Thursday, 25 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
But i don't know who you are,
Standing here a stranger,
I don't recognise your face,
The way you're looking at me is like you can't stand the sight,
When we're in a crowd
Pretending we are brilliant lovers,
When, in real life we really hate each other,
You follow me around its like i can't be trusted,
Come drink from this river,
Intensity and flavour,
Love is all we have in this life,
So swim and meet me half way,
Don't expect to always get your own way,
I can't only hold on for too long,
Before this love will die,
I'm drowning now, please save me,
I keep waiting,
I need to hear you say,
What are you feeling?
If you love me, i need to know it,
Life is crazy, But i ride along with it,
I don't know what is real,
Except for this
Cross roads.
You take what you get,
Its not fair, but that is it,
Come whatever may,
I will wait till this ends,
I know you need me,
But you will never say,
I don't understand why this is,
Monday, 22 February 2010
Make up products.
First the technic concealer pallette has four colours, afterglow, dewkist, nude and sand. This is supposed to be really good for covering up red patches or spots.
The dewkist helps cover blemishes and tones down redness. And is to be used before concealing, i got this pallette for this colour because i suffer from an occasional skin irritation due to an intolerance to cheese (i have sensitive skin), this causes me to get really big sore red spots, which turn in to very noticeable scabs. The skin around this area gets very dry and hard to cover up (this rash takes a few days to go down, and lots of E45 cream and spot treatment, see "how to get spot free skin" article), so i wanted to see if this concealer pallette could in any way improve the way skin looks until this rash goes down again.
The nude colour can be used to brighten skin and camouflage discolouration or as an eye shadow base. This one i will use after the dewkist to cover the spots a bit more, and after i will use my usual concealer, which is bourjois (stick concealer) in light, the bourjois is very good for my skin tone because i am very pale skinned, so it fits with my tone and it gives great coverage of spots.
The sand colour can be used as a concealer. Mixes well with the nude colour to create a perfect cover up colour. But because my skin is pale, this would stand out on my skin so i won't use this particular colour. But if you find it difficult getting the right concealer for your skin, i would highly recommend buying this from ebay or Amazon and mixing with a lighter or darker (depending on your skin tone) concealer stick colour to get the perfect concealer colour for you.
The NYX pallette has 96 beautiful colours, which can be mixed for a whole new shade if you can't find the one you are looking for, or you can use the colours as they come. I find many of reds and nudes in this pallette are great colours, they work well with my skin. So if you want to look this pallette up and see if these colours are for you, i will post the link. It is quite a good online site:
The Fräulein3°8 88 Color Eyeshadow Palette, has from what i can tell the same colours as the coastal scents 88 pallette, the colours are very beautiful with many peaches, pinks, greens, blues, purples, oranges, browns and silver/ greys, it also has a nice black colour, ideal for smokey looks or can be used as a smudgy eye liner.. The pallette i bought came with 21 make up brushes, which has pretty much everything you need for great make up application - except it doesn't have a foundation brush. The picture at the top of the page is similar to the one i have, but the colours are not quite the ones i would go for as shown in this picture, i am not big on pinks really. On the pallette i bought it has some lovely purple colours. i love the blues as well. But my favourite colours are the smokey brown colours and silver/ greys.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
The sheltered life.
Eyelash loss.
First of all a look at lifestyle, health, diet, stress levels etc can help pin point what causes eyelash and sometimes hair loss.
I will list some of the causes which are more easily noticeable first.
Eye make up. If you have recently changed brands this can cause irritation, which may lead to excessive rubbing of the eye. Also waterproof mascara is damaging to weak and sensitive lashes. Especially since it takes more effort to remove.
Eye make up remover. When removing eye make up make sure you use the right one for your type of mascara. When removing eye make up do not use make up remover wipes or pads which are already soaked in make up remover, they are less gentle on the eyes and less effective for removal causing you to rub to remove every trace of make up. Instead get some cotton pads or balls and put your own choice of eye make up remover on. Do not rub the eye make up off, just hold the pad on the eye - the eye make should easily be dissolved by the. Use gentle pressure on the eye while doing this.
Eyelash curlers. These put a strain on your lashes, because they tug at them when curling which can cause excessive eyelash loss over time.
Allergic reactions. Sometimes an allergic reaction to some kind of eye product or make up can cause eye lash loss, products such as eye brighteners etc.
Next living conditions which can cause eyelash loss.
Damp. If you live in a damp house this can lead to excessive hair and eyelash loss, due to the unhealthy living conditions.
Mould. This is what you get when living in damp homes, mould which can be the main problem with eyelash loss in this situation.
Health and diet.
Unhealthy diet. If you are not getting the essential vitamins and minerals eventually your body will suffer in noticeable ways such as, hair and eyelash loss, easily breaking and weak nails, nails which can bend almost completely back on themselves (when attempting to open something) - this is often painful or uncomfortable and feels like the whole nail may come off.
Not getting enough iron. This could be classed as diet as well, but it can also be down to something else, periods! If you lose a lot of blood due to heavy periods you can end up with a blood deficiency. This can cause eyelash loss as well as other problems. The best thing to do is to start taking vitamins containing iron. And eat iron rich foods, if you are a meat eater then black pudding and meats contain iron, don't forget vegetables which contain stronger amounts of iron which are more easily broken down by the body than meat is. For vegetarians, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, chickpeas, bran flakes, baked beans, black treacle, muesli, dried figs, dried apricots, boiled eggs, asparagus, brown rice, wholemeal bread, peanut butter. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron.
