Do you ever walk around thinking my god they are all dressed the same and even the facial appearance is pretty much the same? Don't worry not many others do either, that is because a smoke screen has been put in front of our eyes so that we fall for the lie that we are actually being individual by looking, thinking and behaving the same.
Fashion keeps us dressed the same and each fashion is to keep individuality at bay but using the smoke screen to convince us we are free and individual we all have to wear clothes but all clothes come from fashion designers keeping us in line with one fashion or another and these days people follow fashion addicted to it, it becomes more important than anything else because the physical appearance is something people worry over so to make themselves look and feel better they spend, spend, spend on all types of fashionable items. The fear they plant in the mind is physical appearance through using celebrities making them look a certain way we notice that we do not look that way (because actually no one does) and then we have magazines that criticize celebrities for being too fat, too thin, for having minor flaws such as spots or stretch marks, being make up free, not wearing fashionable clothes while out and about this all leads us to vanity through fear of being criticized for our own physical appearance, and people reading these magazines start to never leave the house make up free and criticize others in much the same way magazines do which spreads this vanity further a field.
The mind is a wonderful but easily influenced thing, it doesn't take much to manifest an idea by merely planting it in someones mind by praying on their fears you can make it a reality.
People these days wonder around in this manifestation they believe is reality, programmed in to following fashion, supporting football teams, needing up to date material goods, and looking and behaving the same as everyone else believing that they are being individual not seeing past this smoke screen set up to cover up that we are being trained to think, act and look a set out way so that we are not only easily controlled but also easily read, the government store information on everyone using things like face book and other social networks online, mobile phones this information helps them see your thought patterns in this they can understand your true nature and what your next possible moves will be, i believe that this also helps them to keep the control moving forward as they see in to our minds finding out what we are interested in so they can constantly create new things for us to want that help them further keep tabs on us and monitor our thought even more so to see if we are in any way a threat to the NWO.
Like i have mentioned before in some of my posts, atoms are not solid which shows that nothing that we perceive to be solid actually is, it is an illusion and since this is fact that atoms are not solid this proves that what we see everyday is not our actual existence but a sham created because in this illusion we are more easily controlled than we would be in our actual existence.
Control goes back as far as this reality has been around, from slavery to religion and so forth. This physical reality was manifested to give our Zionist rulers complete domination over us.
If for centuries we have had ideas planted to control us through this sordid existence how do we break the cycle without causing our own demise?
I suspect that if we take small steps towards training the mind over generations of such training we will again evolve but for the better, if the generations get used to this way of thinking mentally we will become stronger, even so the small steps cancel out control in their own way as we learn to control our own manifestations we gain freedom and knowledge thinking for ourselves and truly being individual.
What brings me to the conclusion that in small steps we may be able to control our thoughts and train our mind is a simple idea that has been played around with...... this is something i read a while ago but i cannot remember who it was by i would imagine that if you look it up online you will find other people with the same kind of idea.
If you tell yourself and truly believe that nettles will not sting you then they won't, nettles only sting because that fear is placed inside our minds and it manifests leaving is with an unpleasant sting should we come in to contact with nettles....... this same theory i find applies to many things for one "wasps" if you are not bothered by wasps they will pretty much leave you alone even if they are close to you they won't attack, yet if you are afraid of them they come to you making the situation worse and sometimes leading to you being stung.
So if we can train our minds with little ideas such as nettles and insects and turn that fear around maybe it is also possible to phase our bigger fears that will help shatter the control of the Zionist rulers once and for all.
All that it takes to train your mind is telling yourself a certain thing for example: "the nettles will not sting me" telling yourself this and believing it will help you move on to the next step when you are ready you can touch the nettles and you won't be stung you need to be calm and focused because just telling yourself is not enough you have to train yourself in to that thought pattern otherwise it will not work.
Fear is the biggest problem of all it makes way for such control that we these days suffer, if that fear is placed in our minds then it manifests when it manifests it becomes our reality so when the evil Zionist rulers planted this fabrication of life it became our reality and slowly but surely they have gained complete control over all that we know planting even more in to our fragile brains..... All that we have to do is regain control over our thoughts and then we will eventually be free this will take time and lots of effort, you don't think they gained control of everything we know of over night do you no they planned and took small steps to ease us in to the illusion and now it is time we evolved past this in to a higher state of being.