Saturday, 29 August 2009

The trouble with individuals is they all look the same!

Do you ever walk around thinking my god they are all dressed the same and even the facial appearance is pretty much the same? Don't worry not many others do either, that is because a smoke screen has been put in front of our eyes so that we fall for the lie that we are actually being individual by looking, thinking and behaving the same.

Fashion keeps us dressed the same and each fashion is to keep individuality at bay but using the smoke screen to convince us we are free and individual we all have to wear clothes but all clothes come from fashion designers keeping us in line with one fashion or another and these days people follow fashion addicted to it, it becomes more important than anything else because the physical appearance is something people worry over so to make themselves look and feel better they spend, spend, spend on all types of fashionable items. The fear they plant in the mind is physical appearance through using celebrities making them look a certain way we notice that we do not look that way (because actually no one does) and then we have magazines that criticize celebrities for being too fat, too thin, for having minor flaws such as spots or stretch marks, being make up free, not wearing fashionable clothes while out and about this all leads us to vanity through fear of being criticized for our own physical appearance, and people reading these magazines start to never leave the house make up free and criticize others in much the same way magazines do which spreads this vanity further a field.

The mind is a wonderful but easily influenced thing, it doesn't take much to manifest an idea by merely planting it in someones mind by praying on their fears you can make it a reality.

People these days wonder around in this manifestation they believe is reality, programmed in to following fashion, supporting football teams, needing up to date material goods, and looking and behaving the same as everyone else believing that they are being individual not seeing past this smoke screen set up to cover up that we are being trained to think, act and look a set out way so that we are not only easily controlled but also easily read, the government store information on everyone using things like face book and other social networks online, mobile phones this information helps them see your thought patterns in this they can understand your true nature and what your next possible moves will be, i believe that this also helps them to keep the control moving forward as they see in to our minds finding out what we are interested in so they can constantly create new things for us to want that help them further keep tabs on us and monitor our thought even more so to see if we are in any way a threat to the NWO.

Like i have mentioned before in some of my posts, atoms are not solid which shows that nothing that we perceive to be solid actually is, it is an illusion and since this is fact that atoms are not solid this proves that what we see everyday is not our actual existence but a sham created because in this illusion we are more easily controlled than we would be in our actual existence.

Control goes back as far as this reality has been around, from slavery to religion and so forth. This physical reality was manifested to give our Zionist rulers complete domination over us.

If for centuries we have had ideas planted to control us through this sordid existence how do we break the cycle without causing our own demise?

I suspect that if we take small steps towards training the mind over generations of such training we will again evolve but for the better, if the generations get used to this way of thinking mentally we will become stronger, even so the small steps cancel out control in their own way as we learn to control our own manifestations we gain freedom and knowledge thinking for ourselves and truly being individual.

What brings me to the conclusion that in small steps we may be able to control our thoughts and train our mind is a simple idea that has been played around with...... this is something i read a while ago but i cannot remember who it was by i would imagine that if you look it up online you will find other people with the same kind of idea.

If you tell yourself and truly believe that nettles will not sting you then they won't, nettles only sting because that fear is placed inside our minds and it manifests leaving is with an unpleasant sting should we come in to contact with nettles....... this same theory i find applies to many things for one "wasps" if you are not bothered by wasps they will pretty much leave you alone even if they are close to you they won't attack, yet if you are afraid of them they come to you making the situation worse and sometimes leading to you being stung.

So if we can train our minds with little ideas such as nettles and insects and turn that fear around maybe it is also possible to phase our bigger fears that will help shatter the control of the Zionist rulers once and for all.

All that it takes to train your mind is telling yourself a certain thing for example: "the nettles will not sting me" telling yourself this and believing it will help you move on to the next step when you are ready you can touch the nettles and you won't be stung you need to be calm and focused because just telling yourself is not enough you have to train yourself in to that thought pattern otherwise it will not work.

Fear is the biggest problem of all it makes way for such control that we these days suffer, if that fear is placed in our minds then it manifests when it manifests it becomes our reality so when the evil Zionist rulers planted this fabrication of life it became our reality and slowly but surely they have gained complete control over all that we know planting even more in to our fragile brains..... All that we have to do is regain control over our thoughts and then we will eventually be free this will take time and lots of effort, you don't think they gained control of everything we know of over night do you no they planned and took small steps to ease us in to the illusion and now it is time we evolved past this in to a higher state of being.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Labels, stereo types and our way of life!