Over eating bad foods. Anything unhealthy if eaten too regularly can affect your health, this if often shown in warning signs such as brittle nails, hair and eyelash loss, stress, anger/ mood swings, depression etc. Cheese when over eaten (especially cows cheese) can cause skin problems such as spots and heavy rashes. Sugar has much the same effect, but its more addictive. Over eating any bad foods can cause you to develop an intolerance to them. It is possible to become lactose intolerant to just cheese but not milk.
Pregnancy. During pregnancy the body will lose most of its vitamin intake, this can affect teeth, nails, hair and skin. Take plenty of vitamins and eat well. Also after having your baby, it may still be a problem or if you did not suffer this during pregnancy could become a problem for you. Take plenty of vitamins making sure they contain iron. Eat healthily.
Stress, depression etc.
Stress. This is a major cause of many health problems. Medicine should be considered. Chinese and herbal remedies are far better than any pharmaceutical drugs. The effects of herbal and Chinese medicine are long term and do not have any nasty side affects (which in pharmaceutical drug cases tend to defeat the purpose of taking the medication in the first place), things such as acupuncture, detox cupping, remedies etc can all help lower stress levels. Even something as simple as a massage can have great results in lowering stress levels.
If this is not affordable to you, buy some essential oils such as lavender and mix 5 drops with a small amount of milk and pour under hot running water at bath time (the milk helps the oil mix better with the bath water), this can help calm the body. Buy your own massage oil or may it from mixing essential oils with olive oil for a sweet smelling and cheaper massage. Massages can help relieve tension in the body, in turn relaxing you greatly. The pressure should alternate from being gentle to applying a little more pressure for deeper tension. Don't just go for the obvious the back and shoulders, all over body massages are great and also do not neglect the fore head and hair, this is where most stress starts in the head. On the forehead, rub the temples in a circular motion, then rub up and down the temples, next roll the bottom of your hand across the fore head and temples. This is how the Chinese massage the head, to help relieve headaches and stress.
Depression. This is known to cause many health problems some noticeable, some not. St johns wort is quite effective for depression, and many homeopathic remedies or Bach flower remedies can help with depression.
Bach flower remedy link:
Link for homeopathic remedies:
11 Quick spot treatments:
- Oxy, emergency zit blitz gel. - This reduces spots redness and size in as little as four hours.
- Clearasil ultra deep pore treatment pads. - These while they do not miraculously get rid of the spot, holding one against the spot for a few minutes or more makes the spot white and easier to cover with make up.
- Tea tree oil - This does help reduce the size of spots.
- Tea tree blemish gel. - Available at boots, this is great for spots that are ready to squeeze, never squeeze red spots. This gel quickly reduces the size of spots.
- Toothpaste. - If you leave this on overnight, it can help to reduce the size of red spots.
- Calamine lotion. - I have never actually tried this one myself, but apparently it works very well.
- Sudocrem. - Leave on overnight, it can help minimize breakouts. Not effective on everyone.
- Nail polish remover. - Helps reduce redness and size of big spots.
- Moisturising. - This does not clear spots, but it does stop the dryness of spots which allows better make up coverage of spots.
- Clearasil facial washes. - Over a few days this can help make skin clearer. Wash with warm water, rinse with cold water and pat dry.
- Cleanse, tone and moisturize. - This is get all dirt and make up out of the skin to unclog the pores. This can help prevent breakouts or the further spreading of spots on the face.
While these remedies can help to get rid of spots in a hurry, it is not a long term spot treatment or prevention. These methods will not work on all skin types and some skin types may be slightly more sensitive than others to these products. Never use more than one spot treatment at a time, this can aggravate the skin making spots even worse. Number 11, can be used along with spot treatments and should be followed if you use make up or your skin is exposed to high levels of pollution or dirt.
Friday, 19 February 2010
How to get spot free skin:
After a few weeks, these steps will make your skin much clearer. Make sure you complete all the steps for the best results.
- First of all wash your face with a really good but gentle face wash. Wash using warm water, be gentle with the skin, rinse with cold water to close the pores, pat dry with a towel.
- Leave skin for 5 minutes, to ensure fully dry, 10 minutes if you have been showering or bathing.
- Next take some "oxy on the spot" cream and squeeze enough to cover half of your first two fingers in a zig zag line. Gently smooth the cream over your face, making sure it is fully absorbed. Make sure that you only lightly glide the cream across the face (this takes longer, but it allows the cream to better penetrate the skin, it also stops any form of aggravation).
- Leave your skin for 15 minutes.
- Lastly moisturize the skin, make sure you get a really good moisturizer. Ones with aloe Vera or jojoba oil work well, and keep skin from drying out too much.
For the first two weeks follow the above routine completely. After two weeks use two finger fulls of cream in a zig zag line. The reason for this is the skin needs time to get used to the cream. If you use the full amount too soon it will dry your skin out, which will make the spots look and feel worse. With this routine the skin may get a little drier than usual, but it will settle down if you keep moisturising, use a smaller amount of moisturizer than the amount of cream you are using.
A great way to really hydrate the skin is boots plant extract moisturising face mask. This can be left on over night for the best effects. Please continue the regime even if you experience a little drying of the skin, if your skin gets too dry then use less cream and moisturize more often during the day. However if you experience any irritation, stop using the cream.
Let me know how this routine works for you, i will be happy to answer any questions. I will be posting more skin treatments and other health and beauty care. Any subject you wish me to write about, please feel free to leave a request and i will do my best to meet your requirements!
Monday, 15 February 2010
Web of lies!
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Monday, 1 February 2010
Tears for you!

From hell.
Is this the only escape?
Easily convinced of each new failure you find,