Monday, 27 September 2010

I stand alone!

In every dark night,
I stand alone,
No one understands my pain,
A cry from the heart of insanity,
It will go unheard,
Those who are not yet there, prefer to ignore,
You need not pay me no head,
I am not dangerous enough to be your enemy,

I turn you stab me in the back,
I fall you walk upon me,
What restless resentment you must have for me,
Does my presence offend you so,
Did I break the boundaries,
The force that you bring,
I just wish to be amongst the free,

I walk you attempt to trip me,
I breath you try to suffocate me,
What is your problem with me,
I didn't do a thing,
Is my appearance not quite to your taste,
Does this provoke your hatred of me,
In this life, I will suffer much pain,
I believe this to be my calling,

I am alive you kill me,
I survive you break me,
Endless despisal,
Air of supremacy
Please redirect your evil energies,

I suggest you abide by me,
I am not yet ready to leave this place,
Your effortless abhorrence does not offend me,
You will not get rid of me.

I am here to stay for now,
So get used to my sight,
You will not destroy me,
In the darkness I will wait alone,
I stand on my own...

Friday, 17 September 2010

The darkness...

Help, where were you when I fell,
I'm not falling anymore,
You didn't save me,
You were never there,

Home, where is that now,
When you pushed me far away...
Now I am only what you make of me,
Not quite sane but not yet crazy,
But edging nearer by the day...
Does this leave you questioning our fate,

Pain, my only friend,
Its like the knife understands,
It's blood I crave,
How, have I lost myself again,

Mind you're my greatest enemy,
These thoughts keep building,
Up in my head...
And I have done it again,
Destroyed some perfect day with my rage,

Life's not worth living anyway,
I don't need to deal with the pain,
I can't escape my fear today...
I am lost inside my head again,
Bad thoughts creeping up on me always,

Silence and the darkness are all I crave,
Seeking distance from everything real,

Phone stop ringing in my ear,
I won't answer you today,
Why won't you stop calling here...
You don't realise I want to be left...

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Damsel in distress.

Freedom seems so far from me,
Trapped, I've long lost all hope,
You push me underneath your big feet,
Trample on my dreams,
My dreams lead me far from here,
My fairytale love awaits me,

Broken hearts don't mend SO easily,
And mine is shattered in to pieces...
Your insults bleed me of my sanity,
My strength is long gone,

Pain burns right through me,
I enjoy it, but not this way,

And I'm only young,
So what do I know of love?
I've never felt anything even close...
To true love,
Infatuation is all that I've known,
And true love should be a fairytale,
Not a living hell,
I'm just a damsel in distress,
Won't you come rescue me,
Save me from this hell,
You always feared he would come one day,
My white knight to rescue me,
Carry me far away from here,
Well I guess that time has come...
You're always trying to break me down,
Now you see that I am strong,

I walk around untouched by you,
Your insults go unheard,
My love for him has consumed me,
I feel nothing else,
I finally understand that you needed me,
Far more than I ever needed you,

And he loves me completely,
Even with all my faults,
You always tried to change me,
I was forced to grow up way too quickly,

You stole six years of my life,
And destroyed everything I know,

My true love mends the pain I bleed,
And fixes all you did to me,
He's the one I lean on readily,
I fall in to his arms when you try to shatter me,
You're no longer worthy of my thoughts.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

After all this time you think you can still influence me,

Stepping up as if you own me,

Cheap words are meaningless to me,

You don't mean it when you say you love me,

A player kicking game is all I see,

Telling me I'm all you need,

Friday, 10 September 2010

Right through me.

You're finally speaking to me,
It's as if you've always known me,
Pretending like we're the best of friends,
Please stop these silly mind games,
You know that I don't like to play this way with you,
Look through me,
Like any other day,
You would normally walk right through me,
I am not invisible to you today?

I'd rather just ignore you,
There's not one single reason I should acknowledge you,
Your feeble existence just annoys me,
It's plain to see you're angry,
Just because I speak my mind,
I don't follow you around,
Like a mindless zombie,

Stay silent,
You're trying to patronise me,
Acting like you understand my pain,
The reason I misbehave like no one cares,

If I try hard enough,
One day, maybe, I will smoke and drink myself to death,
Again you're looking through me,
You say you do, but you don't understand,
Would you even notice?
If I cease to exist,
Would you ever try to find me,
When I run far away from you,
You know that I don't want you,
But you're still holding on to this,

So why are you still holding on to this?
You know that I will not return to you,

You changed me,
For better or for worse now,
This is who I am,
So don't pretend to know me,
I'm not the same young girl you once corrupted,

Walk right through me,

It's fair to say you left me here for dead,
You disturb me,
My peaceful dreams are laid to rest,
And then begins the nightmares,
Like living inside a horror movie,
And you're haunting me in every one,

It's fading,
My link towards the real world is almost dead,
Fantasy remains my freedom from this hell,
You're breaking,
I no longer see you standing there,
Your voice is lower than a whisper to me now,
And as they say ignorance is truly bliss.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Hand in hand.

Do you know where you're going,
Do you care where I'm heading?
The opposite direction,
Did you not see me running,
Far away from this nightmare,
I must have been dreaming,
This couldn't be real,
It's all in my head,
All you said it's just stress taking over,

Leave me alone,
My head is unbalanced,
I can't seem to focus,
Don't know what I'm doing,

You're always complaining,
Nothing is ever the way that you wanted,
We're right back where we started,
Fighting until we're exhausted,

I'm falling I must have failed flying,
I don't know where I'm landing,
But it seems so far from you,
I'm not sure that you want that?

There are no instructions,
Love is unguided,
Right through wrong,
We've just got to ride it...

And when we're done fighting,
Will you be there to fix it,
Don't walk away like you don't want this,
We're just over excited,
I'm not easy to be with,
But you know you like it,
The challenge inspires us,

If love was easy,
Love was simply,
What would be the point in falling,
The greatest fights will bring us closer,
Let's just work together....