When you don't conform to a certain way of life you are an outcast and labelled as "odd"bullied and peer pressured to follow like the rest of the herd of sheep, this shows that we are not free to think or behave in any way we choose as we are pushed by the judgemental society in to accepting a certain way of thinking it is almost like they are unpaid thought police dictating that we will behave the same as the herd or be known as "different" which is also labelled as something wrong these days.

When we stand out and refuse to accept that we should all be robots standing in line thinking, behaving and looking the same as the rest we are seen as the odd ones yet the odd ones are those who fall for the stereo typical fallacy that makes it difficult to pick each person apart from the next, some people will always be seen as different because they are special they have knowledge even if they have not yet unlocked it if you believe in the indigo's then you will know what i mean by this i have a link that will show the characteristics of indigo's if you wish to know more about them.....

It is my belief that many of is were born at a specific time to fit in with all that is happening today so that we could be apart of it, to help others through in to a new existence i am one of the indigo's and i always knew that i was here for a reason i felt as if i had profound knowledge but no way to express it because i had not yet unlocked it i know this all sounds a little out there but since i have been looking in to subjects for myself and writing my own theories down i have become more evolved mentally this has further spurred me on to find out the truth and put my own ideas out there for people to see.

In modern life we are convinced that we are equal this is a smoke screen to hide the bigger picture if you look at what this message is really telling you it is saying that we are all the same and this is how it should be but we are not all the same we are different in convincing us we are the same they cancel out that we are all special and unique at the same time as they convince us of this we are also being told we are inferior because we are not celebrities so we aspire to be like celebrities stopping our individuality so all in all we are made to feel pretty low and that we have to all be the same! they cover up using the lie that we are all individual by persuading us that each fashion offers individual choice and if you follow the fashion of your choice you are making your own choice so therefore you are free but when you look at it like this you will see the truth there is only set out fashion for us we do not decide what our own individual style is we have to choose from those set out we are restricted to what we can buy from the shops we can choose between different colours and tops etc but we don't get to choose what the clothes we personally would like to wear look like so we are under the influence offered to us regarding clothes, that is fashion in a nutshell!

Models and celebrities are clothes horses they are there to parade around wearing what is set out for them so that this fashionable item can take place as "the seasons new look" they are paid to make these clothes the new look so that people are assured they are the new "it" and you have to have them!

When you try and stand out so that you are following your own choice more so than that of the herd you are often ridiculed because of influential labels such as the "goth look" yes it is again another fashion but as a less popular one a more preferred to those who want to stand out somewhat or just to be different it is widely criticized as being odd and freaky because the official label dictates such but when you look at all the burberry/ bling wearing numpties who disapprove of the goth look it is rather funny to think they have the audacity to make fun of goths since they dress in a rather unflattering manner themselves and are the biggest herd there is of sheep! At least with goths there is some variety and style!

It is strange how easily the mind can be convinced of something if it is said enough times and the most effective ways of controlling the people i have seen are through fear and through labelling!

Why people fear labels so i am unsure of yet they readily welcome stereo types which seems odd to me as it is another form of labelling only sugar coated..... and why anyone would enjoy being seen as a stereo typical person is beyond me wheres the individuality you always claim? its lost in the sea of "typical man" "typical woman" stereo types do not exist or at least they didn't the idea was planted and it grew in to existence now we have evolved in to thinking it does exist so in our false reality it does!

The main reason stereo types were invented is because if you can mould the generations you can control their thought making them less harmful and less likely to wake up from this nightmare as time goes on and each generation will of course evolve in to this way of thinking leading us further in to the zombie like trance unable to snap out of it.

When you look at the way things are do you notice the many problems? is it something you know who is at fault for or are you afraid to point the finger? maybe you believe it is someone else's problem but it never is it always every ones problem when the world gets messed up because we all live in this world therefore we should all pitch in and keep things running well but we are told that our government will fix things that it is their job to sort things out this leads to laziness and leaving things to get worse rather than saying well hang on I'm apart of this too and i deserve my say! we sit back and let it all get worse thinking we can do nothing well yes we can do nothing but it isn't advisable we can do something if we try if everyone sits on their backsides waiting for it to get better nothing will get done and these who sit there and do nothing are the first to complain when nothing goes their way so get off your backsides and speak out for a change then you will at least have room to talk because you are prepared to do more than mumble under your breath!

Vanity, stereo types and how this leads to control!

