I stand alone,
No one understands my pain,
A cry from the heart of insanity,
It will go unheard,
Those who are not yet there, prefer to ignore,
You need not pay me no head,
I am not dangerous enough to be your enemy,
I turn you stab me in the back,
I fall you walk upon me,
What restless resentment you must have for me,
Does my presence offend you so,
Did I break the boundaries,
The force that you bring,
I just wish to be amongst the free,
I walk you attempt to trip me,
I breath you try to suffocate me,
What is your problem with me,
I didn't do a thing,
Is my appearance not quite to your taste,
Does this provoke your hatred of me,
In this life, I will suffer much pain,
I believe this to be my calling,
I am alive you kill me,
I survive you break me,
Endless despisal,
Air of supremacy
Please redirect your evil energies,
I suggest you abide by me,
I am not yet ready to leave this place,
Your effortless abhorrence does not offend me,
You will not get rid of me.
I am here to stay for now,
So get used to my sight,
You will not destroy me,
In the darkness I will wait alone,
I stand on my own...