Friday, 27 November 2009
The evolution theory and all that ties in with it!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
"Monkey see Monkey do"

Freedom and peace!
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Sweet escape!
Safe inside a mad dream!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Black sheep...
Watching big brother watching you!

Saturday, 21 November 2009
Lack of emotion!
Friday, 20 November 2009
Tales of the sea!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Killing me not so softly!
Without guidance!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Religions teach stupidity and reliance upon the person in charge of their place of worship, rules are created to keep people who choose to follow these orders in their religion in place. Religion has always been about control, but also in many cases of not so old religions it is about money making, scamming the weak minded with false promises in order to line their thieving pockets. Take Jehovah's witnesses for instance, their promise of "paradise" instead of the more common promise of "heaven" not only this but it states in their religious books (i use the term "books" because they frequently bring out new ones) that:
- The old will be young
- The sick will be healthy
- The crippled will walk
Basically it says that any kind of weakness or illness will be cured and that person will be "normal" in the healthy sense. This preys on the weaknesses that affect everyone by giving them empty hope.
All religions have sins and "commandments"; this word commandment is as it says commanding people to do things and the strange thing is against their better judgement many people follow these rules and do as they are told.
Judaism and Islam require the top of the head to be covered as it offends god, but if it offends god so, why did he create it that way? The idea of circumcision as well seems a bit odd really, if the foreskin is offensive why does it exist? Or is that the creator of Judaism's way of seeing how far he could get people to go? Well it worked and i dare say he had a god-damn good laugh about it too!
Most religions have similarities with the worship which was practiced by the Egyptians, for example the Indians believe that the cow is sacred and the Egyptians worshipped the bull (Apis).
The christian cross and the Egyptian ankh look very similar apart from the ankh is a cross with a loop at the top (view picture at the top of this post)
The Catholic religion was a strong means for control over people leading them to believe they would go to heaven for behaving a certain way. Confession is
Still waters run deep
Monday, 16 November 2009
Grave release
fallen angel!
Retribution of the grave
Friday, 13 November 2009
The law protects only those who break it!
Monday, 9 November 2009
A feast of poison!
Meat is full of food dye to make it look more red, hormones for growth and preservatives all these things are highly addictive and added mainly for that reason but also because obviously the growth hormones mean they have bigger pieces of meat to sell and can make even more money from it.
Chickens are electrocuted whilst being dipped in to water to kill them one might think this is quick and humane but in fact it is not a fool proof system as chickens tend to enjoy looking around at what is going on and since they are suspended upside down from their feet they will be rather baffled as to what is happening and if they lift their heads when they are supposed to be shocked they are still alive during what follows which is plucking and being hacked to pieces. The chickens body is soaked in water to clean it, while being soaked it will absorb a large amount of the water which is full of the faeces of other chickens, so when you buy a large chicken you are paying mostly for the water it absorbed that is including the faeces! Have you ever noticed when you cook a chicken how watery the juices are? Also another point anything that a chicken is suffering from will infect the other chickens that are washed in the same water.
Pigs, chickens and cattle are hemmed into small spaces where they poo and are forced to eat where they are pooing eating their own and other animals leavings which humans then eat when they have the meat.
Also the link below is about E numbers:
Anyone who turns from a meat eater to a vegetarian or vegan adapts to vegetarian food and often hates the sight or even the smell of meat, if they try to eat meat after becoming used to a vegetarian diet they will not enjoy the flavour anymore and it will often make them sick. I believe this to be because the additives are no longer influencing the persons body, also humans were never intended to eat other animals it is one step away from cannibalism, meat lowers the vibrational level of the body allowing us to be more easily controlled. Meat is not good for the body neither are products that are stolen from animals such as eggs and milk (cheese is made from milk so i class it as being milk) no meat is good for you watch this it explains in greater details the damage such things cause to your body!
Additives are placed in all types of food, have you ever noticed a sudden uncontrollable urge to eat a certain type of food come over you and you can't go without whatever it is you're craving? Well that would be down to these many poisonous additives placed in your everyday foods as well as treats.
So many dangerous chemicals go in to food yet when they are pointed out people seem to believe that it is impossible for them to be too dangerous as otherwise they would not be put in to our food and obviously this is a lie, since if you look up E numbers, aspartame or any artificial sweetener, MSG, vaccines, fluoride or any additives you will find information proving that these things are highly toxic and have caused many people considerable damages to their health. No matter how much proof you provide people seem to still believe the official media (that buy their false proof) over actual facts.
I have provided two links one about the dangers of meat and other such products that come from animals and one that shows the dangers of E numbers, please view them and find out for yourself the true dangers of such things!
Salt and sugar are added to pretty much every type of food found in a super market even fruit, sugar and salt are highly addictive and bad for the body in large amounts. On the packet it may say such a percentage of your guideline daily amount but you will find that that percentage only covers a small portion of the packet, when you add up everything you consume daily and check the amount of salt and sugar plus saturated fats and anything else bad for you it comes to far more than your guideline daily amount and since they will know that it is every type of food near enough they know we are consuming more than our fair share of these things it is obvious they would let us eat food containing dangerous chemicals.