Celebrities are used to sell products as sex symbols, such as make up, films, music, food/ drink and material products that we really don't need, people believe that these faces put out there to manipulate the masses in to this vain way of life focusing on looks and fitting in to the crowd like a sheep following a certain way of life are actually beautiful but they are truly more ugly than normal people whenever you see a celebrity without make up on you see they have flaws like normal people or in some cases more so but in the pictures the stick in magazines and what you see on telly can be perfected into looking flawless with lighting, heavy make up and a computer that can change the features to fit in with what is told to be perfect (a set look that makes telling celebrities apart near impossible) this leads to confusion and depression when normal women and men do not look this way nobody does.

This look was chosen to be the face of celebrities to give the public the message that this is how we all should look so that for one thing make up will sell better and fashion, but also because if you can get the masses to focus only on appearances then they won't notice the way the world is today its a messy place these days and yet people remain in this trance of vanity and confusion only noticing what has been rammed down their throats as important such as fashion, make up, football, telly, material products and gadgets like a new phone because its the fashion to keep them up to date when the old one is still working fine?

This existence is completely false reality is not real since everything is made up of atoms and atoms are the smallest thing known and are completely hollow meaning that nothing can be solid so if nothing is solid then what is reality? The fact is that if an idea is planted and we can be pushed in to believing that idea we see it as fact and what has happened is we have been programmed and now our existence in the controlled mind believes that things are solid no one can see past the illusion because it constantly being pushed on us and we cannot escape it we have adapted more so each generation to this situation and evolved with it so each generation becomes more susceptible to this way of life making them more likely to be controlled and manipulated because to the new generations they know nothing else.

My point is that we are all in some way under the influence of the new world order those of us who wake up and avoid the influences that are possible to avoid still in some ways find ourselves with propaganda rammed down or throats from peer pressure, modern billboards with naked ladies on, TV (whether or not we watch it people talk of practically nothing else), fashion (as all clothes were designed for such), make up ( most women wear it these days even me!), mobiles, the Internet (face book the problem with FB is that through quizzes and storing everything you type they gain information showing your thought patterns giving the Zionist rulers chance to know to some extent what your moves would be if they need to as they can work out how you think from simple comments) daily these things we see and hear of if we are to have any social connections at all we have to at least try and fit in with the fabrication even if we just pretend to be on the same wave length as the controlled masses.

Those of us that have woken from this nightmare evolve mentally and start to realise just how false existence is not only that we think for ourselves again and with it grow mentally, since i stopped as many hidden influences as is possible i have realised so much about life i still do not fully understand but i have evolved passed this state of being and realised that people live through fear these days and can be controlled if that fear is manifested the bigger picture goes unnoticed because that fear is so great and people conform to what is asked by the likes of the government just to stop whatever they are afraid of from happening and so the government use this to get what they want such as the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings to get people to happily give up their freedom (for god knows what official reason) allowing them to take charge of lives but how does that stop terrorism anyhow? and especially since those who ask us to give up our freedom are the terrorists in the first place!

While the majority of people stay zombie like living in the lie the Zionist rulers are able to bring about a controlled world in other words their dream! our nightmare the Zionist way of life dictates that they control everything and in their way of life sex is everywhere, material goods are more important than love and life, beauty rules all and we should all be sheep but this is not life mass destruction is their goal many will tragically lose their lives of their loved ones through this mass starvation will occur as the world grows poorer and those who rely financially upon the government for benefits will be the worst off as at any time the government can stop that money, poisonous chemicals in the food and water (fluoride also in toothpaste as well as water, aspartame, sorbitol, MSG, saccharin) are responsible for many dying from dieses and will kill many more, chem trails ensure that we grow weaker killing our immune system making us ill, vaccines with dangerous chemicals in killing the immune system and causing health problems in general (also soon to be made mandatory!) all these things will kill off many those of us that survive will be weak unable to fight and will serve our Zionist rulers in the NWO, what springs to mind is Estonian the Pharaoh who had all the boy babies killed so that they would not be able to rise up and fight against slavery this is what i believe shall be experienced by the survivors only technology allows even better control these days through CCTV and such.

