- Aspartame
- Sorbitol
- Saccharin
- Neotame
- Acesulfame potassium
- Sucralose
- E numbers - each a different poison
- Mono sodium glutamate
The first six listed are artificial sweeteners which can be bought in a jar as a substitute sugar, these artificial sweeteners cause symptoms that are identical with ADHD and other illnesses brain tumors, mental retardation, birth defects, epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, and Diabetes." Sucralose under goes a process chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups, chlorine is a known carcinogen, a carcinogen is a substance that is capable of causing cancer in humans or animals.
MSG causes diabetes, adrenal gland malfunction, seizures, high blood pressure, excessive weight gain, stroke and other health problems. Glutamate is a natural amino acid found in foods containing protein, like milk, mushrooms and fish. Mono sodium glutamate, manufactured with only the sodium salt of glutamate.
E numbers are better known for being harmful yet we do not know what they are and people continue to consume E numbers in their foods without considering the damaging effects i will add a link with better information on this:
But these harmful chemicals are not the only problems with food and drink, these days our diet has become poor we neglect many of the needed food groups and stuff ourselves with junk such as take aways, sweets and cakes, coffee, tea and other stimulants (in tablet form or other wise), crisps, processed food, alcohol, meat (which is thought to lower the bodies vibrational levels) these types of unhealthy options are often the most appetizing or easy selection.
- Take aways are full of fat and often make us feel unwell afterwards, they can also be addictive and preferred to cooking they are expensive and unhealthy.
- Sweets are bad for our teeth, addictive, and cause a crash in insulin levels leaving us craving more sugar it is so addictive at times that it can cause nasty effects if it is avoided for a certain length of time, it can take a while for these painful effects to lift and the addiction to pass, these effects include headaches, migraines, mood swings, depression, restlessness and mostly tiredness also it can cause people to suffer from shaking.
- Stimulants make us feel awake for a short period of time but when this wears off we feel even more tired and need more, they are addictive and can cause unpleasant effects due to withdrawal such as headaches, tiredness, and sleeplessness.
- Crisps are bad for the waistline hold no nutritional value and are full of harmful chemicals and additives, leaving us wanting even more so we end up in a routine of buying them regularly.
- Processed foods are full of chemicals and usually not very healthy even if you opt for low fat selections these meals often contain more fat than is listed and generally have more fat in than the normal options.
- Alcohol dulls the senses, some types contain artificial sweeteners, it is bad for the waistline, addictive and can cause anger.
- Meat is the next step to cannibalism and is not exactly good for you either this link will explain further: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7013531865677237350&ei=IUBmSt6QLdqv-Aa6ncBc&q=dieses+dont+just+happen&hl=en#docid=-4264154550868035327
In order to be healthy and look after our bodies better we need to avoid these foods and take on a healthier lifestyle it involves checking labels and cooking for yourself, look through all the information i have provided and decide for yourselves whether you want to risk your health by consuming such poisons.
Someone once said to me that if we avoided these things we would have nothing to eat or drink this is the most ridiculous remark i have ever heard! in avoiding harmful chemicals we are looking after our bodies and our families health as well and all it takes is learning what is safe what is not it is not all that much effort to cook our own food and would it really be that much of a loss to avoid dangerous chemicals in the foods that will kill you? i don't think it is of course it is down to you what you believe.
Vegetables are safer than meat as it is full of steroids, antibiotics, hormones and the meat is dyed so that it looks really red (meat is not naturally that red). Homegrown is always the best choice if it is possible, if not then organic or fresh from a market stall is fine as well.
Our bodies need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals daily that only fruit and vegetables can provide us with obviously dairy can hold its benefits as well but milk is full of the same chemicals that we get from the meat also they keep the animals artificially pregnant killing the unborn baby cruelly! (although if a breastfeeding woman doesn't have enough calcium intake it can cause health problems such as brittle bones and dental problems breastfeeding women give their natural supply of calcium to the baby and need extra in order to maintain healthy teeth)
Please view the provided links and feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this post if you wish to discuss any of this information. Thanks.