and even so it ends regularly in divorce.
There are so many reasons for the Zionists to want to control us in such ways and although i have only mentioned few i think you can see where it is going the more you look in to these things the more you spot for yourself the ideas behind the control and the type of messages that are sent out hidden but at the same time in front of us as if they make it obvious we are less likely to see it thinking we well would they make it so obvious? These people know what they are doing and are very intelligent, don't underestimate them.
I have a link here for you showing celebrities without make up not only that it has a video that shows how they make them look like they do in magazines!
When you see this you realise just how false celebrities are. It shows that vanity can lead us to a strange way of life and take over our minds so completely that we end up controlled and not thinking for ourselves without even realising that it has happened and that our way of life has changed yo fit in with the Zionist dream. Celebrities are just puppets put out there to push us in to a stereo typical way of life and vanity they are soul less inhuman canvasses of the masses projected as being better than normal people.
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