Vanity is the cause of many problems in this lifetime, everyone is so concerned about their appearance that they do not take notice of what is going on around them we are pressured by our peers in to fitting in with fashion and by liking certain TV entertainment fitting in as a stereo type (making control easier in the first place) no independent thought just one mind spread out amongst the masses, when someone doesn't fit in with fashion they are often made fun of because they are not a sheep but to me is rather odd to want to fit in with a crowd and not stand out individuality is what makes people special in my mind if we are ourselves we will find one person who finds us remarkable we stand out to them and they to us because it is meant to be but in modern society this is all messed up because people fit in to the stereo typical way of life no one stands out this makes it easier for the Zionists to gain control in a way of sex if no one stands out to you then no one catches your heart making sexual encounters less important (obviously as they sell sex and tell us that sleeping around is a normal way of life we see it as such) so this means that love becomes almost non existent in a way marriage is rare and even so it ends regularly in divorce.

There are so many reasons for the Zionists to want to control us in such ways and although i have only mentioned few i think you can see where it is going the more you look in to these things the more you spot for yourself the ideas behind the control and the type of messages that are sent out hidden but at the same time in front of us as if they make it obvious we are less likely to see it thinking we well would they make it so obvious? These people know what they are doing and are very intelligent, don't underestimate them.

I have a link here for you showing celebrities without make up not only that it has a video that shows how they make them look like they do in magazines!

When you see this you realise just how false celebrities are. It shows that vanity can lead us to a strange way of life and take over our minds so completely that we end up controlled and not thinking for ourselves without even realising that it has happened and that our way of life has changed yo fit in with the Zionist dream. Celebrities are just puppets put out there to push us in to a stereo typical way of life and vanity they are soul less inhuman canvasses of the masses projected as being better than normal people.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Traffic wardens, dishing out tickets to people who havent over stayed their parking time, yet not giving out tickets to blacks or asians who have over stayed their allowed time!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The power of a shower!

A good way to spice up your sex life is also a pretty simple one obviously you have the steps to lead you into a romantic setting for loving like calming your stress and maybe getting away from life for a bit with a break holiday or something.

A good tip is for you to get a power shower! and put metal some bars on either side of the bath (to hold on to) like they do in fancy hotels with a shower in your room, jump in the shower with together and wash each other this is foreplay of a kind wash and massage each other get wet and hot then bend her over she can hold onto the bars so that she doesn't slip as you pound into her, the sensation of water running down your ladies back as you take her from behind will add to the pleasure, but also the angle she is at stood bent over adds a perfect angle for orgasm for you both this angle is often a hard one to achieve but also the whole thing is rather arousing as it can seem naughty making it sexier for you, it is hard to keep up for long but trust me after you have lost your ability to keep up this position the bedroom will be a much more orgasmic place for you both if you make out of the bathroom that is!

Trust me this is well worth a try it is both exciting and pleasurable! Have fun trying this.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Vegetarians are not well catered for!

Over the last five to six weeks, i have been sticking to a vegetarian diet my energy levels have picked up so much and i am still enjoying the food, and i have also cut eggs out of my diet i only rarely use milk if i need to with cooking.

Since being vegetarian i have had trouble eating out as most restaurants do not offer a good vegetarian menu, some offered one or two vegetarian meals but i didn't feel i should have to settle for the little choice there was on the menu.

I got back from my holiday this Sunday just gone, while i was away my diet was somewhat limited leaving me with very little choice in the places we went to eat mostly having to stick to a veggie lasagna with chips or a vegetable curry. We drove around for hours each day trying to find different meals costing us a fair amount in petrol the only nice meal i had while away was a broccoli cheese bake, in most restaurants we ate at the option for a starter was merely garlic mushrooms for a vegetarian and the meals were not very varied.

With so many different vegetables and wide selection of meal ideas and spices to go with them how is it that vegetarians are not well catered for? Should we not be considered too, this makes eating out very difficult for vegetarians leaving us having to settle for a meal we are not particularly interested in making a less enjoyable dining experience.

Decent places that serve a good selection of vegetarian meals can occasionally be found if we look on the Internet but they are rare every restaurant should a vegetarian and vegan section on their menu to satisfy all customers it would not cause all that much hassle for the chefs to cook a simple vegetarian dish that is not limited in choice.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Intimate play is important in keeping your sex life alive and fun, everyone enjoys a bit of passion and playing. You could romp around the bedroom, try on each others clothes, run around the house giggling and chasing one another all as your form of foreplay, you may both find intimate play fun and fulfilling, when you have a good connection with someone you can have fun games as a part of foreplay making it exciting.

Don't be afraid to ask for what you want in bed, neither should you push your partner in to something they are comfortable with but it always good to let your partner know what you like and try to act each others fantasies